Dated 24.01.2025I Nitinsingh Kishansingh Gautam Ra Mandvi T.KinwatDistt. I am a resident of Nanded and purchased a Unicon motorcycle on financefrom Rajva Honda showroom, Yavatmal on 15.02.2024 and got the first servicingdone in Yavatmal and the second servicing done in Kinwat. Till then the bikewas running fine but suddenly the motorcycle started stalling while running.Due to this reason, on 22.11.2024, when I went to Rajva Showroom, Yavatmal totake my motorcycle, I was given a job card number JC-MH140002-02-2425-012464and was told that since the motorcycle was under insurance, I would have topark the vehicle for 3 days. I returned home after parking the car at theshowroom. After three days, after repeatedly calling Roshansar, he called me on Sunday, 08.12.2024. On the day I was called, mywife and I went to the showroom. The motorcycle was parked in a corner and nowork had been done as per the job card. When I went to the showroom manager, anargument broke out and the manager attacked me with the intention of hittingme. After that, I When I asked for a camplet register, I was given a simpleregister. Nowadays, there are many companies that use a single register, but itis a shame that you are a company and are using a single register like a lot ofcompanies.Anyway, after that, when I asked for a job card, todayis Sunday, not Monday. This was said and given the condition of the motorcycle,it seemed that the motorcycle had been stripped of its parts and put intoanother vehicle, as this vehicle was within the warranty period and there wasno other, and the smell of gasoline in the vehicle had been removed. Meanwhile,Sughda Roshan Sir washed the motorcycle and took it out of the showroom. Thesaid motorcycle was not starting and was shutting down while driving. Sughdainsulted me and my wife and took it out of the showroom.Hoping that even after all this, there would be someimprovement, I went to Mahalaxmi Motorcycle India Pvt. Ltd. Dasnapur Adilabadshowroom on 17.01.2025 at 4.00 pm and was asked to come on 18.01.2025. So, on18.01.2025, I received a call from the Reji showroom, so I went at 4.00 pm andasked the mechanic. I had taken the motorcycle for a service. The motorcyclestopped working twice while I was riding it. The first time it started fine,the second time it did not start at all. Since the second day was a holiday, Iwent on Monday, 20.01.2025, so I had to pay the servicing bill first. Came. Andwhen I tried to start the motorcycle, it wouldn’t start. Then they said therewas a battery problem. The battery will not come for 15 days, the motorcyclewill have to be stored. Till today, the motorcycle is still in the showroom.Whether the company made the showroom for thecustomer’s convenience or to rob the customersFirst servicing at Yavatmal, oil change, half a bill,second servicing at Kinwat, oil change, removal of good parts of themotorcycle, paid When I went to Yavatmal for servicing, they took out partswithout doing any work, took out petrol, humiliated me, threatened me, did notdo any work on the job card after the third servicing, and collected the billand kept the motorcycle. Due to all this and mental distress, I filed acomplaint with your company through the consumer forum. Why are there argumentsagainst it?Also, since the motorcycle has many problems and thecolor of the motorcycle is fading, it should be given a new one. This is ahumble request.
Whether the company made the showroom for the customer’s convenience or to rob the customers
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