I Adv. Madhup Kumar ( Adv. Supreme Court of India ) would like to say you that :
1. That My wife namely Suneeta generally on line shopping items as her wish and choice from her mob no. 70xxxxxx96 through your App since many years.
2. That one of the item sent by your end not her selection. Then on 10.06.2024 about 11 am I tried to registered a complaint through your customer care number and dialed number from my mobile number bearing mobile no. 80xxxxxx99. After pickup my number opposite caller suggest to download an APP as ” avvaldesk ” and he assured that through this App my money will be return back.
3. I started to download the said App and he said that my senior will help you and then a lady mam started help me but in the mean time I received a massage from my bank that Rs. 55000.34 debited but due to excess of limit the said amount returned back in my account then she tried to debited Rs.24998.00 but due to technical issued this amount also debited from my account but the same is also returned back in my account. I tried to immediate contacted in my bank to block my account but my phone went to hacked and no any kay worked . Then I shutdown my phone and restarted my phone and immediate blocked my account from customer care. Involvement of persons whose mobile ph. numbers are 9910XX8374, 8213XX8651 and 8363XX4589.
4. That some month ago my wife placed an order for potted plant and he received a packet which have only piece of soil but no any plant.
5. That now I and my wife will not be believed your on line business and in future I not suggest any persons who can involve the shopping from your on line App.
6. That this nothing but a tricky drama to grab hard earned money from innocent customer through the collaboration of son hacker App.
Through this notice I informed you that I will get a chance to you to settled the matter with me otherwise I filed a cyber crime case for tried to hacked my hard earned money through your side involvement in competent court of law of recovery of Rs. 2,00,000.00 as a mental tension charges and damages .
Madhup Kumar
Advocate, Supreme Court of India