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Less service period considered for pension


My pension fixed less because of full service period not considered.I furnishing details as below
PF no MP/3618/171
UPKNP/001670200 00000450
UAN NO 100213542470
I am following since my retirement time
Lodged Greivance
SRSGR/E/2023/00623 dt 30/11/2023
SRSGR/E/2024/00258 dt 06/06/2024
SRSGR/E/2024/00274 dt 18/06/2024
ROUPR/E/2024/03333 dt 06/06/2024
Despite greivance request there is no solution and case closed every time without solutions.
I have attended meeting with PF officials,visited personally to Sagar and Jabalpur office.
I thankful to Sh Randheer Gautam ji ,Sagar PF office who is responding me now a days but he unable to help due to service not traceable at Sagar office.There is no change of my employer/establishment.Service period from Sept’1980 to 31/05/2000 not considered whils fixing.There is no service gap and deduction of PF within my complet service.
PPO no MP/SGR/00032093
Request for rectification of me pension pl
Thanks & Regards

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