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dissatisfactory service


Dear team ,
I have a running car loan with loan number XXXXX4723, I was getting Topup offers multiple times from HDFC loan department , So as I have requirement of the loan I walked up to HDFC
Bank lona department they provided number of Manish (ph : 999961XXXX) bank address :-
Unit No 6, Ground Floor, Corporate Sewa Park
MG Road
Gurugram – 122001.
Manish asked me to send certain documents, I sent all documets in whatsapp then he asked me to keep vehicle ready for inspection, and I did. Now its been 15 days Manish has been wasting my time by giving excuses everytime , I am in need of the loan I would have walked to any other bank but I choose HDFC as it has my salary account and also have existing loans from HDFC, I have been calling Manish but now he is not lifting my call, because of the people like manish Customer experience gets affected, He is non profession, not worthy and true towards his work.
Customer should be always priority when the industry is itself customer-facing. I want This person to be punished severely so that in future no one gets affected, he has wasted my lot time and due to his ignorance and not willing to work attitude has lead me to a loss in a deal which was dependent on this loan amount.

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