Register a complaint by using the toll-free helpline numbers, WhatsApp number, and e-mail of Lucknow Nagar Nigam. Also, call the centralised emergency control room of the LMC Head Quarter or Zonal Offices. Residents may also file an online complaint directly to the nodal officers of respective departments of Lucknow Municipal Corporation.
Customers can call on the official helpline numbers, customer care numbers e-mails, or WhatsApp to NPCL. You can also lodge online electricity complaints on the portal to get faster redressal.
call on the toll-free customer care numbers, official helpline numbers, and WhatsApp numbers of KESCO in Kanpur. Also, customers have the option to lodge online electricity complaints by using the portal.
Customers can call on the toll-free customer care numbers of Torrent Power Limited to the concerned city's call centre or can register an online electricity complaint by using the account details on the portal of Torrent Power.