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Parrywear angle cock price misleading


My order ID. OD332412657655109100 , dated 25/09/2024, delivred on02/10/2024.
The price printed on Parrywear Angle cock is Rs. 620/- pcs. The Flipkart is misleading the customer ,quoting the actual rate Rs.2000/- per pcs. after discount Rs.600/- . I was not aware of the actual rate ,ordered for 2 pcs.My concern is why you mislead the consumer ? can’t you write original rate of the product ? I purchase from Flipkart due to heavy discount ,otherwise same product is available at our local market @ less than printed price . Its reduclas,You can cheat only once , in future myself ,relatives and freinds will never order from Flipkart. I have presrved the packaging , the printed price have been tried to remove ,but still visible. I need your reply to my issue as early as possible.

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