Mr. MOHAMED Ibrahim
N°7,1st Cross
Mariayal Nagar
Phone :XXXXXX4757
Consumer No :XXXXXXX0751
Meter No: 63165193
Dear Madam /Sir
Chief Engineer
SUBJECT: Reporting of a meter malfunction/stuck and to change it
Puducherry 01/02/2024
Electricity Department of Puducherry
Currently, I have an electricity meter for the access point mentioned in the subject for which I
request intervention from you.
For several months, I have noticed that it is damaged/obsolete or poorly adjusted and that this
causes malfunction/stuck reading of my actual consumption. Therefore, I request that my electric meter
be changed/repaired as soon as possible.
To this end, this malfunction has more repercussions on my billing, I request you to kindly
intervene by approaching my electricity meter line. I am therefore at your disposal to arrange a future
appointment with the technician appointed for the intervention.
In this expectation, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.