Andaman and Nicobar Electricity Department is owned by the government of India. It is engaged in electricity distribution and supply services in the islands of Andaman and Nicobar. It has separate zones and electricity generation plants for each island where electricity services are available because each island is not directly connected to land. A & N island comes under the union territory of India and all services related to power supply come under her.
Sub-divisions of electricity supply in Andaman and Nicobar:
- North Andaman
- South Andaman
- North Nicobar
- South Nicobar
Have your complaints about the Electricity Board of Andaman & Nicobar or any related issues?
In Andaman and Nicobar DISCOM, you can lodge complaints related to electricity bills, transformer issues, meter defects, new connections, electricity theft, supply problems, and smart meter glitches. The primary categories of issues include billing disputes, supply concerns, and other technical problems related to power supply & online services.
You can register all these complaints to divisional offices or further to the head office of the A&N Electricity Department.
If not resolved, then you may escalate the submitted electricity complaint to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) and other relevant authorities.
How to File a Complaint of Electricity Department, Andaman & Nicobar Island?
The Andaman and Nicobar Electricity Department has customer care numbers and electricity helplines, ensuring 24×7 accessibility for registering complaints. To register a complaint about the ED, A&N, follow the instructions below.
Grievance Redressal Information:
Grievance Fee | ₹0/- (No charges) |
Complaint Redressal Time | Immediate (24×7) or may take 7-30 days (Based on the Issues) |
Escalation Matrix:
Level 1: Complain to Customer Service/Divisional Office, Andaman and Nicobar Electricity Department through:
- Toll-free customer care number
- Email/WhatsApp
- Online complaint submission
- Visit your nearest sub-station
Level 2: Head Office of Electricity Department, Andaman and Nicobar
Level 3: Escalate the complaint to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), ED A&N Islands
Level 4: Appeal to Electricity Ombudsman, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERCUTS)
Level 1: Customer Service, ED, A&N
Contact customer service using the electricity helpline number and online portal:
- ED A&N Complaint Number: +913192232404
- Email: eodb_and.electricity@gov.in, seelectricity@yahoo.co.in
- Online Complaint Submission: File a complaint
For other online services of ED, such as new electricity connection, ownership changes, meter connection, or download application forms, log in or register your account with the Electricity Department portal.
Visit Nearest Sub-Station: Additionally, You can locate your nearest power sub-station (divisional office) and file your complaint in person.
For more details, contact your divisional officers:
Division Officers, ED | Contact information |
Executive Engineer (HQ) | Phone: +913192232593 Email: eodb_and.eehqelec@gov.in |
Executive Engineer, Nicobar Division (ND) | Phone: +913192233190 Email: eodb_and.eecnelec@gov.in |
Executive Engineer, Rangat Division (Rural) | Phone: +913192274335 Email: eodb_and.eeranelec@gov.in |
Executive Engineer, North Andaman Division (NAD) | Phone: +913192278172 Email: eodb_and.eenaelec@gov.in |
Executive Engineer (NRSE) | Phone: +913192250577 Email: eodb_and.eenrseelec@gov.in |
Executive Engineer, Power Generation(PG) | Phone: +913192240197 Email: eodb_and.eepgelec@gov.in |
Executive Engineer, South Andaman Division (SAD) | Phone: +913192232549 Email: eodb_and.eesaelec@gov.in |
Level 2: Nodal Officer, HQ
If your complaint is not resolved within 7 working days at Level 1, escalate the disputed matter to the Nodal Officer at the Headquarters of the Electricity Department.
You may write a grievance letter or send an email with the following details:
- Connection number (if required)
- Reference ID of the previous complaint
- Copies of supporting documents
Contact details of the Nodal Officer:
Designation | Nodal Officer, Electricity Department of A&N |
Phone Number | +913192241015, +913192232404 (St. Engineer) |
eodb_and.electricity@gov.in, eodb_and.seelec@gov.in (SE) | |
Address | EE (HQ), Division Office, Mohanpura, Port Blair |
Level 3: Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum – CGRF
If your complaint is not resolved within the given resolution period at Level 2, escalate the matter by lodging an electricity grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of the Electricity Department, Andaman and Nicobar.
Required details within the complaint letter:
- Reference Number: Provide the reference number of your previous complaint filed with the Electricity Board, A&N Islands.
- Nature of Relief: Clearly state the nature of relief you are seeking from the Board.
- Documents: Attach copies of relevant documents/bills supporting your issues to validate your complaint.
- Signed Declaration Form: Include a signed declaration form confirming the authenticity of your complaint.
- Deadline: Ensure your grievance is submitted within 60 days after the expiry of the resolution period or after receiving the final decision from the Electricity Board, A&N Islands, whichever is earlier.
- Personal Details: Include your personal information, connection number, and bill details if your complaint pertains to billing disputes.
Acknowledgement Receipt: After submitting the form to CGRF, request an acknowledgement receipt to confirm the successful submission of your complaint to the Forum.
Contact details of CGRF, EoDB of Andaman & Nicobar Islands:
Designation | Members, CGRF – A&N Islands |
Phone Number | +913192244822 |
Cgrf.and@nic.in | |
Address | Office of the CGRF – Electricity Department, Horticulture Road, Haddo, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. |
Not satisfied with the final order of CGRF?
If your complaint is not resolved after escalating it to the CGRF or dissatisfied with the final order, then you have the right to appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman, Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JERCUTS) for further resolution.