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PFRDA – File a Complaint to Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)


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The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) regulates the NPS (National Pension System) and Atal Pension Yojana (APS). PFRDA was established in August 2003 by the government of India.

It is an authority that regulates pension funds and protects the interests of subscribers of the pension scheme and matters that fall under its purview. You can lodge a grievance to PFRDA about the pension issues/claims.

The NPS subscribers, APY subscribers, and NPS lite/Swavalamban subscribers of pension funds can register complaints about the claims, transactions, verification, delay in pension fund claims, and other pension services.

Subscribers or citizens can use the Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) to raise their pension grievances to Protean eGov Technologies Limited and KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd. You can call the toll-free helpline numbers or file an online complaint.

Let us find out more about the official contact details, procedure, and important links to file an online complaint to the concerned grievance authorities (PFRDA, Pension Ombudsman, and Securities Appellate).

How to File a Complaint to PFRDA about NPS/APY Pension Services?

As per the PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations 2015, you can lodge a grievance about NPS/APY pension claims and services to the PFRDA authority on Protean eGov Technologies Limited (NSDL).

The 5 Levels for Grievance Redressal of Pension (NPS/APY) Services:

  1. Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) for Pension
  2. National Pension System Trust (GRO)
  3. PFRDA Ombudsman
  4. Appeal to PFRDA Ombudsman
  5. Securities Appellate Tribunal

Grievance Registration Fee and Redressal Time:

Grievance Fee ₹0 (No Charges)
Redressal Time 30 working days

NPS and APY Information Desk Toll-Free Numbers:

NPS Helpdesk Number 1800110708
APY Helpdesk Number 1800110069
SMS “NPS” 56677
NPS Trust WhatsApp Number
(Only for Queries & Help)
Lodge Online Grievance Click to comtact

First, you will have to file a pension complaint to level 1, if the grievance is not resolved within 30 days, then you may approach level 2 and further authorities. Follow the instructions and available guidance to get faster redressal of your issues related to pension services.

Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) for Pension

At level 1, file an online complaint or call the toll-free customer care numbers of the Central Grievance Management System (CGMS) authorities CRA under which PRAN is generated. The issues of the National Pension System (NPS) and Atal Pension Yojana (APY) will be resolved by the concerned authority within 30 days.

List of the Authorities & Portal that come under CGMS to Lodge a Grievance:

  • CAMS NPS Portal
  • Central Record-keeping Agencies (CRA)
    • Protean e-Gov Technologies Limited (NSDL)
    • Kfin Technologies Pvt. Ltd (Kfintech)
  • Trustee Banks & Annuity Service Providers (ASP)

To know the helpline numbers, or file an online complaint about pension services of NPS, APY, and other government pension schemes, follow the information below.

1. National Pension System (NPS)

National Pension System (NPS) subscribers who have generated PRAN on the Computer Age Management System (CAMS) Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) eNPS portal can lodge online complaints about the pension services (claims, account opening, withdrawal, schemes, and other issues).

Lodge a Pension Complaint to CAMS NPS

Register Complaints to CAMS NPS (Helplines, E-mail, and Online Portals):

NPS Helpline Number 04466024888
File Online Complaint to CAMS NPS File Complaint
Subscriber Grievance Registration Form Download/view

Tips – After successful registration of the grievance, don’t forget to note down the grievance registration number to track the status and for future reference.

CAMS NPS Online Grievance registration Guidance
CAMS NPS Online Grievance registration Guidance screenshot (

To Lodge Grievance by Letter/Physical Form:

  • Download the subscriber grievance registration form (form G1) from Table.
  • Take a printout and fill out the required information.
  • Fill out subscriber information, details, and the nature of the grievance.
  • Finally, submit it to the official address of the National Pension System (NPS) or send it by post.

Tips – Keep a copy of the grievance form for yourself for future reference. A unique grievance number will be provided on the registered mobile number. Use this number to track the status by visiting the online complaint portal.

Official Address of CAMS NPS:

  • Address: Grievance Redressal Officer, Central Recordkeeping Agency, Computer Age Management Services Ltd., No. 158, Rayala Towers, Anna Salai, Chennai – 60000.

Read More: Grievance Redressal Policy of CAMS NPS

Note – If your pension complaint is not redressed within 30 days or not satisfied by the final order then lodge a grievance to the GRO of the National Pension System Trust (NPS).

2. Protean e-Gov Technologies Limited (NSDL)

If you are an NPS or APY subscriber, or NPS Lite/Swavalamban Subscriber and generated a PRAN number at CRA of NSDL e-Governance (Protean e-Gov Technologies Limited). You can file an online grievance or can call on the helpline numbers to complain about NPS/APY (Atal PensionYojana), and other related pension schemes.

You can also lodge a grievance against Annuity Service Providers (ASP) of pension services that are HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd, Life Insurance Corporation of India, SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd, and Star Union Dai-Ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

File an NPS/APY Grievance

File a Complaint to Protean e-Gov Technologies Limited (NSDL):

NPS Toll-Free Helpline Number
(Authenticate with TPIN)
APY Pension Helpline Number
(Authenticate with DOB)
Lodge Online Grievance File Complaint
Track the Status of the Grievance NPS Subscriber
APY/Other Subscribers
NPS Subscriber Grievance Registration Form

Subscribers can use the toll-free number of NPS or APY pension grievances or can file an online complaint by opening an online grievance form by visiting the link above the table.

CRA NSDL Online Grievance Registration Form Guidance
CRA NSDL Online Grievance Registration Form Guidance Screenshot (

Tips – Don’t forget to note down the grievance reference number to track the status of the pension complaint.

Instruction to Lodge an Offline/Written Grievance:

  • Download the grievance form from Table.
  • Take the printout and fill out the required information.
  • Send the NPS grievance form/letter to the official address of Protean e-Gov Technologies Limited (NSDL).
  • Keep a copy of the application form for yourself.

Official Address of Protean e-Gov Technologies Limited (NSDL):

  • Address: Protean e Gov Technologies Limited (earlier known as NSDL e-governance), 1st Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400013.

Grievance Redressal Officers of NSDL (Only for NPS):

Officer E-mail
Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO)
(Escalation Level 1)
Chief Grievance Redressal Officer (CGRO)
(Escalation Level 2)

Read More: Grievance Redressal Policy for CRA (NPS)

Note – If your pension complaint is not redressed within 30 days by the concerned authorities of NSDL or ASPs and is not satisfied by the final order, then lodge a grievance with the GRO of the National Pension System Trust (NPS).

3. KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd

NPS Subscribers who use PRAN that was generated on CRA under KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd. can register a grievance about the NPS pension services. You can use the toll-free number, lodge an online complaint, or write a grievance letter to the Grievance officer of KFintech.

Register NPS Grievance

File NPS Complaint to KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd.:

NPS Toll-Free Helpline Number
(Authenticate with I-PIN)
(For Queries)
Lodge Online Grievance to KFintech File Complaint
Track the Status of the Grievance Track Status
NPS Subscriber Grievance Registration Form (Form G1)
NPS Mobile App Android | iOS

After successful registration of the grievance on the online portal or by toll-free number, note down the unique grievance number to track the status or use it for future reference.

Online NPS Grievance Registration at CRA Kfintech guidance

Steps to Lodge a Written Grievance:

  • Download the grievance form (Form G1).
  • Fill out the required information.
  • Send the written grievance form to the official address of KFintech.

Note: If your grievance is not resolved within 30 days by the concerned department then escalate the NPS grievance application form to Grievance Redressal Officers (GROs) of Level 1 and Level 2.

Official Address of GROs, KFin Technologies Pvt. Ltd.:

Escalation Level 1:

  • Address: Grievance Redressal Officer, Central Recordkeeping Agency,
    KFin Technologies Limited, (Formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited), Selenium, Tower B, Plot Nos. 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad-500032.
  • Phone: 04079615733
  • Email

Escalation Level 2:

  • Address: Chief Grievance Redressal Officer, Central Recordkeeping Agency, KFin Technologies Limited (Formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited), Selenium, Tower B, Plot Nos. 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad – 500032.
  • Phone: 04079615669
  • Email

⇒ Visit For Recent Contact Updates NPS KFintech (Contact Us)

Note – Grievance not resolved within 30 days by Kfintech or unsatisfied with final order? Approach to the National Pension System Trust (Grievance office).

Read More: NPS Grievance Redressal Policy, KFin Technologies Private Limited

Also Read: File the Banks related Grievance to the Banking Ombudsman of RBI

National Pension System (NPS) Trust

National Pension System Trust is the higher authority where NPS/APY pension subscribers can lodge a grievance to the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO). If your complaint is not resolved/pending more than 30 days then you may file a grievance to the GRO of NPS Trust.

Subscribers can escalate the unresolved complaint application with the unique grievance number (Token number) to the GRO of NPS Trust or can write a grievance letter. The important information about the Grievance Redressal Officer of NPS Trust is given below.

Lodge a Grievance to NPS Trust

Details for Escalating a Grievance to GROs of NPS Trust:

NPS Trust WhatsApp Number
(For Queries)
NPS Help desk 1800110708
APY Help desk 1800110069
Lodge an Online Grievance  Click to register

Tips – To lodge a written grievance, attach a copy of the previous complaint form or application with the unique grievance number (token no.) and send it to the official address of the NPS Trust.

Official Address and Contact Details of National Pension System (NPS) Trust:

  • Address: Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO), National Pension System Trust, 14th Floor, IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019.
  • Phone: +911147207700

Read More: Procedure for handling escalation of grievances in NPS by NPS Trust

Note – If your grievance is not resolved within 30 days or you are not satisfied with the order of the National Pension System Trust, you may approach the PFRDA Ombudsman.

PFRDA Ombudsman

The Pension Ombudsman is appointed by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) in terms of the PFRDA (Redressal of Subscriber Grievance) Regulations, 2015. You may lodge a grievance with the Ombudsman about the previous complaint that was not resolved by the National Pension System Trust within 30 days after the submission date.

Subscribers have to submit a written grievance application in the prescribed format as given below. Download the form and follow the instructions to fill out the subscriber grievance redressal form of the PFRDA Ombudsman.


  • The grievance must be filed after the expiry of 30 days or the final order of the previous complaint by NPS Trust.
  • Must mention the Token no. or unique grievance number.


  • Download the grievance application form of the PFRDA Ombudsman:
  • Fill out the required information about personal and pension details.
  • Provide a description of the issues regarding the pension service.
  • Attach a copy of the submitted complaint form to the GRO of the National Pension System Trust.
  • Attach all the required documents as mentioned in the form.

Finally, submit the grievance form to the Ombudsman of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) at its official address by yourself or send it by post.

Postal Address and Contact Details of Pension Ombudsman of PFRDA:

  • Address: The Ombudsman, The Office of the Ombudsman, O/o Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). Plot No-14/A, Chhatrapati Shiva Ji Bhawan, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
  • Phone: 011-26517507 Ext. 188
  • E-mail:

Notice: Not satisfied with the final order? File an appeal to the designated Ombudsman member of the PFRDA.

File an Appeal to PFRDA

If you are not satisfied with the final order of the Ombudsman, subscribers can file an appeal to the Ombudsman department of the PFRDA with a copy of the previous grievance form and final order.

File an Appeal at:

  • Address: Ombudsman Department, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, Qutub Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi – 110016.

Read More: Grievance Redressal Mechanism of PFRDA

Note – Yet not satisfied with the final order or grievance is not resolved? Finally, you may file a petition to the Security Appellate Tribunal against the concerned Central Recordkeeping Agencies (CRA) for NPS/APY or other pension fund services.

Security Appellate Tribunal

Subscribers or Nadal officers of the organization on behalf of pension subscribers can file a petition to the Security Appellate Tribunal against the final order of the Ombudsman of PFRDA.

Know More: Contact and Forms of the Security Appellate Tribunal


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