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GESCOM – Helplines to Register Electricity Complaint to Electricity Board, Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd (GESCOM)


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Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd, source –

Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd (GESCOM) is an electricity distribution company that provides electricity services in the Gulbarga Zone of Karnataka. GESCOM is the subsidiary of the Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB).

GESCOM was established in July 2002 and provides electricity services in 7 districts of Karnataka. More than 34 lakh customers of urban and rural areas are getting electricity services from the Electricity Board of GESCOM. It is divided into 16 divisions.


  • Gulbarga
  • Bidar
  • Raichur
  • Bellary
  • Yadgiri
  • Koppal

Many customers of GESCOM get all the available services of electricity in their respective divisions. Due to the hilly and western ghat region of Karnataka state, many consumers have to face troubles and issues of the electricity supply interruption and other services like electricity bills, transformer failure, meter, payment, or other issues.

Consumers of GESCOM can register electricity complaints about issues and problems with the power supply. You can call on the customer care helpline numbers and also can lodge an online complaint on the portal of GESCOM. We have provided all the official helplines in the below sections.

Tips If your electricity complaint is not resolved by GESCOM as per the given period or unsatisfied then you can lodge a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), GESCOM, and further can approach the Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka. Follow the below instructions.

Circles & Divisions of the GESCOM in Karnataka:

GESCOM Map in Karnataka
source –
  • Bellary
  • Bidar
  • Gulbarga
  • Gangavathi
  • Hospet
  • Humnabad
  • Koppal
  • Raichur
  • Sedam
  • Sindhanoor
  • Yadgir

Types of the Electricity Complaints:

  • Failure or interruption of the electric power supply
  • Electricity bills complaints and changes in tariff
  • Allegation of staff for corruption or other complaints
  • Application for new connection or additional load
  • Reconnection or disconnection complaints
  • Distribution transformer failure or fault due to high or low voltage
  • Service line breakdown
  • Issue of the certificates
  • Metering related complaint
  • Payment of Solatium in case of electric accidents
  • Refund of deposits
  • Safety issues and theft report
  • Voltage variations
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Other complaints about the GESCOM services

How to File an Electricity Complaint to GESCOM?

GESCOM (Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd) has provided some helplines to register complaints about the electricity services if any customer faces such issues. Consumers can use the GESCOM toll-free customer care helpline numbers and also can register online complaints on the official portal. If your complaint is not resolved then you can approach the higher authorities of GESCOM.

Every consumer of GESCOM can use this information to get electricity services and also can register complaints if they face issues while using any service. More details are provided in the below sections to get redressal of the serious complaints.

GESCOM Electricity Customer Care Numbers

If any customer is facing such issues that interrupt the electricity supply or any problem with any other services of GESCOM can use the below toll-free customer care numbers or helpline numbers and WhatsApp number of GESCOM to register an electricity complaint in the northern region of the Karnataka.

Toll-Free Customer Care Numbers & WhatsApp Numbers of the Electricity Department of GESCOM:

GESCOM Electricity Complaint Numbers 1912, 1902, 18004258585
WhatsApp Number of GESCOM +919480847593
Complaint via SMS
(Type ‘GESCOM‘ to send SMS)
58888, 57575, 56561

Provide the following information to register an electricity complaint:

  • Consumer Number/Connection Number
  • Consumer Name
  • Phone Number
  • Type of Complaint
  • Location/Address of the issue

TipsIf your complaint is not redressed within the time limit of GESCOM then lodge a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, GESCOM.

Register Online Complaint

GESCOM has provided an online complaint form on the portal to register online electricity complaints from consumers. You can follow the below links and information to register online complaints about the issues of the electricity services of the Board (EB, GESCOM) that are listed at the beginning of the post.

Portals and Links to Register Online GESCOM Electricity Complaints:

Register Online Electricity Complaint of GESCOM Register Now


Guidance to register online electricity complaint to GESCOM
Source –
  • Visit the above link to register an online electricity complaint to GESCOM.
  • Fill out the complaint form with the required information.
  • Select the category & sub-category of the complaint.
  • Describe the issue of electricity service and submit it.
  • Note down the docket number to track the status of the complaint.
  • To track the status of the complaint, click on the same above link and select the option track complaint.
  • Noteif your complaint is not resolved or unsatisfied then select the option Sakala Complaint by clicking on the above link and fill out the grievance form with the docket number.
  • Further, if your complaint is not resolved by GESCOM then you can use the below options.

TipsIs the Electricity complaint not resolved or unsatisfied? Lodge grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, GESCOM.

Lodge Grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, GESCOM (Karnakata)

Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, GESCOM is a forum where you can lodge grievances against the final decision or unresolved complaints by GESCOM as per the Electricity (Regulation) Act, 2003.

So, Follow the below instructions and official details of CGRF to lodge a successful grievance to the CGRF or GESCOM.


  • Download the application form A for CGRF from GESCOM portal
  • Fill out the required information or write the grievance application in the given format.
  • Write the details of the Nominee and their signature.
  • Provide the docket number of the previous complaint of GESCOM.
  • Provide the details of the licensee and the address of your sub-division.
  • Attach all the required documents and proofs.
  • Send the grievance application form by post or submit it yourself at the office of your concerned CGRF. Use the below-provided details of the address.
  • NoteKeep a copy of the application form for future reference.

Official Details of the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, GESCOM:

District (Zone) Address of the CGRF, GESCOM
Kalaburagi Superintending Engineer (EI),
O&M Circle, GESCOM
Station Main Road, Kalaburagi-585102
Yadgir Superintending Engineer (EI),
O&M Circle, GESCOM
Station Main Road, Kalaburagi-585102
Bidar I/c Superintending Engineer (EI),
O&M Circle, GESCOM
Raichur Superintending Engineer (EI),
O&M Circle, GESCOM
Near Basaveshwara Circle Opp. LIC Office,
Koppal Superintending Engineer (EI),
O&M Koppal Circle, GESCOM
Munirabad (Headquarters),
Bellary Superintending Engineer (EI),
O&M Circle, GESCOM
Satyanarayanapete, 1st Cross,

TipsIf your grievance is not resolved within 30 to 45 days or unsatisfied with the final order of the CGRF then you can file a petition to the Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka. Follow the below instructions.

File Petition to the Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka against GESCOM

Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka comes under the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission where consumers of the GESCOM can file petitions against the final order or grievance is not resolved by the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, GESCOM of your concerned region within the given time limit.

As per the Electricity (Regulation) Act, 2003, you can file the petition in the given application format of the Electricity Ombudsman. Follow the below instructions to fill out the representation form.


  • Download the Representation Form B to a file petition:
  • Take a printout of pages no. 15, 16 & 17 of Form B.
  • Fill out the required information in the representation form of the Electricity Ombudsman.
  • Write the personal and connection details
  • Attach a copy of the submitted application form to the CGRF of your concerned circle of GESCOM.
  • Attach all the required documents and proofs.
  • Sign the application form and also provide the details of the nominee (Representation on your behalf).
  • Attach the documents with the petition form and send them to the official address of the Electricity Ombudsman or you can submit them at the office address by yourself.
    • NoteKeep a copy of the petition form to yourself for future reference.

Official Address and Contact Details of Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka (KERC):

  • Address: The Electricity Ombudsman
    Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission,
    No.16 C-1, Miller Tank Bed Area,
    (Behind Jain Hospital), Vasanthanagara,
  • Phone: +918041692617
  • Fax: 08041692617
  • E-mail:

TipsIf you are not satisfied with the final order of the Electricity Ombudsman then you may approach the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, the High Court of Karnakata, and the Supreme Court of India.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Ltd (GESCOM)

Q. What is the electricity customer care number of GESCOM?
A. The toll-free customer care number of GESCOM to register electricity complaints is 1912, 18004258585 where consumers can register any type of complaint related to the power supply with the concerned Electricity Department/Board.

Q. What is the WhatsApp number of GESCOM for electricity complaints & services?
A. GESCOM WhatsApp number is +919480847593 where consumers can send messages to register an electricity complaint.

Q. Where can I complain if the issue is not resolved by GESCOM with a time limit?
A. You can lodge a grievance to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), GESCOM of your concerned circle against the previous complaint of GESCOM. Remember, further you can approach the Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka.

Q. How to track the outgoing or scheduled power supply status by the GESCOM in northern Karnataka?
A. Consumers can track the status of the ongoing or scheduled outages of the electric power supply by clicking ‘ Urja Mitra GESCOM‘ where select your region and check the planned or ongoing power supply outage.

Q. How to apply online for the new electricity connection of GESCOM?
A. You can apply for the new electricity connection of GESCOM by filling out the online application form.

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