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PGMS – How to File an Online Complaint to the Department and Ministries of Government of NCT of Delhi?

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Public Grievance Monitoring System (PGMS) is an integrated complaint registration mechanism to file an online complaint to the Public Grievances Commission against the officials of concerned departments or ministries of the Government of NCT of Delhi. Every person who resides or belongs to the NCT of Delhi may lodge a grievance about the issues, unethical practices (corruption), and public services (citizen or services) to the concerned Public Grievance Cell.

PGMS has ensured a transparent and responsible procedure to resolve the issues of the people so every person can get fair and fast public services without any compromise. Every citizen has the right to raise their voice against the quality of public/citizen services to the respective governments.

Major Categories of the Departments of Government of Delhi:

  • Health – Family welfare, hospitals, child care, blood bank, etc.
  • Education – Elementary education, universities and technical institutions, and higher education.
  • Employment/Business – Recruitments, employment exchanges, and related tenders.
  • Housing – DDA (Delhi Development Authority), Property tax, Registrar Co-operative societies DUSIB-Rehabiliation of JJ Basties, etc.
  • Anti Corruption Bureau – Vigilance department for corruption & unethical practices.
  • Senior Citizen Corner – Old age homes and assistance schemes, Sr. Citizen’s recreation centres.
  • Home & Community – Birth certificate, marriage certificate and registration citizen-centric services, etc.
  • Travel & Tourism – Places, Visas/passport, Bed & breakfast, tourism facilities and management, etc.
  • Transport – Vehicle registration, Driving licenses, Delhi Metro, and DTC (Bus).
  • Taxes & Finance – VAT, Excise, Property tax, and finance.
  • Power Department – Power department (PG cell), Tata Power-DDL, BSES Rajdhani and Yamuna Power Limited.
  • Other departments and services that come under the govt. of NCT of Delhi.

You may lodge an online grievance about these services of the Departments/Ministries to the concerned designated Public Grievance Officer/Director of the PG Commission. Before filing a complaint, first you should register a complaint with the concerned regional officers of the departments or public services authority.

Note – If not satisfied or the complaint is not resolved by these institutions or authorities or the nature of the issue is very sensitive (unethical practices – bribery, harassment, corruption, etc.), you may directly file an online grievance to get redressal of the problems with the given time limit as prescribed by the PG Cell of the respective departments.

How to Lodge a Grievance to Public Grievances Commission at PGMS of Government of NCT of Delhi?

The Government of NCT of Delhi has many departments that come under different ministries. The PGMS (Public Grievance Monitoring System) is an integrated grievance registration portal that has made the easy to file a complaint to the Public Grievances Commission against any department or ministry.

The Grievance Registration Fee & Redressal Time:

Grievance Fee No Charges (₹0)
Acknowledgement Receipt Time Within 5 working days
Case Hearing Timeline Within 3 Weeks
Redressal of the Grievance Within 3 to 6 months of 1st hearing

To know more, read the Citizen Charter of the Public Grievance Commission of GNCTD.

The Ways to File a Complaint to the Public Grievances Commission, Delhi:

  • E-mail –
  • Written Application in Physical Form
  • PGMS (Public Grievance Monitoring System) to Lodge Online Grievance

You may lodge an online grievance, write an application, or e-mail it to the Secretary of the Public Grievances Commission. For online complaints, you may use a single platform that is PGMS. For this, always keep relevant information or any evidence to make your complaints more understandable and acceptable to the nodal officers.

Helpline Numbers

Important toll-free Helpline Numbers and E-mails of the Helpline Centers of Some departments/ ministries (Govt. of Delhi)  are available that citizens may use to Report/File a Complaint. These are the primary stage where you may raise your issues to get instant redressal of the problems.

The Toll-Free Helpline Numbers and E-mail of Govt. of Delhi:

Delhi Anti-Corruption Helpline Number 1031, +911127357169
PWD Toll-Free Complaint Number +911800110093
E-mail (for PWD complaints)
Businessman/Taxation Helpline Number 180042500025
Water Helpline Number (Delhi) 1916
Auto/Transport Department Complaint Number +911123958836
DDMA Helpline Number 1077

Tips – You may raise your complaints at these helpline numbers of the concerned departments, after successful registration of your issue, please ask for the reference number of the registered complaint for future usage and as evidence.

Note If not satisfied, have not resolved the registered complaints, or the issues belong to other departments/ministries then you should lodge an online complaint on the PGMS portal. Follow the instructions below.

File an Online Complaint

Every person who resides in Delhi may file an online complaint about the issues related to citizen-centric services offered by the various ministries and their respective departments which come under the Government of NCT of Delhi. For this, the PGMS portal as mentioned before can be used 24×7.

Before lodging a grievance, you should ensure that the instructions and procedures are followed properly. Make the checklist of required documents, the details of the previous complaints, and the steps that you should follow.

The Major Categories of the Grievance Entertained by the Commission:

  • Omission or Commission on the part of public officials
  • Inaction – For any public service/complaints
  • Harassment – Threatening or misuse of power
  • Corrupt practices – bribery, demand for any favour, etc.
  • Abuse of power and authority by any officials.

All this information is mentioned below so, you just need to read it carefully before submission of your grievance to the respective departments.

Required Documents

The list of required documents to file an acceptable complaint:

  • Personal Details – Name, Contact number, address, etc.
  • Evidence or Supportive Documents (if required) – Relevant to the case or issue (PDF/JPEG/JPG).
  • The image of the incident or proof (if any).
  • Other supportive documents or certificates related to the complaint or officer/ department.
  • A copy or acknowledgement receipt/reference of a previously registered complaint to respective officers of the department/ministry (if any).

These documents will make your case strong and will help you to get faster redressal of the problem. You may also use this evidence for future reference.


Follow the Procedure to lodge an online complaint to various departments/Ministries of the Government of NCT of Delhi. Also, read the instructions step by step to prevent yourself from making any mistakes while filling out the online form.

Step 1 – Visit the links or E-mail to File an Online Grievance at PGMS of Govt. of NCT of Delhi:

Lodge an Online Grievance at PGMS (Delhi) Lodge Your Grievance
Track the Status of Registered Grievance Track Now

Tips – To file an Online Complaint about Departments/Ministries of the Central Government you may use the CPGRAMS – Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System portal.

Step 2 – Fill out the required and mandatory information of grievance in the online form:

Public Grievance Online Form Filling Guidance GNCT Delhi
Public Grievance Online Form Filling Guidance GNCT Delhi (
  • Description – The brief details of the complaint and hints of the relevant evidence & proof within a maximum of 2000 characters. (Do not use special characters (~, `, !, $, ^, *, {, }, [, ], |, <, >, ”, —) within form).
  • Upload Documents – If necessary, upload the required documents as listed above (also acceptable in Hindi font). The maximum size of the file can be 2 MB (acceptable format – PDF/JPEG/JPG only).
  • Department, Locality, and Grievance Site Address – Select the department concerned with the grievance and locality (address of office). Enter the address of the office/department or the site where the issue has occurred.

Step 3 – Enter the personal details of the complainant or yourself like Name, mobile number, e-mail ID (if any), and address.

Guidance for Online Registration of Public Grievance to GNCT of Delhi
Guidance for Online Registration of Public Grievance to GNCT of Delhi (

Step 4 – Submit the form and note down the grievance/reference number after successful submission of the complaint form which can be used to track the status. To track the status, you may visit the link from the table above.

Note You may write an application in Hindi or English to the Public Grievances Commission of Delhi by mentioning this information with a brief description of the complaint and also attaching supportive documents. Send this grievance application to the official address of the commission by post, e-mail or visit the office to submit it yourself. Use the address and contact details mentioned below.

The Address and Contact Details of the Public Grievances Commission, Delhi

The Official Address, E-mail, and Other Contact Details of the Public Grievances Commission of the Government of NCT of Delhi are:

Tips – After successful submission of the application, ask for the acknowledgement receipt from the reception/helpdesk of the PGC office. If you have sent the physical application form by post, the receipt will be provided within 5 working days.

Note If the complaint referred to the Head of the Department/Principal Secretaries is not redressed/resolved or not satisfied with the final order/resolution then the complainant (you) may escalate/refer the registered complaint to the concerned Deputy Secretaries of the department/ministry.

If you desire, may also approach the Lokayukta of Delhi for the unaddressed complaints about corruption, favouritism, abuse of power and position, etc. Further, you may choose legal options like respective administrative tribunals or courts.

The Nodal Officers for Public Grievances (GNCTD): Address & Contact Numbers

You may approach the nodal officers (public grievance cell) of the respective departments of the GNCT of Delhi to get help or lodge a grievance. The contact numbers and addresses are mentioned below, you may use them as per your requirements.

Departments of the Delhi Government: Nodal Officers for PG

1. Department of Archaeology:

Phone Number +911123868918
Address Dy. Director, Department of Archaeology,
Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006.

2. Department of Archives:

Phone Number +911126962800
Address Dy. Director, Department of Archives,
18-A, Satsang Vihar Marg, Instt. Area, New Delhi-110067.

3. Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital:

Phone Number +911123968938
Address Surgeon, Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital,
5-Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054.

4. Department of Audit:

Phone Number +911123392001, +911123392004
Address Under Secretary (Finance Accounts), Department of Audit,
4-C, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi-110001.

5. Chief Electoral Officer:

Phone Number +911123933054
Address DCEO, Chief Electoral Office,
Old St. Stephen Bldg., Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006.

6. Department of Chit Fund:

Phone Number +911123317692
Address Registrar, Department of Chit Fund,
3rd Floor, Sales Tax Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi.

7. Department of Co-operative Societies:

Phone Number +911123361058
Address Asstt. Registrar, Department of Co-operative Societies,
Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001.

8. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Hospital:

Phone Number +911125494013
Address CMO, NFSG, Deen Dayal Upadhayay Hospital,
Hari Nagar, New Delhi-110064.

9. Delhi College of Engineering:

Phone Number +911127871022
Address Asstt. Professor, Delhi College of Engineering,
Bawana Road, Delhi-110042.

9. Department of Family Welfare:

Phone Number +911123922798
Address S.S.O. Dptt. of Family Welfare,
Malka Ganj, Delhi-110007

10. Department of Agriculture and Market:

Phone Number +911123890180
Address Jt. Director, Dpt. of Agrl. and Mkt.
20, Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054.

11. Deputy Commissioner

DC Zones Contact Number and Address
DC South-West
Address: ADM, Southwest, Old Terminal Tax Building, Kapashera-110037.
DC North-West +911125953786
Address: Admn. (Northwest), Village Kanjhawala, Delhi-110081.
DC East +911122019620
Address: Dy. Commissioner (East), LM Bund, Shastri Bhawan-110001.
DC South +911126568774
Address: ADM (South), MB Road, Saket-110017.
DC North-East
Address: SDM (Seelmapur/HQ), DSIDC Bldg., Weavers Complex, Nand Nagar, Delhi-110093.
DC North
Address: SDM (HQ) 1-Kripa Narain Marg, Delhi-110054.
DC West
Address: ADM (West), Old Middle School Building, Rampura, Delhi-110035.

12. DCP Vigilance:

DCP (Vigilance) District Contact Number and Address
North District
Address: ACP/PG Cell/North Distt., O/o DCP, Civil Lines, North Distt.
North-West District
Address: ACP/PG Cell/Northwest, Distt. Room No. 214, Ashok Vihar, Northwest, Delhi.
East District
Address: DCP (Vigilance), DCP/East Distt., Delhi.

13. Department of Delhi Fire Servies:

Phone Number +911123414333
Address Dy. Chief Fire Officer, Connaught Lane, New Delhi.

14. Department of Development:

Phone Number +911123918817
Address Dy. Director (HQ), 5/9 Underhill Road, Delhi-110054.

15. Department of Drug Control:

Phone Number +911123980121
Address Dy. Drug Controller, 15-Sham Nath Marg, Delhi.

16. Department of Prosecution:

Phone Number +911123934570
Address Chief Prosecutor Crime & Rlys., Room No. 176, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi.

17. Department of Education:

Phone Number +911123890181
Address Education Addl. DE (Admn.), Room No. 9, Old Sectt., Delhi-110054.

18. Department of Environment:

Phone Number +911123392028
Address Dy. Secretary, 6-C, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi.

19. Department of Exercise:

Phone Number +911123378091
Address Dy. Commissioner, L-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.

20. Department of Food & Supplies:

Phone Number +911123378026
Address Additional Secretary, K-Block, Vikas Bhawan, New Delhi – 110002.

21. G.B. Pant Hospital:

Phone Number +911123233001
Address CMO (NFSG), G. B. Pant Hospital, New Delhi.

22. GTB Hospital:

Phone Number +911122586262
Address GTB Hospital CMO Dilshad Garden, Delhi-110095.

23. Guru Nanak Eye Centre

Phone Number +911123231955
Address Dy. Medical Supdt., Room No. 7 & 8, OPD Block, Ground Floor, Guru Nanak Eye Centre, Delhi.

24. Department of Health Services:

Phone Number +911122304362
Address CMO (NFSG), F-17, Karkardooma, Delhi.

25. Department of Home Guard & Civil Defence:

Phone Number +911125420338
Address Dy. DG Nishkam, Sewa Bhawan, CTI Complex, Raja Garden, New Delhi-110027.

26. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology:

Phone Number +911123869857
Address Administrative Officer, Old D.C. Campus, Indira Gandhi Instt. of Technology, Kashmere Gate, Delhi.

27. Industry Department:

Phone Number +911123864497
Address Jt. Director (Admn.), Industry Deptt., CPO Bldg., Kashmere Gate, Delhi.

28. Department of Information & Publicity:

Phone Number +911123819046
Address Dy. Director, Information & Publicity Deptt., Block No. 9, Old Sectt., Delhi-110054.

29. Department of Information Technology:

Phone Number /-
Address Additional Secy. (IT), Deptt. of Information Technology, 9-B, Delhi Secretariat, Delhi.

30. Department of Irrigation & Flood:

Phone Number +911123864143
Address Supdt. Surveyor of Work, 4th Floor, ISBT, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006.

31. Deptt. of Labour Commissioner:

Phone Number +911123967495
Address JLC (Admn.), II Floor, C-Block,5, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-110054.

32. Department of Land & Building:

Phone Number +911123370589
Address Jt. Secretary, (Admn./Land) Nodal Officer, B-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002.

33. Department of Law & Justice:

Phone Number +911123392024
Address Jt. Secretary, Law & Justice, 8-C, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi-110001.

34. Lok Nayak Hospital:

Phone Number +911123236400
Address Staff Surgeon, OPD (For Group A&B), Lok Nayak Hospital, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110002.

35. Deptt. of Manpower & Employment:

Phone Number +911123864256, +911123868891 (Dy. Dt.)
Address Jt. Director, Dept. of Manpower & Employment, 2nd Floor, ISBT Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006.

36. Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC):

Phone Number +911123239271
Address AO (Estate), MAMC, Bahadurshah Jaffar Marg, New Delhi.

37. National Cadet Corps (NCC) Directorate:

Phone Number +911123890146
Address NCC Director, National Cadet Corps Dept., Old Sectt., Delhi-110054.

38. Principal Accounts Office (PAO):

Phone Number +911123370766
Address Dy. Controller of Accounts (Tech.), A-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi.

39. Deptt. of Public Grievances Commission (PGC):

Phone Number +911123379900
Address Office Superintendent, 2nd Floor, MBlock, Vikas Bhawan, New Delhi.

40. Department of Planning:

Phone Number +911123392039
Address Jt. Director, Room No. 605, Level-6, B-Wing, IP Estate, Delhi.

41. Police (HQ), District Northwest:

Phone Number +911123288582
Address ACP/PG Cell/C, O/o DCP/Central Distt., Darya Ganj, Delhi.

42. Department of Power:

Phone Number +911123288582
Address Dy. Secretary, Power Dept., 8th Level, B-Wing, IP Estate, Delhi.

43. Dept. of Prevention of Food Adulteration:

Phone Number +911127153923
Address L.H.A., Deptt. of Prevention of Food Adulteration, A-20, Lawrence Road, Delhi-110035.

44. Department of Prohibition:

Phone Number +911123392204
Address Dy. Controller of Accounts, 4-A, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi.

45. Department of Public Works Department (PWD), Chief Engineer Zone-1:

Phone Number +911123317405
Address Engineer Officer 7th Floor, Police Headquarters, I. P. Estate, New Delhi.

46. Dept. of Public Works Department:

Phone Number +911123381501
Address PWD, Circle-II, Curzon Road Barracks, K.G. Marg, New Delhi.

47. Department of Social Welfare:

Phone Number +911123384942
Address Jt. Director (Admn.), 1-Canning Lane, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001.

48. Department of Tourism:

Phone Number +911123930740
Address Jt. Secretary, 4th Level, C-Wing, Delhi Secretary, New Delhi.

49. Department of Training & Technical Education:

Phone Number +911127428772
Address Jt. Secretary (T&TE) Muni Mayaram Marg, Pitampura, Delhi-110088.

50. Department of Transport:

Phone Number +911123973867
Address PRO, 5/9 Underhill Road, Delhi.

51. Department of Urban Development:

Phone Number +911123392215
Address Spl. Secretary (UD), 9th Floor, C-Wing, Delhi Secretariat, Delhi-110001.

52. Dept. of Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities:

Phone Number +911123379513
Address Dy. Director (SCP) 2nd Floor, B-Block, Vikas Bhawan, New Delhi-110002.

53. Dept. of Weights & Measures:

Phone Number +911123379266
Address Controller of Weights & Measures, C-Block, Vikas Bhawan, Delhi.

The Departments of Autonomous Bodies: Nodal Officers for Public Grievances

1. Delhi Commission for Women:

Phone Number +911123379738
Address Asstt. Secretary G-Block, Vikas Bhawan, IP Estate, New Delhi-110002.

2. Delhi Financial Corporation:

Phone Number +911123418741
Address General Manager Saraswati Bhawan, E-Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.

3. Delhi Minorities Commission:

Phone Number +911123370823
Address Dy. Secretary, C-Block, 1st Floor, Vikas Bhawan, New Delhi-110002.

4.  Delhi Transco Limited:

Phone Number +911123231697
Address General Manager (A), Delhi Transco Ltd., Shakti Sadan, Kotla Marg, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi.

5. Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (DSIIDC):

Phone Number +911123315981
Address Chief Manager (Public Relations & Grievance Officer), Bombay Life Building, N-Block, Connaught Circus, New Delhi-110001.

6. Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB):

Phone Number +911122385869
Address Dy. Secretary (Admn.), DSSSB UTCS Building, 3rd Floor, Behind Karkardooma Court’s Complex, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032.

7. Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DT&TDC):

Phone Number +911124624354
Address General Manager, DT&TDC, 18-A, DDA SCO Complex, Defence Colony, New Delhi.

8. Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC):

Phone Number +911123370236
Address Manager, (PR/Grievances), DTC, I. P. Estate, New Delhi.

9. Delhi Cooperative Housing Finance Corporation Limited (DCHFC):

Phone Number +911126495506
Address Sr. Manager, DCHFC, 3/6, Siri Fort Instt. Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110049.

10. Delhi Pharmacy Council:

Phone Number +911123890385
Address Registrar, Delhi Pharmacy Council, Room No. 198, Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054.

11. Delhi State Cooperative Bank Ltd: (DSCB)

Phone Number +911123277664
Address Asstt. General Manager, Delhi State Cooperative Bank Ltd, 31, Netaji Subhash Marg, Delhi.

12. Delhi Agriculture Market Board:

Phone Number +911125517085
Address Dy. Secretary. (A), 9, Instt. Area, Pankha Road, Janak Puri, New Delhi.

13. Delhi Energy Development Authority (DEDA):

Phone Number +911126082465, +911126082465 (Adm.)
Address Director, DEDA, 37, Institutional Area, Tuglakabad, New Delhi.

14. Delhi Jal Board (DJB):

Phone Number +911123511654
Address Additional C.E.O., Delhi Jal Board, Varunalaya, Phase-II, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

15. Delhi Khadi and Village Industries Board (DKVIB):

Phone Number +911123388560
Address Dy. Director, DKVIB, 1-Canning Lane, K.G. Marg, New Delhi.

16. Delhi State Aids Control Society:

Phone Number +911123815830
Address Finance Manager, Delhi State Aids Control Society, 11-Lancer’s Road, Timarpur, Delhi-110054.

17. Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC):

Phone Number /-
Address Administrative Officer, DPCC, 5th Floor, ISBT Building, Kashmere Gate, Delhi.

18. Delhi Consumer’s Cooperative Wholesale Store Ltd (DCCWS Ltd.):

Phone Number +911125446761
Address Accounts Officer, DCCWS Ltd., Karampura Road, Moti Nagar, New Delhi.

19. Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIU):

Phone Number +911123863536
Address Registrar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006.

20. New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC):

Phone Number +911123362267
Address Director (PR), NDMC, Room No. 2001, Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.

21. Netaji Subhas University of Technology (NSIT):

Phone Number +911125099050
Address Professor, NSIT, Azad Hind Fauj Marg, Sector-3, Dwarka, New Delhi-110045.

22. Punjabi Academy, Delhi:

Phone Number +911123615979
Address Secretary, Punjabi Academy, DDA Community Centre, Motia Khan, Pahar Ganj, New Delhi-110055.

23. Rajya Sainik Board (RSB):

Phone Number +91112399876
Address Secretary, RSB, Room No. 1, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054.

24. Sindhi Academy, Delhi:

Phone Number +911123553392
Address Publication Officer, Sindhi Academy, DDA Community Centre, Motia Khan, Pahar Ganj, New Delhi-110055.

25. State Election Commission, Delhi:

Phone Number +911123914156
Address Jt. Election Commissioner/ Secretary, State Election Commission Nigam Bhawan, Kashmere Gate, Delhi.

26. Slum & Resettlement Wing (DUSIB):

Phone Number +911123370990
Address Director (PGC), Slum & Resettlement Wing, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board, B-1, Vikas Kutir, ITO, New Delhi.

27. Urdu Academy, Delhi:

Phone Number +911123830636
Address Office Supdt., Urdu Academy, B-Block, Ist Floor, 5- Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-110054.

These are the contact details of the nodal officers who are appointed to redress the grievances of the respective departments of the GNCT of Delhi. You may write a grievance to these designated officers, contact or visit the office at the given address above.

Frequently Asked Questions About PGMS and PGC of GNCTD

Q.  Where can I lodge a grievance about the departments of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi?
A. You can lodge an online grievance to the Public Grievances Commission (PGC) at the PGMS portal or the designated nodal officers of the respective departments of the GNCT of Delhi for public grievances.

Q. What is the Water Helpline number of Delhi Jal Board?
A. The toll-free water helpline number of Delhi Jal Board is 1916 where you can seek help or register a complaint about water tanks or related issues.

Q. How can I register a complaint to the Public Works Department (PWD) of Delhi?
A. You may call on the complaint helpline number of PWD – +911800110093 or e-mail to file a complaint about the officials or works of the PWD in Delhi.

Q. What is the complaint number of the Delhi Anti-Corruption Bureau?
A. The toll-free helpline/complaint number of the Delhi Anti-Corruption Bureau are 1031 and +911127357169 where citizens can call to report unethical and corrupt practices by any officer/employee of the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

Q. Where can I approach if my complaint is not resolved or not satisfied by the Public Grievances Commission?
A. You may appeal or escalate the complaint to the Deputy Secretaries of the concerned departments and further you may approach the Lokayukta and Lokpal for the unredressed grievances about the officers of the respective departments. If you desire, you may also approach the legal authorities (tribunals or courts of the respective state).


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User Reviews (2)

Jan 11, 2025

Bus driver unsafe and heavy driving

Overall (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Bus route 721 Manglapuri,bus number DL1PC6901,Aaj main(9 oct 2024) loha mandi se mayapuri depot tk ka safar is bus me kar rha tha,bus Driver bahut hi heavy driving kr rha tha,saath me gutka bhi kha rha tha,naraina village se mayapuri tk ke route mein wo bus ko jaise taise bilkul unsafe conditions mein chla rha tha.Meri wife jisko thoda injury aai hai,wo bus ke window se takra gyi thi,Driver ko koi farak nhi pd rha tha unsafe driving krne mein,kripya bus driver ko punish kare.
Dr. Satya Prakhar Srivastava
Sep 14, 2024

Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Unlawful Fine and Harassment by DTC Staff

To Whom It May Concern, I am writing about an incident that occurred on 31st July 2024, at approximately 10:30 AM, on Bus 990C (Bus Number DL 51 EV 0123). I boarded the bus at Rithala Bus Stop around 10:10 AM. The events that transpired during this journey were not only inconvenient but also unlawful and harassing, for which I seek immediate redress. Upon boarding the bus, I attempted to purchase a ticket from the conductor with a 500 INR note. The conductor refused to issue a ticket, citing the lack of change. I then requested to purchase a ticket using my DMRC Metro Card, as advertised by DTC and DMRC. This request was also denied, with the conductor claiming no machine was available for processing Metro Card payments. Subsequently, I attempted to purchase a ticket via the WhatsApp QR code displayed in the bus, which was non-functional. I then tried both the "One Delhi" and "Chartr" mobile applications to leverage the Digital India initiative for ticket purchase. Despite my repeated attempts, entering the bus number (0123) in both applications incorrectly indicated a 990B bus route towards SN Depot. Additionally, scanning the QR codes in the bus either failed due to one being unscannable or incorrectly showed the bus as 990B. While I was contemplating alternative methods to secure a ticket, ATI Rajesh boarded the bus and commenced ticket inspection. I endeavored to explain my situation to him, highlighting my attempts to purchase a ticket and the failure of the digital and physical systems. ATI Rajesh was dismissive and uncooperative, insisting that I should have alighted the bus after a stop or two despite the 990C bus having a frequency exceeding 30 minutes, and my professional obligations as a doctor. ATI Rajesh then demanded 500 INR under the guise of providing change, only to cunningly and falsely impose a fine of 200 INR on me, publicly embarrassing and harassing me in front of other passengers. This unwarranted and deceitful action has caused significant distress and inconvenience. I demand the following actions to rectify this situation: 1. An immediate refund of the 200 INR fine unjustly imposed on me. 2. A written apology from both the depot manager and ATI Rajesh for the harassment and inconvenience caused. 3. A review and rectification of the issues with the digital ticketing system and the functionality of the QR codes. 4. An assurance that such incidents will not recur, with appropriate training and directives issued to DTC staff to handle similar situations more effectively and lawfully. If these demands are not met by 1st August 2024, I will be compelled to pursue legal action against DTC for unlawful fine and public harassment, including but not limited to filing a lawsuit and seeking damages for the distress caused. Please refer to the bus CCTV footage to corroborate my account of the events, where it will be evident that I made continuous efforts to purchase a ticket through various means. I look forward to your prompt and satisfactory resolution to this matter. Sincerely, Dr Satya Prakhar Srivastava


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Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
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Bus route 721 Manglapuri,bus number DL1PC6901,Aaj main(9 oct 2024) loha mandi se mayapuri depot tk ka safar is bus me kar rha tha,bus Driver bahut hi heavy driving kr rha tha,saath me gutka bhi kha rha tha,naraina village se mayapuri tk ke route mein wo bus ko jaise taise bilkul unsafe conditions mein chla rha tha.Meri wife jisko thoda injury aai hai,wo bus ke window se takra gyi thi,Driver ko koi farak nhi pd rha tha unsafe driving krne mein,kripya bus driver ko punish kare.To Whom It May Concern, I am writing about an incident that occurred on 31st July 2024, at approximately 10:30 AM, on Bus 990C (Bus Number DL 51 EV 0123). I boarded the bus at Rithala Bus Stop around 10:10 AM. The events that transpired during this journey were not only inconvenient but also unlawful and harassing, for which I seek immediate redress. Upon boarding the bus, I attempted to purchase a ticket from the conductor with a 500 INR note. The conductor refused to issue a ticket, citing the lack of change. I then requested to purchase a ticket using my DMRC Metro Card, as advertised by DTC and DMRC. This request was also denied, with the conductor claiming no machine was available for processing Metro Card payments. Subsequently, I attempted to purchase a ticket via the WhatsApp QR code displayed in the bus, which was non-functional. I then tried both the "One Delhi" and "Chartr" mobile applications to leverage the Digital India initiative for ticket purchase. Despite my repeated attempts, entering the bus number (0123) in both applications incorrectly indicated a 990B bus route towards SN Depot. Additionally, scanning the QR codes in the bus either failed due to one being unscannable or incorrectly showed the bus as 990B. While I was contemplating alternative methods to secure a ticket, ATI Rajesh boarded the bus and commenced ticket inspection. I endeavored to explain my situation to him, highlighting my attempts to purchase a ticket and the failure of the digital and physical systems. ATI Rajesh was dismissive and uncooperative, insisting that I should have alighted the bus after a stop or two despite the 990C bus having a frequency exceeding 30 minutes, and my professional obligations as a doctor. ATI Rajesh then demanded 500 INR under the guise of providing change, only to cunningly and falsely impose a fine of 200 INR on me, publicly embarrassing and harassing me in front of other passengers. This unwarranted and deceitful action has caused significant distress and inconvenience. I demand the following actions to rectify this situation: 1. An immediate refund of the 200 INR fine unjustly imposed on me. 2. A written apology from both the depot manager and ATI Rajesh for the harassment and inconvenience caused. 3. A review and rectification of the issues with the digital ticketing system and the functionality of the QR codes. 4. An assurance that such incidents will not recur, with appropriate training and directives issued to DTC staff to handle similar situations more effectively and lawfully. If these demands are not met by 1st August 2024, I will be compelled to pursue legal action against DTC for unlawful fine and public harassment, including but not limited to filing a lawsuit and seeking damages for the distress caused. Please refer to the bus CCTV footage to corroborate my account of the events, where it will be evident that I made continuous efforts to purchase a ticket through various means. I look forward to your prompt and satisfactory resolution to this matter. Sincerely, Dr Satya Prakhar SrivastavaPGMS - How to File an Online Complaint to the Department and Ministries of Government of NCT of Delhi?