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NCDRC – File an Online Complaint on E-DAAKHIL to National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission


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National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) is a quasi-judicial body for the redressal of consumer disputes under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. The act ensures the promotion and protection of the rights of each consumer.

The consumer disputes redressal commission has 3 tier structure of National and state commissions and district commissions for speedy and inexpensive resolution of consumer disputes. The Consumer Protection councils are established at the Center, headed by the Minister In-charge of the Department of Consumer Affairs in central government.

Each State and District also has these councils headed by the Minister-in-charge of Consumer Affairs in the state governments to promote consumer awareness and their rights.

Basic Structure of Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission:

  • At present, 678 District Commissions, 35 State Commissions, and the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission are at the apex to resolve the cases of consumer disputes.
  • District Commission is headed by the person who is eligible to be or is a sitting district judge.
  • The State Commission is headed by a judge of the High Court.
  • The National Commission is headed by the sitting or retired judge of the supreme court of India. This commission was first constituted in the year 1988.

Consumers can register complaints against the product or the service provider to the concerned consumer commission based on the amount. You can first file a grievance to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) by the toll-free number.

You can register grievances to NCH about financial fraud & scams, fake or low-quality products, and services, refusal to refund the payment, public services, and other products and services. Then you can approach the Consumer Commissions to get a resolution of your disputes related to the product or service.

How to Register a Complaint to Consumer Commission/Court?

The Consumer Commission has a 3-tier system to redress consumer disputes based on the amount for the compensation or product/service. The apex consumer court is the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC). The others are at the state and district-level consumer commissions as mentioned in the basic structure of the Commission.

Consumers can register a complaint on the online complaint portal E-DAAKHIL or can also use the toll-free IVRS number (currently on the trail) to lodge a grievance about the products and services or against the company.

The CONFONET (Computerization and Computer Networking of Consumer Forums in the Country) is an integrated portal that connects all the consumer commissions and also consumers can track the status of the case.

As per the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 the public utility service is defined as:

  • The transport services for passengers and goods – air, road, or waterways.
  • The postal, telephone, telegram, broadband, or telecom services.
  • Supply of power, light/electricity, water, fuel (LPG/Petro/Diesel or other), or natural gas to the public by any establishments.
  • Insurance services, and
  • Service connection with working of any major port or docket.

The best way to register a complaint is by the online E-DAAKHIL portal further to know the fee and the concerned consumer commission to raise the grievance, read the instructions as mentioned.

Consumer Commissions and Value of Goods and Services

The cases or disputes based on the value of goods and services can be redressed by these consumer commissions. The functions and dispute redressal mechanisms of commissions are divided based on the amount of the disputed product or service.

The Limit of the Case Value of Each Consumer Commission as per the Consumer Protect Act, 2019:

Consumer Protection Act (CPA), 2019
(Consumer Commission)
Product & Service Value Limit
District Commission Up to 1 Crore
State Commission 1 cr – 10 cr
National Commission Above 10 cr

Consumer Rights

  • Right to Safety
  • Right to be Informed
  • Right to Choose
  • Right to Heard
  • Right to Seek Redressal
  • Right to Consumer Education

If these consumer rights are violated by any company or service provider, you may file a complaint with the Consumer Commission or can get help from National Consumer Helpline Number.

File an Online Complaint to E-DAAKHIL

E-DAAKHIL is an online consumer grievance filing (e-filing) portal where you can register an online complaint to any listed consumer commission. You will not need to submit a physical or written application or petition to the registry of the commission.

This online case filing system provides an easy user interface for complainants and advocates to submit their complaints. It ensures faster and more transparent delivery of justice. The number of online complaints through E-DAAKHIL is about 10,000 filed till 2021.

Online Portal to File an Online Complaint to E-DAAKHIL:

Register an Account to File New Case Register Now
Login to E-DAAKHIL Account Login to File a Complaint
Track the Case Status Know Status
Physical Application Form View/Download
User Manual/Help Documents & Videos Click here
Helpdesk Inquiry Online Form Click Here

E-mail your queries and suggestions to – (E-DAAKHIL Support Desk)

Procedure to File a Case at E-DAAKHIL Portal

Step 1: Account Registration as Complainant or Advocate.

Complaint Account Registration on E-DAAKHIL guidance
Guide to registering a complainant account on E-DAAKHIL (screenshot)
  • Visit the link to register an account to file a case.
  • Fill out the required personal details and address.
  • Select the ID proof and upload a PDF file of the document.
  • Submit it and activate the link from the e-mail that you got and OTP.

Step 2: Log in to the E-DAAKHIL Account to File a case or appeal.

File a new case at E_DAAKHIL to consumer commission guidance
Guidance to File a new case at E_DAAKHIL to consumer commission (Screenshot)
  • Visit the link, and log in to your E-DAAKHIL account from the table.
  • From the menu, select filing (by complainant/advocate).
  • Click the file new case.
  • Click on ‘Consumer Case CC” in the new consumer section.
  • Fill out the required information and amount details on the form.
  • Select your commission based on the amount of claim (goods and services).
  • Click the Submit Button.

Step 3: Fill out the following details on the Online Consumer Complaint Form.

Online Consumer Complaint Form at E-DAAKHIL (Screenshot)
Online Consumer Complaint Form at E-DAAKHIL (Screenshot)
  • Case Details – Complaint details, Opposite party details, Complaint advocate details (optional), and summary of the case.
  • Additional Complainant (Optional) – Add the details of the group of complainants, complaint details, and complainant advocate.
  • Additional Opposite Party Details (Optional) – If the opposite party is more than one.
  • Upload the documents – Index (list of the documents), lists of the dates and events, Memo of the parties (with complete address), compliant with the affidavit, or add other documents to support your case.
  • Note The Documents should be filed in English language only or translated copy of any other language.
  • Must provide the signature on the last pages of the copy of the true documents to verify the trustworthiness.

Step 4: Finalize and submit the application.

  • Preview your application form.
  • Enter the Consumer Helpline Number (If already registered a complaint on National Consumer Helpline)
  • Click the finalize button and pay the fee (if applicable).

Remember – Note down the reference/case number to track the status of the case. For this, you can visit the link to track the case status from the table above.

Applicable Fees of Consumer Commission

The fees to file a consumer case on the claimed amount or value of the goods and services are defined in the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. You can pay the fee by the online portal of E-DAAKHIL to submit your case.

The Applicable Fees:

Sl. No. Value of Goods and Services Paid as Consideration Amount of Fee Payable to Court
District Commission
1. Up to ₹5,00,000 (Five Lakh) Nil
2. Above ₹5,00,000 and up to ₹10,00,000 ₹200
3. Above ₹10,00,000 and up to ₹20,00,000 ₹400
4. Above ₹20,00,000 and up to ₹50,00,000 ₹1000
5. Above ₹50,00,000 and up to ₹1,00,00,000 (1 Crore) ₹2000
State Commission
6. Above ₹1,00,00,000 and up to ₹2,00,00,000 ₹2500
7. Above ₹2,00,00,000 and up to ₹4,00,00,000 ₹3000
8. Above ₹4,00,00,000 and up to ₹6,00,00,000 ₹4000
9. Above ₹6,00,00,000 and up to ₹8,00,00,000 ₹5000
10. Above ₹8,00,00,000 and up to ₹10,00,00,000 ₹6000
National Commission
11. Above ₹10,00,00,000 (Ten crores) ₹7500

These are the fees of the consumer commission that the complainant has to pay to register a case.

Useful Online Services

CONFONET: Online Judgement Status Click Here
Mobile App Android | iOS
National Consumer Helpline Numbers 1800114000144041915
Register Complaints on NCH File a Complaint
Social Media Twitter

Track Case Status by SMS

If you have a weak internet connection then the complainant can track the case status and can know the date of the next hearing by sending an SMS to CONFONET.


Send an SMS to 7738299899 in the given format (for case information):
CONFONET StateID/DIstrictID/CaseNumber


  1. National Commission – If your case number is PK/1/2022 and filed a case at NCDRC (National Commission) then send an SMS as:
    CONFONET 0/0/PK/1/2022
  2. State Commission – If your case number is FD/1/2022 and filed at State Commission, Uttar Pradesh, then send an SMS as:
    CONFONET 14/0/FD/1/2022
  3. District Commission – If your case number is AR/1/2022 and filed at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, then send an SMS as:
    CONFONET 15/65/AR/1/2022

DownloadClick Here for State & District Consumer Commission ID

CONFONET IVRS Helpline Number to Know Case Status

CONFONET NCDRC IVRS System allows the complainant to know the case status and also get information about the case. You can call the number to use this IVRS service. This is the easiest way for any consumer to track the status of the registered complaint to the Consumer Commission.


  • The IVRS Helpline Number is 01124300661
  • Click and call this number.
  • Follow the instructions of the IVRS voice assistant.
  • Case number – pronounce the exact case number (example – FP/1/2022) and to confirm it says ‘yes’.

Read More: Procedure of CONFONET NCDRC IVRS System

Address and Contact Details of Consumer Commission

1. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

2. State and District Commissions

State Commission View Address/Contact
District Commission View Address/Contact


Also Read: File Complaint to Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI)

Appeal to State and Nation Consumer Commission

As per the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and (amendment 2019), The consumer can file the first appeal to the state or national consumer commission against the previous judgment or order of the concerned district or state commission. You will have to submit the appeal within 30 days after the date of the final order.

You can file an appeal by online portal E-DAAKHIL with the instructions provided in the manual and videos in the help desk section. Visit the link to log in and appeal to higher consumer commissions. You can also file an appeal by written application form as prescribed by the Consumer Commission.

Time Limit to file an Appeal after final order:

Higher Consumer Commission/Authority Time Limit
Against the order of the District Commission before the State Commission Within 30 days
Against the order of the State Commission before the National Commission Within 30 days

Physical Application Form to File an Appeal to State and National Consumer Commission:

First Appeal Application Form View/Download
Application Form to File Revised Petition View/Download

Important Links of NCDRC:

Instructions to File First Appeal Click Here
Procedure to File Revised Petition Click Here
Request for Transfer of Application Click here

All these services are available online on the E-DAAKHIL portal where you can file an appeal or revised petition with just a click.

Steps to File an Online Appeal on E-DAAKHIL

First, log in at the E-DAAKHIL portal using your registered e-mail and password and follow the instructions:

Procedure to file an appeal to Consumer Commission
Procedure to file an appeal to Consumer Commission (Screenshot)
  • From the menu click File New case.
  • Select the first appeal in the state commission or,
  • Select the first appeal/Revision petition/ second appeal in NCDRC.
  • Enter the consumer case number and search.
  • Select the case, fill it out, and submit the appeal form.

Note – The revision petition and second appeal can only be filed in the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission against the final order of the state commission.

Tips – If you are not satisfied with the final order of the NCDRC even after the verdict of the appeal then you may approach the Supreme Court of India within 45 days after the final order of the commission.

Categories of Consumer Services

The categories of consumer services for which complaints can be registered to the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission are:

  • Agency Services
  • Agriculture
  • Airlines
  • Automobiles
  • Banking
  • Broadband & Internet
  • Consumer Durables
  • Courier & Cargo
  • Digital Payment Modes
  • Direct Selling
  • Drugs & Cosmetics
  • DTH and Cable
  • E-Commerce
  • Electricity
  • Electronics Products
  • Energy & Gas
  • Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
  • Food (Packaged or open)
  • General Public Utility Services
  • General Insurance
  • Govt. Transport
  • Health Services
  • Higher Education
  • Job Oriented Courses
  • Legal Services
  • Legal Metrology
  • Life Insurance
  • Masks
  • Mutual Funds
  • NBFCs (Loans/Deposits)
  • Packers & Movers
  • Petroleum
  • Postal Services
  • Private Education
  • Public Distribution System
  • Publications
  • Railways
  • Real Estate
  • Retail Outlets
  • School Education
  • Shares & Securities
  • Standards (Hallmarks and standard marks)
  • Telecom
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Water Supply

Any other category that is specified under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

Grounds to Claim Compensation

The claim can be compensated by the manufacturer or service provider for the paid product or service if:

  • Defects in product or design
  • The cheap quality or not as mentioned on the label
  • A deviation from the labelled specifications.
  • Refusal to repair within the warranty period
  • Lack of safety or no guidelines to use.
  • Products or services have lower standards and have harmful effects.
  • refund, payment, or higher charges than the MRP rate.

The Compulsory Minimum Particulates in any Bill or Invoice

These are the minimum particulates that should be in any invoice, cash memo, bill, or receipt for any goods and service:

  • The name and address of the seller;
  • A consecutive serial number not exceeding sixteen characters, in one or multiple series.
  • Date of its issue;
  • Name of the consumer;
  • Description of goods or services;
  • Quantity, in the case of goods;
  • Shipping address, where applicable;
  • Taxable value and discounts;
  • Rate of tax;
  • Signature of the seller or his authorized representative;
  • Customer care number or e-mail ID, where available, and
  • The total price in a single figure, along with the breakup price shows all the compulsory and voluntary charges, such as delivery charges, postage and handling charges, conveyance charges, and the applicable tax.

The bill or invoice can be in physical or electronic form. Always remember, that the serial number on the bill should not be removed, altered, replaced, or crushed in any form.

Type of Relief by Consumer Commission

  • The refund of the amount paid for the goods or service
  • Direction to Remove/repair the defects from the product
  • Replacement of the manufactured product or any physical good
  • The compensation as specified by the commission for the loss or injury suffered due to a service or product
  • Repair the deficiencies & defects in product & service
  • To stop, discontinue or ban unfair trade practices or restrictive trade practices.
  • Total Ban of hazardous goods or pressurize to follow the guidelines to prevent hazardous goods from being offered for sale or produce.
  • If loss of injury/harm is faced by a large number of consumers, then compensation amount must be paid (not less than 25% of product or service value) as determined by the commission.
  • Issuing guidelines to correct misleading or fake advertisements and can order to pay a refund or compensation amount.
  • To provide adequate and fair costs to parties or consumers


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Read the Terms and Conditions to use the information for any commercial or profit purpose (Don't violate the Terms of Use). All the information is provided for self-help and guidance to know the rights of the common people.


User Reviews (8)

Feb 22, 2025

street fusion, new delhi order No.ERFT51448 dated 19th Jan 2025

street fusion, new delhi order No.ERFT51448 dated 19th Jan 2025, I have placed an order for 4 nos of Polo Tshirts for Rs.999/- on 19 th January on COD basis. M/s. street fusion sent me a child jeans pants instead of 4 T shirts as per the order confirmation. i have made numerus request mail to them to replace the goods. They have not bothered to arrangement to replace it or not even respond to my E-mails. This is a clearly a cheating case. Request your intervention.
Dr Abbas
Feb 22, 2025

proper information not provided by the Tata goldrash Gomti Nagar Lucknow UP 226010

Subject: Urgent: Missing Spare Wheel & Lack of Documentation – Tata Safari Pure Dear Concern, I am Dr. Abbas, and I recently purchased a Tata Safari Pure from Goldrush, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow (226010). I had booked the vehicle at the same dealership in September 2024 and took delivery on October 3, 2024. Upon receiving the vehicle, I was not provided with a spare wheel, and no checklist or document was filled out to confirm the accessories handed over at the time of delivery. Trusting Tata Motors’ reputation, I assumed the vehicle would include all standard accessories and was unaware that the spare wheel was missing. Unfortunately, I discovered this issue the hard way when one of my tires got punctured while traveling to Delhi. I was stranded midway on the Agra Expressway, and had this happened elsewhere, it could have led to serious trouble. To make matters worse, I later learned that I would have to pay extra for the spare wheel, which was neither communicated to me at the time of booking nor at the time of delivery. This lack of transparency and responsible communication from Tata Motors has caused significant inconvenience. I request you to provide me with the spare wheel and issue a formal apology for not informing me about the missing accessory during the purchase process. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution of this matter. Best regards, Dr. Abbas
Jan 11, 2025

Uber cab service complaint about poor standards

Hi Team, I want to bring to your attention my recent experiences with Uber Cab services. In my opinion, Uber's standards have declined, and drivers are not as professional as before. Additionally, I have found their customer service to be very poor, and their contact number is often unreachable. I had an issue with an Uber ride from Bhartiya City to HSR Sector 6 in Bangalore. I had chosen GPay as my payment option. After the ride, the driver insisted on changing the payment option from GPay to cash, which I was unable to do. He wanted cash because, according to him, Uber doesn't pay well. When I couldn't change the payment option to cash, he started arguing with me. I tried calling Uber's service center, but the call never connected. Later, I raised a complaint regarding this issue and requested to speak with an executive multiple times or receive a call back, but I never received any response from Uber. I am writing this email because I have had similar experiences with Uber in the past and am unsure if anyone is auditing these issues. It is crucial to check Uber's customer service calling facility, which appears to be broken. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Geetanjali Suresh Gaonkar
Jan 11, 2025

Complaint against report collection

In NKS hospital, gulabi bagh New Delhi 110007, This hospital is not providing my reports through my sms I don't know why earlier they use to provide but now they are not Even their website is not working since 6hrs such a long time why are we paying them ? I can't visit the hospital because of some personal reasons but it should be considered Thank you
Sandip rathi
Oct 1, 2024

Want my cash back from the dealer

Overall (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Bought tata safari dark accomplish but got demo car and DEF system fault Dealer snd company not supporting Bought from lexican motors ,matigara, Siliguri
Sep 14, 2024

Payment done but no order confirmation

Overall (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
I was ordering a Rakhi through "" , had entered all the communication details but the payment was declined. I then received a text on my phone number from 'Right Shopping Pvt Ltd' and Team RazorPay to complete the payment through a link. I completed the payment and got an email confirmation of the successful payment. However, I did not receive any OrderId or email about my order confirmation. I have no way to track my order. The contact number on their website and the payment confirmation email is the same but is switched off and their support email ID '' is also non-existent. I got an email failure message when I tried to email them.
Meesho online shopping
Jul 26, 2024

प्रोडक्ट मिसिंग

मैंने मीशो से दो प्रोडक्ट मंगवाए थे और एक ही प्राप्त हुआ और रुपए दोनों के ले लिए कस्टमर केयर को सूचित किया तो वहां से सही जवाब नहीं मिला बोले हमारी कोई गारंटी नहीं है
Apr 24, 2024


Overall (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Sir, I have been scammed twice on your Indiamart site! The first time was $216 and now $1000. The first time customer service did nothing, now I have no response. $1000 is a lot of money for me. I am unemployed and disabled. I had ordered products to be able to continue walking because this product allows me to keep enough muscles to be able to move around. Without him, I know I would end up in a wheelchair. I do not know your role in this large company, where I have been registered for several years, with which I order medicines to treat myself. Please forward my situation to the person who can help me get my money back. Looking forward to your response, thank you in advance. Best regards. Gérôme ABICHAT


Overall (0 out of 5)


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street fusion, new delhi order No.ERFT51448 dated 19th Jan 2025, I have placed an order for 4 nos of Polo Tshirts for Rs.999/- on 19 th January on COD basis. M/s. street fusion sent me a child jeans pants instead of 4 T shirts as per the order confirmation. i have made numerus request mail to them to replace the goods. They have not bothered to arrangement to replace it or not even respond to my E-mails. This is a clearly a cheating case. Request your intervention.Subject: Urgent: Missing Spare Wheel & Lack of Documentation – Tata Safari Pure Dear Concern, I am Dr. Abbas, and I recently purchased a Tata Safari Pure from Goldrush, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow (226010). I had booked the vehicle at the same dealership in September 2024 and took delivery on October 3, 2024. Upon receiving the vehicle, I was not provided with a spare wheel, and no checklist or document was filled out to confirm the accessories handed over at the time of delivery. Trusting Tata Motors’ reputation, I assumed the vehicle would include all standard accessories and was unaware that the spare wheel was missing. Unfortunately, I discovered this issue the hard way when one of my tires got punctured while traveling to Delhi. I was stranded midway on the Agra Expressway, and had this happened elsewhere, it could have led to serious trouble. To make matters worse, I later learned that I would have to pay extra for the spare wheel, which was neither communicated to me at the time of booking nor at the time of delivery. This lack of transparency and responsible communication from Tata Motors has caused significant inconvenience. I request you to provide me with the spare wheel and issue a formal apology for not informing me about the missing accessory during the purchase process. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution of this matter. Best regards, Dr. AbbasHi Team, I want to bring to your attention my recent experiences with Uber Cab services. In my opinion, Uber's standards have declined, and drivers are not as professional as before. Additionally, I have found their customer service to be very poor, and their contact number is often unreachable. I had an issue with an Uber ride from Bhartiya City to HSR Sector 6 in Bangalore. I had chosen GPay as my payment option. After the ride, the driver insisted on changing the payment option from GPay to cash, which I was unable to do. He wanted cash because, according to him, Uber doesn't pay well. When I couldn't change the payment option to cash, he started arguing with me. I tried calling Uber's service center, but the call never connected. Later, I raised a complaint regarding this issue and requested to speak with an executive multiple times or receive a call back, but I never received any response from Uber. I am writing this email because I have had similar experiences with Uber in the past and am unsure if anyone is auditing these issues. It is crucial to check Uber's customer service calling facility, which appears to be broken. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Best regards, Geetanjali Suresh GaonkarIn NKS hospital, gulabi bagh New Delhi 110007, This hospital is not providing my reports through my sms I don't know why earlier they use to provide but now they are not Even their website is not working since 6hrs such a long time why are we paying them ? I can't visit the hospital because of some personal reasons but it should be considered Thank youBought tata safari dark accomplish but got demo car and DEF system fault Dealer snd company not supporting Bought from lexican motors ,matigara, SiliguriNCDRC - File an Online Complaint on E-DAAKHIL to National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission