Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) is the local civic body that governs the city of Vadodara in Gujarat and covers an area of 235.95 sq km. It was established in July 1950 under the Bombay Provincial Corporation Act, 1949. The municipal commissioner is the executive head of the VMC.
Mahanagarpalika is divided into 4 zones and 24 words. These are:
- North Zone: Ward no. 1 to 6
- South Zone: Ward no. 7 to 12
- East Zone: Ward no. 13 to 18
- West Zone: Ward no. 19 to 24
Want to file a complaint? You can use the toll-free citizen helpline number, email/WhatsApp, or the online grievance redressal platform. If the issue remains unresolved, you can escalate the grievance to the Deputy Municipal Commissioner or the Head of Department (HOD) at VMC.
Resolve the issues related to public services and civic amenities to the citizens of Vadodara, such as:
- Property tax collection and assessment
- Water supply and drainage
- Solid waste management and sanitation
- Fire and emergency services
- Health and medical services
- Urban planning and development
- Roads and bridges
- Parks and gardens
- Education and libraries
- Sports and cultural activities
- Animal welfare and zoo management
Further, you may escalate the complaint to the Municipal Commissioner/Mayor of Vadodara Municipal Corporation.
How to File a Complaint to Vadodara Municipal Corporation?
As per the citizen charter of Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), the grievance redressal process is divided into 4 levels. If your initial complaint is not resolved, proceed to escalate the grievance to the designated nodal officers at the next levels.
Grievance Redressal:
Registration fee | No Charges (0) |
Resolution Period | Up to 30 days (May vary, read the citizen charter of Vadodara Mahanagarpalika) |
Refund Period | As per the charges/tax refund rules of the municipal corporation |
4 Levels of Complaint Resolution:
- Level 1: File a complaint to Designated Officers, Vadodara Mahanagarpalika:
- Toll-free citizen helpline number
- WhatsApp/Email
- Online Grievance Redressal (Online form)
- Written complaint letter (Zonal office/headquarters)
- Level 2: Escalate to HOD or Deputy Municipal Commissioner, VMC
- Level 3: Lodge a grievance to the Municipal Commissioner or Mayor (Vadodara Municipal Corporation)
- Level 4: State Public Grievance Authority, Urban Development Department (Govt. of Gujarat)
You can also lodge complaints with the Vadodara Municipal Corporation through the eNagar Gujarat or e-Nagarsewa (Public Service and Grievance Redressal Portal).
Level 1: Complaint to Designated Officer, Vadodara Municipal Corporation
For any concerns related to the civic services provided by the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), covering issues of administration and public services like water, roads, electricity, or waste management, citizens can take action by lodging a formal complaint with the designated officers in the respective departments.
You can either write a complaint letter addressed to the municipal corporation’s headquarters or submit an online form. Please include the following details in your complaint:
- Full name and current residential address.
- The nature of the complaint.
- Identification of the specific department involved (if known).
- Accurate details specifying the location (Area/Ward and Zone).
- A detailed explanation of the problem, including relevant facts such as dates, times, and ward names, if available.
- Supporting documents, if any
1. Citizen Helpline Number
Citizen Helpline Numbers of the Vadodara Mahanagarpalika for civic complaints:
VMC Complaint Number | +912652433116, +91265243318 |
Toll-free Citizen Helpline Number | 18002330265 |
WhatsApp Number | +919913166666 |
commissioner@vmc.gov.in | |
Contact officers | Click Here |
Water Tank helpline | Click to contact |
Other helpline numbers of the VMC control room are:
VMC Control Room Number
VMC Control Room | Helpline Number |
Civic Center | +912652423101, +912652426101 |
Fire | +912652413635, +91997858591 |
if your complaint is not resolved, escalate the complaint to the Deputy Municipal Commissioner or HOD.
2. File an Online Complaint
Citizens can complain online to the Vadodara Municipal Corporation using the following:
Register online complaint to VMC | File your complaint |
Track submitted complaint | Track status |
commissioner@vmc.gov.in | |
Civic Services | Click Here (vmc.gov.in) |
Mobile App | Vadodara Municipal Corporation Android | iOS |
After successfully submitting your complaint, please note down the reference number provided.
This reference number will allow you to track the status of your complaint. If the issue remains unresolved, you can escalate it to the Head of Department (HOD) or Deputy Commissioner at Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC).
Citizens can access a variety of online e-services provided by Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC). These services include:
- Property Tax
- Fire & Emergency
- Water / Drainage
- Gas Bill
- Self Assessment
- Fire NOC
- Birth-Death Certi – Copy
- Contractor Registration
- Food Safety License
To apply for these and other civic services through the “Online Citizen Service” section of the Vadodara Mahanagarpalika.
If the civic services are not delivered within the specified timeframe, you may register a public grievance through the Samadhan (CMO Helpline) portal.
Level 2: Deputy Municipal Commissioner, VMC
If your initial complaint to Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) remains unresolved, escalate it to the Deputy Municipal Commissioner of respective zones or Head of Department.
Provide details of the previous complaint (acknowledgement/reference number), reasons for dissatisfaction, desired resolution, and attach supporting documents.
Contact details of the Deputy Municipal Corporation (DMC) and HOD:
Designation, VMC | Phone Number and Email |
Dy. Muni. Commissioner, West Zone & Addl. City Engineer | Phone: +912652433233 Email: dymc_g@vmc.gov.in, dymcwest@vmc.gov.in, addlcityengr@vmc.gov.in |
Dy. Muni. Commissioner, Admn. & North Zone | Phone: +912652433517 Email: dymc_a@vmc.gov.in |
Dy. Muni. Commissioner (North Zone, Zoo Dept., Planetarium, Street Light Dept.) | Phone: N/A Email: dymcnorth@vmc.gov.in |
Dy. Muni. Commissioner (South Zone) & Addl. City Eng. (Building Project) | Phone: +912652433517 Email: cityengr@vmc.gov.in, dymcsouth@vmc.gov.in |
Dy. Muni.Commissioner (East Zone), Addl. City Engineer (Drainage Project), H.O.D. (Futuristic Planning Cell) | Phone: +912652411057, +912652431741 Email: dymceast@vmc.gov.in, exen.specialproject@vmc.gov.in |
Head of Departments
Contact Details of Other Heads of Department:
Designation, Department | Phone Number and Email |
Chief Health Officer | Phone: +912652432050 Email: moh@vmc.gov.in |
Municipal Secretary | Phone: +912652419906, +912652419907 Email: munisec@vmc.gov.in |
Addl. Medical Officer of Health & Designated Officer (Food Safety) | Phone: +912652562010 Email: addlmoh@vmc.gov.in |
Chief Auditor | Phone: +912652419908 Email: chiefauditor@vmc.gov.in |
Addl. City Engineer (Water Works), Exe. Engineer (Water Supply) | Phone: N/A Email: ace.waterworks@vmc.gov.in, exen.watersupply@vmc.gov.in |
HoD (Solid Waste) & Exe. Engineer (Mech.) | Phone: N/A Email: exen.vehiclepool@vmc.gov.in |
A.M.C. (Rev.) & (West Zone), Vigilance Officer | Phone: +912652792505, PBX Email: amcrev@vmc.gov.in, vigilance@vmc.gov.in |
A.M.C. (North Zone), Ward Officer (Ward-3), HOD (Tourist Office) | Phone: +912652641805 Email: amc.north@vmc.gov.in |
A.M.C. (East Zone), Ward Officer (Ward-05) | Phone: N/A Email: amc.east@vmc.gov.in, wardofficer.w5@vmc.gov.in |
A.M.C. (South Zone) | Phone: +912652465798 Email: amc.south@vmc.gov.in |
Director (Encroachment Removal & Security and Parks & Gardens) | Phone: N/A Email: directorenchroch@vmc.gov.in |
Exe. Engineer (Futuristic Planning Cell, Central Stores, Strom Water Drainage) | Phone: N/A Email: exen.specialproject@vmc.gov.in, exen.stromwaterproject@vmc.gov.in |
Exe. Engineer (Road) | Phone: +912652433344, +912652427557 Email: exen.roadproject@vmc.gov.in |
Level 3: Municipal Commissioner, Vadodara Mahanagarpalika
If the resolution provided by the concerned HOD or Deputy Municipal Commissioners of Vadodara Municipal Corporation doesn’t meet your satisfaction, you can escalate the grievance to the Municipal Commissioner or the Mayor. Here’s how to initiate the escalation process:
- Write a complaint letter or reopen the online complaint.
- Provide details of the previous complaint, including the reference number, and expected resolution, and attach supporting documents.
- Alternatively, escalate your online complaint using your grievance ID through the eNagar Gujarat portal.
- Submit the grievance letter to the Municipal Commissioner via post, email, or in person at the Head Office.
Tip: Don’t forget to take an acknowledgement receipt as proof of submission.
Write a complaint letter to the Municipal Commissioner at:
Designation | Municipal Commissioner/Mayor, VMC |
Phone Number | +912652433344, +912652427557 |
Fax | +912652433060 |
commissioner@vmc.gov.in | |
Address | Municipal Commissioner, Vadodara Municipal Corporation – Khanderao Market, Vadodara – 390001. |
If dissatisfied or if your grievance remains unresolved, you may escalate it to the State Grievance Appellate Authority of the Urban Development and Urban Housing Department, Govt. of Gujarat.
Additionally, for corruption charges against officers/employees, file a complaint to Lokayukta, Gujarat for corruption/bribery.
Level 4: State Appellate Authority, Urban Development Department, Gujarat
Under The Gujarat (Right of Citizens to Public Services) Act, 2013, if Vadodara Municipal Corporation fails to deliver services within the specified timeframe or if complaints remain unresolved even after escalation to the Municipal Commissioner, citizens have the right to file a public grievance with the State Grievance Appellate Authority of the Urban Development and Urban Housing Department (UD&UHD), Govt. of Gujarat.
When lodging a grievance against Vadodara Municipal Corporation, provide a reference number or receipt of previously submitted complaints, including received responses if any.
Please Note: If dissatisfied with the decision made by the concerned department (UD&UHD) of the Government of Gujarat, seek legal assistance for available legal remedies. Additionally, citizens may appeal to the concerned tribunal or judicial court for resolution.
Associated Departments
These are the list of associated departments of the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), about which citizens can register a complaint.
- Revenue Department
- Engineering
- Health Department
- Town Development
- General Administration
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Education Department
- Garden Department
- Zoo Department
- Sports and Cultural
- Legal Department
- Audit Department
- IT Department
- Security Department
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the citizen helpline number to register a complaint with Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC)?
A. You can register a complaint by calling VMC Complaint Numbers: +912652433116, +91265243318, or using the Toll-free Citizen Helpline Number: 18002330265. Additionally, you can use the WhatsApp Number: +919913166666 to register a complaint about citizen services.
Q. What issues can I address in my complaint to Vadodara Mahanagarpalika?
A. You can address concerns related to civic services provided by VMC, including administration and public services like water, roads, electricity, or waste management.
Q. What should I do if my initial complaint to VMC remains unresolved?
A. If your initial complaint remains unresolved, escalate it to the Deputy Municipal Commissioner of respective zones or the Head of the Department.
Q. What if I’m not satisfied with the resolution provided by the concerned officials of the Municipal Corporation?
A. If the resolution provided by the concerned officials doesn’t meet your satisfaction, you can escalate the grievance to the Municipal Commissioner or the Mayor.
Q. What are my options if Vadodara Municipal Corporation fails to deliver services or resolve complaints within the specified timeframe?
A. If VMC fails to deliver services within the specified timeframe or if complaints remain unresolved even after escalation, citizens have the right to file a public grievance with the State Grievance Appellate Authority of the Urban Development and Urban Housing Department (UD&UHD), Govt. of Gujarat.