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BkESL: Register Complaint on Helplines, Online About Electricity Services of Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited

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Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited (BkESL), Rajasthan
  1. BkESL Electricity Customer care Numbers
  2. Lodge BkESL Online Complaint

Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited (BkESL) is a subsidiary of Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JDVVNL) owned by the state government of Rajasthan. Its electricity distribution services are expanded in rural and urban areas of Bikaner and their subdivision zones in the Bikaner district of Rajasthan.

BkESL has many customers that are using its services of electricity. In daily life, many incidents happen, and due to this some issues like power supply outages, transformer blasts,s or electricity wires being broken occur and customers have to face them.

We help to lodge complaints against such issues, so you can get redressal of these problems as soon as possible.

Are you facing issues of frequent power cuts, broken electricity wire lines due to some incidents (natural or manmade), the electricity bill is not correct or the amount of bill is fictitious, failure of transformer in your area, or any other such issues. You can raise these problems on the helpline numbers.

Complaint Hub is going to help you register your complaints on the concerned portals of BkESL. We have listed toll-free helpline numbers of customer care, and a WhatsApp number where you can register your complaints anytime 24×7. Your electricity-related problems can be resolved after calling on these numbers.

You can also lodge an online complaint on the portal of BkESL, links are given below in the list. For your convenience, we have arranged all information in a simple format, so you can complain easily about just one click. Don’t wait to raise your issue as it is your right to get fair and transparent service.

How to Register Complaint about Electricity Services Issues to (BkESL) Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited

The process to complain to Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited (BkESL) about electricity services issues is provided below. Follow the procedure to lodge a complaint:

First Process:

Call to customer care number of BkESL or the WhatsApp helpline number for electricity services.

  • Visit the table that is available below, and click on the BkESL toll-free customer care numbers to call directly.
  • Click on the  WhatsApp number that is provided in the table, message your concern, and wait for a response.

Second Process:

Lodge an online complaint on the link of the complaint form of BkESL – Supply off/outage, power theft report, apply for online application for new BkESL electricity connection in Bikaner.

  1. Supply off Complaint: Click and visit the supply off/outage complaint link below the online complaint table. Fill out the form:
    • K-Number (Connection number)
    • Powerhouse station
    • Address, Location Guidance
    • Complaint Type
    • Details of Complaint
    • OH (Overhead)/UG(Underground)
    • Home/Area
    • LT/HT
    • Submit the complaint form and note down the complaint reference number to track the status
  2. Registration of Complaint/Requests: Complaint from visiting the registration/login page of the BkESL portal and choosing the complaint and requests section. Fill out the form with:
    • KNO (Connection Number)
    • Choose from – I want to 1. Register billing-related complaints 2. Status of Billing Complaint 3. Register Request 4. Status of Complaint
    • Submit the form last and keep the reference number.

Online Application of New Connection:

The process to apply new electricity connection of BkESL in Bikaner:

Click on the link below in the table to apply a new electricity connection (Apply Now) to the table. Visit and fill out the form with details of:

  1. Connection Type – Permanent/Temporary
  2. Requisition for – New load/load enhancement/load reduction/Shifting of connection
  3. Neighbour details (Existing)K-Number and search
  4. Applicant details – 1. Individual/Organization | Single/Multiple Applicants 2. Personal information – name, email, mobile number, occupation etc.
  5. Address of connection with pin code, correspondence address
  6. Connection/ supply types and details – Load, the purpose of supply, category, and other information
  7. Address proofs – Pan no, Aadhar number (Documents require but not compulsory)
  8. Finally, submit and note the application request number to track the status.

Electricity Complaint Redressal Time: Immediate (24×7) or May take 6 to 60 days (Depending on the Issue)
Grievance Redressal Fee: ₹0/- (No Charges)

Customer Care Helpline Numbers of BkESL, Bikaner to Register Electricity Complaints

Call BkESL (Bikaner) to lodge a Complaint about electricity services on these Toll-Free customer care Helpline Numbers of BkESL in Bikaner:

BkESL Electricity Complaint Helpline Numbers 01413532000
BkESL WhatsApp Numbers +917230044001

Register Online Complaints on The Portal of BSEL (Bikaner) about Electricity Service Issues

Register/login for Online Services of BkESL: Register/Login
Register Supply Off Complaint: Register Complaint
Register Power Theft Complaint: Report Theft
Apply for New BkESL Electricity Connection: Apply on BKESL
Visit for Official Contact Details: Visit the BkESL Contact Page

Trusted SourceTrusted Source – 1. BkESL | 2. JdVVNL | 3. RERC

BKESL (Bikaner) Electricity Categories and Types of Complaints:

Complaint about electricity Issues of:

  • Electricity Bill related – Revised or Bill not received, Fictitious arrear in Bill amount, Wrong or Electricity Bill not updated, bill paid but not updated
  • Transformer related – Damage, disrupted supply, overload of voltage, blast or burning, wire sparking
  • Domestic or Industrial Meter related complaints – Replacement of defective meter, accuracy issue in reading, category change, wire terminal sparking or not working, meter blast, display issue, smart meter replacement,
  • New Electricity Connection issue – non-sanction of connection, load increment or decrement, electricity pole requests or issues, Issue while applying for new electricity connection, or document related concerns, Saubhagya Scheme for new connection
  • Electricity Theft related complaints in your local area or cash incentive scheme related issues
  • Electricity Supply Issue – Continuous electricity power cut, supply disruption, wire sparking, no power at home, LT, 11KV, or 33KV faults voltage, streetlight not working, transformer power failure or capacity increase demand, High/low voltage issue, Infrastructure/system improvement suggestion
  • Complaint against bribery/corruption by the employee or departmental person
  • Any other issue that is not listed but wants to lodge that complaint or your complaint is not solved so you want an approach to grievance redressal officer.

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Complaint Hub has verified all the information on the post. If you have not found any solution, or information related to your issue, or want guidance to get redressal of any unique problem/complaint then you can connect with us without any hesitation.

You can message us directly from our Contact Us page or mail us at SUPPORT - We will respond to you with the procedure and guidance for your issues to get a faster resolution.

Read the Terms and Conditions to use the information for any commercial or profit purpose (Don't violate the Terms of Use). All the information is provided for self-help and guidance to know the rights of the common people.


User Reviews (3)

Aug 13, 2024

Very poor service

Garmi me night ko electricity cut
Lokesh Gahlot
Jul 26, 2024

mostly public don't like BKSL

these days m seen that bksl not providing there service better. starting says lookeed so best company but day by day going to cheap and lower division for work becoz every day cut of light not remermberalbe. i think bksl hairing lower class persons in managment or other higher seats so....... one day it can be disappear from bikaner
Anand kumar pareek
May 20, 2024

Power cut

Overall (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
Very poor service bkesl and customer service very late


Overall (0.5 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)


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Garmi me night ko electricity cutthese days m seen that bksl not providing there service better. starting says lookeed so best company but day by day going to cheap and lower division for work becoz every day cut of light not remermberalbe. i think bksl hairing lower class persons in managment or other higher seats so....... one day it can be disappear from bikanerVery poor service bkesl and customer service very lateBkESL: Register Complaint on Helplines, Online About Electricity Services of Bikaner Electricity Supply Limited