Tata CLiQ is one of the luxury online shopping and e-commerce marketplace, owned by Tata UniStore Limited, a subsidiary of Tata Group. It is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The company also has well-connected partnered physical stores/showrooms for ‘CLiQ and PiQ’ and ‘QUiQ Exchange’ services.
The products and services of Tata Cliq are premium and luxury fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products including Tata CLiQ Luxury, which houses a wide range of apparel, jewellaries, and accessories brands. Also, it offers Indian luxury brands at IndiLuxe for Indian craftsmanship and culture. Tata CLiQ has multiple online and offline merchants connectivity for sellers and B2B deals from across the world.
Have any complaints regarding Tata CLiQ? You can directly raise your concerns to the customer support team or its physical retail stores. If not resolved, you may request the executives to escalate the matter to the Head of Customer Care or the Nodal Officer.
Report concerns about Tata CLiQ’s diverse products and services, fashion, beauty, electronics, home essentials, and more. Address issues with payment, returns, exchange, and delivery. Specify problems in seller or B2B deals including payment settlements. Resolve concerns about Tata Cliq Luxury, Subscription, Gift Cards, and the Tata CLiQ App, including subsidiary services like installation and warranties.
Still, not resolved? If your concerns with Tata CLiQ remain unaddressed, you can escalate the matter by submitting a complaint to the Grievance Officer at Tata UniStore Limited.
How to File a Complaint to Tata CLiQ?
Following Tata CLiQ’s customer service policy, the complaint resolution mechanism involves two levels. If your issue remains unresolved initially, proceed to escalate the matter to the next designated authority for further review and resolution.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism:
Registration Fee | No Charges (0) |
Resolution Period | Up to 30 days (It may vary, please read the customer service policy of Tata Cliq) |
Refund Period | 7 to 15 business days (read return/cancellation policy) |
Return Period | 7 to 30 days (after delivery) |
Levels of Lodging Complaint:
- Level 1: Customer Care, Tata CLiQ
- Toll-free customer service number
- Email or WhatsApp
- Register your complaint online
- Tata CLiQ App
- Level 2: Escalate the complaint to the Grievance Officer for Tata CLiQ, Tata UniStore Limited.
Moreover, you may request the customer service team to escalate any unresolved complaints to the Head of Tata CLiQ Customer Care for internal resolution.
Please note: If your complaint with Tata CLiQ remains unsatisfactorily resolved within the specified timeframe, you may file a consumer complaint with the National Consumer Helpline of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs (MoCA) for potential violations of consumer rights.
Level 1: Customer Care, Tata CLiQ
If you are facing issues with online orders from Tata CLiQ, seller deals, delivery delays, Tata Luxury subscription plans, partnered store services, or payment problems, initiate a complaint with the customer support team via the toll-free helpline number, email, or WhatsApp.
When filing your complaint, provide essential details such as:
- Order ID
- Seller details (for Tata CLiQ Seller or B2B deals)
- Subject/Nature of Complaint
- Warranty Details (if applicable)
- Description of the issue, including relevant documents like product images, delivered item photos, bills, or e-invoices.
After registering a complaint, make sure to record the assigned ticket number for tracking. If not addressed, escalate it to higher authorities.
Note: For complaints regarding the quality of food/nutrition products bought from Tata Neu, please register your complaint with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
Tata Cliq Customer Care Number
Details of Tata CLiQ Customer Helpline Numbers and Email:
Tata Cliq Complaint Number | +919029108282 |
Email (for refund) | refunds@tatacliq.com |
Email (Seller) | partnersupport@tatacliq.com |
CLiQ Luxury Customer Care Number | +912262313777 |
luxury@tatacliq.com |
If you have concerns regarding the quality of a product purchased from Tata CLiQ, kindly contact the customer service center of the respective brand or company for resolution.
File a Complaint Online
Official details to register your complaint online about online shopping, e-commerce marketplace, and seller/business services with Tata CLiQ:
Complain online to Tata CLiQ | File a complaint |
Seller Support | Click Here (tatacliq.com) |
refunds@tatacliq.com, partnersupport@tatacliq.com |
Tip: Beware of scams, don’t share bank/personal details; use only the official Tata CLiQ app for help. Stay safe!
Please Note:
- For Dead On Arrival/Defective return approval process of digital products such as mobiles, cameras, smartwatches, laptops, or tablets, email at electronics.returns@tatacliq.com or appliancessupport@tatacliq.com.
- Request to remove a review from the listed product at Tata CLiQ by emailing at customer-reviews@tatacliq.com.
Level 2: Grievance Officer for Tata CLiQ, Tata UniStore Ltd
In accordance with the IT Act 2000 and E-Commerce Rules 2020, Tata UniStore Limited, the parent company of Tata CLiQ, has appointed a Nodal/Grievance Officer to handle disputes related to its online marketplace. If your initial complaints, including privacy or trademark disputes, are not satisfactorily resolved at level 1 or authorized Head of Customer Care, escalate the matter to the designated Nodal Officer for Tata CLiQ.
When submitting your written grievance letter or email, please ensure to include the following details:
- Reference/ticket number of the previous complaint
- Order ID
- Reason for dissatisfaction
- Expected resolution from Tata CLiQ
- Description of the disputed matter with supporting documents such as screenshots, images of products or defective items, invoices, or any other relevant evidence.
To lodge your grievance, you can send an email to Tata CLiQ at grievance.office@tatacliq.com. For complaints specifically related to Tata CLiQ services, you may contact Tata UniStore Limited at:
Designation | Grievance Officer, Tata CLiQ |
Phone Number | +919029108282 |
grievance.office@tatacliq.com | |
Address | Grievance Officer for Tata CLiQ – Tata UniStore Limited, 4th Floor, Empire Plaza 2, Chandan Nagar, LBS Marg, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai – 400083 |
Not resolved to your satisfaction by the Grievance Officer of Tata CLiQ? You may complain to respective authorities or take legal action.
Legal Authorities: Consumer Commission
If your complaints lodged with the grievance officer for Tata CLiQ or the head office of Tata UniStore Limited are not resolved to your satisfaction, you may approach the following legal authorities:
1. Consumer/Business Disputes:
- Informal Consumer Complaint: In case of dissatisfaction with Tata CLiQ’s resolution, initiate a complaint with the National Consumer Helpline (NCH) for arbitration.
- Internal Arbitration: Opt for internal arbitration (specifically for business disputes) with Tata UniStore Limited, the owner of Tata CLiQ, to resolve the dispute through mutual agreement.
- Formal Consumer Complaint: File a formal consumer complaint against Tata CLiQ or its partners with the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) – Consumer Court/Forum for compensation for your monetary losses.
2. Legal Action:
If you remain dissatisfied with the final decision of Tata CLiQ or the consumer commission, seek advice from a legal expert to understand the available legal options. Depending on your case, you may choose to take legal action against Tata CLiQ in a tribunal, judicial court, or higher legal authorities.
Want to file a case against Tata CLiQ? File the case online by e-filing to District/High Courts.
It is essential to understand the relevant laws and regulations governing disputes with the help of a lawyer before taking further action to be well informed about your rights and options in the given situation.