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KMC – How to File a Complaint to Kolkata Municipal Corporation?


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Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) is an urban self-governing body that is governed by the Calcutta Municipal Corporation Act of 1980. It is recognised as an urban local government (municipal corporation) as per the 74th constitutional amendment act of 1992. The heads of the Mayor-In-Council of KMC are Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

The vision of KMC to serve the people of Kolkata is defined as – ” KMC will be efficient, effective, equitable, citizen responsive, financially sustainable and transparent, delivering quality service to its citizens”.


Map of KMC, Kolkata
Map of KMC, Kolkata (

The KMC is divided into 144 Wards. The Kolkata Metropolitan area is divided into 3 zones as mentioned below.

  • Old Kolkata:
    • Sutanuti – Chitpur, Baghbazar, Sobhabazar, and Hatkhola.
    • Kolkata – Dharmatala, Bowbazar, Simla, and Janbazar.
    • Gobindapur – Hastings, Maidan, and Bhowanipur.
  • New Kolkata:
    • North – Sinthi, Cossipore, and Gughudanga.
    • South – Tollygunge, Khidderpore, and Behala.
    • East – Salt Lake, Beliaghata, and Topsia.
    • West – Hooghly river.
  • Greater Kolkata:
    • Baruipur to Bansberia and Kalyani to Budge.

It ensures that every resident should get the benefits of public utilities (water, electricity, public properties, roads, etc.) and civic body services (urban development, parks, vendors, health & hospitals, etc.). If you have any issue with these services or respective officials then you may file a complaint by using the citizen helplines of KMC.

The Major Departments & Services:

  • Water Supply
  • Sewerage & drainage
  • Solid Waste (garbage) Management
  • Health & Hospitals services – PHCs, clinic hygiene, hospital management, etc.
  • Public toilets management
  • Bustee services
  • Environment Protection
  • Education & KMC schools – to ensure basic amenities, availability of teachers and infrastructure.
  • Town planning – building approval, parks & squares, etc.
  • Road maintenance & construction
  • Vendor, Market & Issuance of Licenses
  • Birth & Death registration, Social welfare schemes, and urban poverty alleviation
  • Streetlights, electrical infrastructure building & management
  • Other services – car parking, assessment, administration, food vendor/stall registration, etc.

The residents of Kolkata may file a complaint to the respective departments of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation for the issues related to these public and citizen-centric utilities & services. For this, you may use the toll-free citizen helpline number or may call the control room of the respective wards or the centralised office of KMC.

You may also register an online complaint by using WhatsApp number, e-mail, or the official portal. For complaints about unethical practices or any form of harassment (corruption, misuse of power, sexual abuse, etc.), you may report to the Chief Vigilance Officer or the designated officer of the KMC.

Tips – If your complaints are not redressed within the given time limit or not satisfied with the final response of the officials, you may escalate this complaint to the Public Grievance Cell or Public Relations Department of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Further, you may approach the Commissioner of the Head Office or Joint Commissioners of the concerned Wards or Zone.

How to File a Complaint to Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC)?

The Kolkata Municipal Corporation is responsible for the various citizen-centric services and public utilities within the metropolitan city. If any issue occurs or problems are faced by any residents of the respective Wards within Kolkata then KMC is the official authority to redress these problems as a local governing body.

Complaint Registration Fee & Redressal Time Limit:

Registration Fee No Charges (₹0)
Redressal Time Limit Immediately (24×7) or up to 3 months (depending on the issue as per the citizen charter of KMC)
Acknowledgement Receipt Immediately or within 5 working days

To know more about the redressal time limit, read the citizen charter of the KMC.

For this, KMC has a grievance redressal mechanism to ensure that the complaints of each citizen should be resolved within the given time limit (as per the citizen charter). The toll-free citizen helpline numbers of the centralised control rooms of the KMC Office are operating 24×7.

The Ways to Register a Complaint to KMC:

  • KMC Citizen Helpline Number
  • Online Grievance Registration
  • Written Complaint to KMC Office (Grievance Counter)
  • Public Grievance Cell, KMC
  • Vigilance Office – for Unethical Practices
  • Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell – Appointed Officer

You may use these helpline numbers, can contact them by WhatsApp number, or also file an online complaint by using the mobile app, e-mail, or grievance redressal portal. Residents may also write a grievance application to the nodal officers of the Public Grievance Cell.

Contact or write an application to the Vigilance officer to report the unethical & corrupt practices by any officer/employee and for complaints about any sexual harassment approach the sexual harassment redressal cell of the KMC.

Note If not satisfied or issues are not redressed within the time limit by any appointed officers of the respective departments of Kolkata Municipal Corporation then write or lodge a grievance to the Public Grievance Cell.

Further, you may approach the Municipal Commissioner/Chairperson of KMC and the Secretary of the Department of Urban (Local Body) Development, Government of West Bengal.

KMC Helpline Number

Many residents don’t know where and how to raise the issues about the public utilities and civic-centric services to Kolkata Municipal Corporation. To redress the problems, KMC has a centralized control room where you may contact. For this, you may use the citizen helpline numbers of the KMC call centres, WhatsApp, or connect with the chatbot to register a complaint about the civil body services to the respective departments within the Kolkata Metropolitan City.

While registration of a complaint, provide the description, address of the grievance, name, and asked contact details (if required). After the successful submission of your issue, ask for the reference number to track the status to know the redressal of the problem.

The Citizen Helpline Number of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation to Register a Complaint:

KMC Toll-Free Complaint Number 18003453375
KMC Call Centre Helpline Number +913322269909
WhatsApp Chatbot Number +918335999111
WhatsApp Number +918335988888
Control Room Helpline Number
+913322861212, +913322861313, +913322861414
Officials Contact Numbers Click to contact

Other Official Contact Details of the Departments of KMC:

Helpline Number for Talk to Mayor
(Friday, 4.00 to 5.00 PM)
 18005721213, 18003451213
Members of Mayor-In-Council View Contact Numbers
Controlling Officers View Contact Numbers
Brough Offices Contact Details Click to contact

Note If not satisfied or registered complaints are not redressed within the time limit by the respective officer or department of the KMC or its Wards then you may escalate the complaint to the Public Grievance Officer or head of the respective departments/wards. You may also file an online complaint.

Helplines for Tower Radiation & Pollution

To report the radiation from the mobile towers and pollution from the generator set, use the helpline number, e-mail, and address of the respective nodal authorities of the TERM Cell (Dept. of Telecommunications) and Pollution Control Board (West Bengal) as mentioned below.

1. TERM Cell, Department of Telecommunications:

Contact Number +913323572002, +919433000084
Address Dy. Director General, Telecom Enforcement Resource & Monitoring Cell (TERM Cell), Department of Telecommunications, QA Bhawan, Block -EP&GP, Sector-V, Sector -V Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091.

To know more, check the contact details of the head of the TERM cells of the Dept. of Telecommunication, GoI.

2. Pollution Control Board, West Bengal:

Toll-Fee Helpline Number 18003453390
Address Member Secretary, West Bengal Pollution Control Board, Paribesh Bhawan, 10-LA, Sector – III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700098.

To know more, visit the official website of the WB Pollution Control Board (WBPCB).

Important Contact Number & E-mail of KMC Office, Kolkata

These are some important contact numbers and e-mails of the designated officers of Kolkata Municipal Corporation.

1. Municipal Commissioner, KMC:

Phone Number +913322861234, +913322861034, +913322861000
Fax No. 03322861434

2. Special Municipal Commissioner (Development, General):

Phone Number +913322861271, +913322520003

3. Special Municipal Commissioner (Revenue, Personnel & Supply):

Phone Number +913322861126
Fax No. 03322522678

Mayor-In-Council & Mayor

Contact details like e-mail, phone number, and other communication information about the Mayor-In-Council and Mayor of the KMC are listed below.

1. Chairperson, KMC:

Phone Number +913322861112
E-mail /-
EPABX 03322861000

2. Mayor, KMC:

Phone Number +913322861111, +913322861211
Fax No. 03322861311

3. Deputy Mayor, KMC:

Phone Number +913322861117, +913322861120
EPABX 03322861000

To know more, you may check important contacts of KMC officials and members of MMIC.

File an Online Complaint

Today e-governance is key to providing fast and transparent public services and execution of many citizen-centric services. On this path, Kolkata Municipal Corporation has already introduced an online integrated citizen grievance redressal portal where any resident of Kolkata can file an online complaint to the respective departments.

You may register an online complaint about different public services that are offered by the KMC, even the issues related to water or air pollution within the city. Follow the information below to file and track grievances.

Links to File an Online Complaint to Kolkata Municipal Corporation:

Register an Online Complaint to KMC File a Complaint
File an Online Pollution Complaint Click to report
Track the Status of the Complaint Track Now

Note – After the successful submission of your grievance, note down the complaint/reference number for future usage.

Alternative Options:

Mobile App (KMC) Android | iOSx
Social Media Twitter | Facebook

Note If not satisfied or unresolved complaints then the complainant/applicant may escalate or lodge/write a grievance to the Nodal officers of the Public Grievance Cell of the KMC head office. Further, you may lodge an online grievance via the IPGRS portal to the Urban Development Department of Govt. of West Bengal.


Follow the instructions and procedure to register an online complaint to the concerned officials of the departments:

Step 1: Visit the link from the above table to file an online complaint to KMC and open the online grievance form.

Online Complaint Registration Form, KMC guidance
Online Complaint Registration Form, KMC guidance (

Step 2: Fill out the following mandatory details in the online form:

  • Complainant details – Enter your name, contact number, address, and pin code. Also, provide your e-mail ID (if any).
  • Complaint details – Select the complaint type and provide a brief description of the issue with hints of proof and evidence. Choose your Ward number.
  • Additional Information – Provided the additional asked information for the specific issues.
  • Upload Attachment – Attach the supporting documents and evidence & proof to represent your case more strongly.

Step 3: Finally, submit the online grievance form and note down the reference/complaint number to track the status. You may also use it to escalate the grievance to the higher nodal grievance redressal officers of commissioners of the municipal corporation.

Note If issues are not redressed, approach the higher authorities with the appropriate proof/document.

Online Services for Citizens

Important and major citizen-centric services may help to reduce the effort and paper works by just using online services as listed below. Useful services like bill payment (water, property tax, approval, renewal, etc.), birth & death registration, Bustee services, education, building approval, vendor registration, etc.

Online Bill Payment Services of KMC:

Other Online Citizen-Centric Services:

Birth & Death Registration  Apply
Health Services of KMC View/Apply
Water Supply Connection Apply Now
Download the Forms for KMC Services View/Download

To get the benefit of more online public services, visit the official website by clicking the above links.

Public Grievance Cell, KMC

The Public Grievance Cell is a higher grievance redressal authority of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation where citizens can lodge a grievance about the unaddressed or unsatisfactory responses to the previously registered complaint to any officer or respective departments of KMC or Wards. If you desire, may also contact the Commissioner/ Additional Commissioner or Mayor/Deputy Mayor of the municipal corporation (by submitting a written grievance or e-mail).

Tips – Mention the reference/complaint number of the previous complaint while submitting a grievance to the concerned nodal officer.

The Mode of Submission of a Grievance:

  • Lodge Online Grievance – CMO, WB
  • Physical/Written Grievance Application
  • E-mail to Comm./Mayor
  • Vigilance Office – for unethical practices

If your problems or concerns are not resolved within the given time limit as per the citizen charter, use any one method from the list mentioned above to redress your issues.

Submit a Physical/Written Grievance

If your complaints are not redressed or not satisfied with the previous resolution/responses of the officials, may write a physical application to the Public Grievance Officers of the respective departments and submit it to the grievance registration counter or nodal officer of the Public Grievance Cell, KMC head office.

Within the application, mention:

  • Download/Print the Complaint Registration Form –
  • A brief description of the issue with hints of evidence & proof
  • Address and contact details
  • Reference number (if any previous complaint)
  • Attach the supporting documents or images of the evidence(if any).
  • Keep a copy of the grievance form for yourself

Not able to visit the office? You may send the complaint form by post to the official address.

  • Address: Public Grievance Cell, The Kolkata Municipal Corporation,
    5, S.N. Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013, India.
  • Phone: +913322861000

Remember, after submission of your form, ask for the acknowledgement receipt as proof. If submitted by post then the receipt will be posted within 5 working days.

Lodge an Online Grievance to CMO, WB

If you are not satisfied with the final redressal of the complaint by any respective department of Kolkata Municipal Corporation then lodge an online grievance at the GRMS (Grievance Redressal Monitoring System) portal of the Chief Minister Office, West Bengal.

Links to Lodge an Online Grievance to CMO, WB:

Toll-Free Helpline Number 18003458244
Lodge an Online Grievance to CMO Lodge your grievance

You may use these details to submit your concern with the reference number or docket number of the previously registered complaints to KMC.

Note After successful registration of your grievance, note down or save the reference number for further usage. Still not satisfied, may approach the secretary of the respective ministry and further may take legal action (in your opinion).

Vigilance Office, KMC

If any resident or citizen who lives in Kolkata faces any form of harassment, the practice of misuse of power, or unethical practices like corruption, bribery, threatening, etc. by any official member, officer, or employee of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation then you have the right to file a complaint.

To report these unethical practices, you may contact the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of the Department of Vigilance, KMC or may submit a written application along with supporting documents and other relevant proofs (image, video, etc.).

You may mention your name or send the complaint application anonymously by revealing yourself at the official address of the Vigilance office. Ask for the acknowledgement receipt (if visiting the office).

Contact Number & Address of the Officers of the Vigilance Authority, Kolkata Municipal Corporation:

Inspector General of Police +913322525050, 03322525555 (Fax )
Deputy Superintendent of Police +913322528888
Address Office of the Inspector General of Police & Vigilance Authority, The Kolkata Municipal Corporation, New Market Building, Phase- I (HUDCO) 8th Floor 15N, Nellie Sengupta Sarani, Kolkata-700087.

Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell, KMC

If you are facing any form of sexual harassment by any official member, officer, or employee of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation then you may write a complaint application to the appointed Internal Complaints Committee of the Sexual Harassment Cell, KMC. While writing an application or contacting the official members, please mention the supporting evidence and proof (if any).

Note – You must have to report the complaints of sexual harassment within 3 months from the date of the incident or in case of a series of incidents, approach within 3 months after the last incident.

  • Address: The Presiding Officer, Internal Complaints Committee, Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell, Personnel department, The Kolkata Municipal Corporation, 1st Floor, 5, S.N, Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013.

If not satisfied then you may approach the higher authorities or the next appointed nodal officers and finally, if no internal options are available then may take legal action.

Major Issues of Civic Body Services

These are the major civic body and citizen-centric issues that can be redressed after filing a complaint with the Kolkata Municipal Corporation:

  • The list of major issues related to the civic body services that many citizens face in the Kolkata Metropolitan City and want to redress these problems:
  • Application For Issue of No Objection Certificate Submitted at an Earlier Date but Not Resolved Satisfactorily and Other Assessment Related. 
  • Choking Of Gully Pits or House Drainage and Blocked or Overflowing Sewage, and Public Toilets Complaints.
  • Covering construction buildings to avoid pollution or development and maintenance of roads-related issues.
  • Education – municipal school infrastructure, attendance or vacancy of teachers, mid-day meals, water supply, etc.
  • Filling and cleaning of the water body, drainage system, and other water-body-related issues.
  • Bustee cell and SSEP department, market, finance & accounts, property tax, and Road maintenance related problems.
  • Health-related issues like unhygienic hospitals, lack of cleanliness, non-availability of doctors, Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Clinics, and other health-related complaints.
  • Problems and issues relating to the special municipal commissioners’ office or sanction of building and unauthorized construction and related issues.
  • Shortage of water supply at premises and other water-related problems, leakage of water main line, or other sewerage and drainage-related complaints.
  • Problems related to garbage collection, removal of garbage/carcasses, solid waste management, garbage vehicles, or public places are not cleaned.
  • The issues of footpath encroachment, parks, and squares, project management unit, car parking, repair of potholes in roads/footpaths and environment & heritage department and other related.
  • Request for action against unauthorized construction or unsecured building, stacking of building materials on roads, and other building-related related.
  • The streetlight not working and other lighting-related problems. Government quarter-related problems, maintenance, and management of colonies, etc.
  • Social schemes related issue Laxmir Bhandar/ Pension/ Swastha Swathi/ Ration card etc. Other concerns for the implementation of the social schemes of the KMC or state government.
  • Other issues related to the public utilities and civic services of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation or any services or zones that come under the jurisdiction of KMC.

Frequently Asked Questions about Kolkata Municipal Corporation

Q. Where can I register a complaint to the Kolkata Municipal Corporation?
A. You can use the toll-free citizen helpline numbers 18003453375, +913322269909 or WhatsApp chatbot +918335999111 to file a complaint to the respective departments of the KMC. You may also e-mail the officers to get redressal of your issues.

Q. Where can I approach if my complaints are not resolved by the officers of KMC?
A. You may lodge a grievance to the Public Grievance Cell of the respective departments or may write a grievance to the Additional Commissioner or Mayor/Deputy Mayor of the municipal corporation. Further, you may submit an online grievance to the Ministry of Urban Development through the GRMS portal of CMO, West Bengal.

Q. Where can I file a complaint about unethical practices (corruption) or sexual harassment by any official members?
A. You may report the incidents of unethical practices (corruption, misuse of power, harassment, etc.) to the Chief Vigilance Office (Inspector General of Police) of the Vigilance Authority of Kolkata Municipal Corporation.
For the complaints of sexual harassment by any officer or employee, you may file a complaint to the Internal Complaints Committee of Sexual Harassment Redressal Cell under the Personnel Department, KMC. The complaint must be filed within 3 months from the last incident.


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User Reviews (2)

Aug 13, 2024


Gautam Ghosh
Aug 3, 2024

Facing problem from Adjacent building

We are the residents of ROHINI APPARTMENT, 62/1 GOBINDAPUR ROAD, LAKE GARDENS, Ward No. 93, KOLKATA -45. Every day dirty & foul smell drain water is entering from our adjacent building 60E Gobindapur Road, Kolkata -45, Assessee No. 210930501104. Several times we have asked them to repair their drain line but they are very much reluctant and they are not showing any urge to repair their own drain line. We have repaired our portion but due to continuous dirty & as bad smell water is coming every time our repair work is not standing. So we are complaining to KMC to take necessary action immediately. Any person from KMC can visit our building & check the problem.


Overall (0 out of 5)


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157/E PRINCE GULAM HUSSAIN SHAH ROAD, JADAVPUR , KOLKATA -700032 (NEAR JADAVPUR GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOl WARD NO 93We are the residents of ROHINI APPARTMENT, 62/1 GOBINDAPUR ROAD, LAKE GARDENS, Ward No. 93, KOLKATA -45. Every day dirty & foul smell drain water is entering from our adjacent building 60E Gobindapur Road, Kolkata -45, Assessee No. 210930501104. Several times we have asked them to repair their drain line but they are very much reluctant and they are not showing any urge to repair their own drain line. We have repaired our portion but due to continuous dirty & as bad smell water is coming every time our repair work is not standing. So we are complaining to KMC to take necessary action immediately. Any person from KMC can visit our building & check the problem.KMC - How to File a Complaint to Kolkata Municipal Corporation?