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NNG – How to Register a Complaint to Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam?


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Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam (नगर निगम गाजियाबाद) also known as Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation is a self-governing urban local body in the Ghaziabad metropolitan city of Uttar Pradesh. Before 1994, it was called as Municipal Board later upgraded to the Municipal Corporation under the 74th Constitutional Amendment of 1992 and by the legislation of the state government of Uttar Pradesh.

The Nagar Nigam is divided into 5 administrative zones and 80 Wards. The total population of the city is about 20 Lakhs (census 2011) within the total area under the municipal limit of 210 sq. km.


Administrative Zones and Wards of Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad (NNG):

  • City Zone:
  • Kavi Nagar
  • Vijay Nagar
  • Mohan Nagar
  • Vasundhara

have you any problems related to civic body services like public utilities (water, streetlight, roads, etc.), sewerage & drainage, parks/gardens & bridges management, construction of roads, health & education, municipal hospitals & schools, solid waste management (garbage), public toilets & cleanliness, or other citizen-centric & infrastructure development? You can register a complaint to the respective departments of the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam (GNN).

Major Departments of Nagar Nigam to Redress the Issues:

  • Public Works Department (PWD)
  • Property Tax
  • Information Technology
  • Health Department
  • Streetlight and Electrical
  • Water Works Department
  • Law
  • Establishment
  • Garden & Horticulture
  • Swachh Bharat Mission

Residents of Ghaziabad can use the toll-free citizen helpline numbers of the NNG GZB (Municipal Corporation) or can call the centralized control room of headquarter/zonal offices of Nagar Nigam. You may also e-mail or Whatsapp the concerns to the nodal officers.

Citizens may also file an online complaint through the public grievance redressal system or Ghaziabad 311 mobile app. If issues are not resolved you may contact the nodal grievance officer of the respective departments.

Tips – If not satisfied with the final redressal or complaints are pending more than the given time limit or not resolved then escalate or lodge a grievance to the Public Grievance Cell/Municipal Commissioner of Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation.

Further, you may approach the Appellate Authority of State Grievance Cell, Dept. of Urban Local Bodies, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.

How to File a Complaint to Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad?

The integrated complaint registration and redressal mechanism of Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad ensures the citizens faster and more transparent civic body services within the city. If any resident is facing such issues belonging to the citizen-centric services like facilities of public utilities, e-governance, waste management, etc. then file a complaint to the respective departments.

For this, you may use the citizen helpline numbers, e-mail, and contact numbers of the officers, or lodge an online complaint on the PGRS portal, Ghaziabad 311 app, and in a written application. The grievances will be resolved within the given timeline as per the citizen charter of GNN.

Complaint Registration Fee & Redressal Time Limit:

Registration Fee No Charges (₹0)
Redressal Time Limit Immediately or up to 25 days (depending on the issue as per the citizen charter)

To know more, read the citizen charter of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam.

Ways for Registration of a Complaint to Nagar Nigam:

  • Citizen Helpline Number & Official Contact Numbers
  • Written Application to Nodal Officers of Departments
  • Online Complaint – PGRS, NNG
  • Public Grievance Cell, GNN – For unresolved/ unsatisfactory complaints
  • Vigilance Officer, NNG – for corruption & unethical practices

Use one of the given ways to complain about the problems related to the services of Nagar Nigam. If not resolved or not satisfied with redressal then you may lodge a grievance to the nodal officers of respective departments (Deputy Commissioner).

If you desire, may write an application to the head of the departments of Nagar Nigam and submit it to the headquarter office. After successful submission, ask for the reference/acknowledgement receipt for future usage.

Tips The Public Grievance (PG) Cell, NNG (Municipal Commissioner) is the highest authority where you may escalate the unresolved or unsatisfactory complaints and further, approach the state appellate authority of Dept. of Urban Development, Govt. of UP.

Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam Helpline Number

The toll-free citizen helpline numbers of Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation operate 24×7 to provide support and help within the city. For emergency services and complaints, use the helpline numbers of the control rooms of HQ/Zonal Offices of Nagar Nigam.

If your complaints are pending, call the head nodal officer of the department to initiate the action or clarify the reason for the delay. Provide the following information to the helpline representative officer:

  • Name, address, and contact number
  • Description of the issue with reference to evidence (if any)
  • The location where the problem occurred
  • Other details, if required

Citizen Helpline Numbers of Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad (GZB):

Toll-Free Citizen Complaint Number 18001803012, 1533
NNG Helpline Number +911202791418, +911202790369
Sewer Helpline Number 14420
NNG Officers’ Contact Numbers Click Here

Tips After successful registration of your complaint, ask for the reference/ token number to track the status. If not resolved or received an unsatisfactory response/ resolution then escalate the grievance to the PG Cell or Deputy Commissioner of the respective department of Nagar Nigam.

File an Online Complaint

The fastest, most transparent, and easiest way to raise a concern or report any problems related to public services of the municipal corporation is the online Citizen Grievance Redressal System or Ghaziabad 311 mobile app. You may file an online complaint and can track the status of the redressal of the problem.

For this, you can use e-mail, the online PGRS portal, or the mobile app of Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad. Unfortunately, if your complaints are not resolved (rejected, delayed, or pending) or not satisfied with redressal, you may reopen this registered grievance to escalate it to the higher appellate authority of the municipal corporation.

Links to File an Online Complaint to Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation:

Register an Online Complaint to NNG GZB File a Complaint
Track the Complaint Status Track Status
Reopen Complaint Click Here


Mobile App Android | iOS
Social Media Twitter | Facebook

Note If not satisfied or issues are not resolved, lodge a grievance to the Public Grievance Cell, Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad or contact the head of the department. Further, lodge an online grievance by Jansunwai-UP, Smadhan to Dept. of Urban Development, UP.

Tips – If you want to seek any information from the departments of Nagar Nigam, file an RTI to the Public Information Officer (PIO) of Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation.


Follow the important instructions and steps to lodge an online complaint and raise your concerns successfully to the respective authority:

Online Complaint Form of Ghaziabad Nagar NIgam
Online Complaint Form of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam (
  • Visit the link from the table above to file a complaint to GNN GZB.
  • Fill out the following required details in the online form:
    • Personal Details – Name, E-mail, Mobile Number, and select your ward.
    • Complaint Details – Select a problem from the given list, and provide a brief description of the complaint and the location where the issue occurred.
    • Upload – Attach relevant documents, receipts, images, or other supporting proof/evidence.
  • Finally, submit the form by clicking the register complaint button.

Note down the appeared token/complaint number to track the status and use it if issues are not resolved. If you are not satisfied with the final order or are delayed to redress the problem, reopen the complaint by the token number, and escalate it to the Nodal Grievance Redressal Officer with your remarks.

Public Grievance Cell, NNG

Sometimes complaints are not resolved by the nodal officers or keep pending without giving any responses even after the expiry of the given time limit as per the citizen charter of Nagar Nigam. Seldomly, citizens are not satisfied with the final redressal/ resolution even after the final order of re-opened grievances.

In this situation, you may lodge a written or online grievance to the Grievance Redressal Officer of the Public Grievance Cell, Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad with the reference/complaint number of the previously registered complaint.

Further, you may approach the State Grievance Appellate Authority of the Department of Urban Development & Local Bodies, Government of Uttar Pradesh by Jansunwai UP – Samadhan. For this, you may visit the link below.

Public Grievance Cell: Lodge an Online Grievance, Jansunwai UP – Samadhan

If you desire, write a grievance application by mentioning:

  • Name and communication details
  • The subject of the unsatisfactory/ unresolved complaint
  • Reference/token number of previously submitted complaint
  • Description of the problem and reason for dissatisfaction.
  • Copies of relevant documents/ proof.

Submit directly by yourself or send by speed post to the official address of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam at:

  • Address: Nodal Officer (Deputy Commissioner), Public Grievance Cell, Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam, Navyug Market, Opp. Old Bus Stand, Ghaziabad – 201001 (U.P.).
  • Phone No: +911202790369, +911202791418
  • E-mail:

Ask for the acknowledgement receipt after the successful submission of your grievance form to the nodal officer or receptionist of the grievance counter at the Headquarter Office.

Tips If your matter is very serious/critical but not resolved by the authorities even after approaching the state appellate authority, then you should seek help from a legal expert.

Vigilance Office

If you want to report the conduct of unethical and corrupt practices within the Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam or matters related to bribery, misuse of power, or other complaints related to corruption against the officers/ employees, then directly call the Anti-Corruption Organization, UP Police or complaint to Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation.

Ghaziabad Unit, Anti-Corruption Organization (ACO) of Uttar Pradesh
Helpline Number +919454402484

Write an application to the Chief Vigilance Officer of Nagar Nigam at the following address:

Note If not satisfied with the final action or no action has been taken by the nodal officers then you can file a complaint to Lokayukta of Uttar Pradesh with relevant evidence/ proof like images, texts, documents, videos, etc.

Issues of Civic Body Services

The list of common issues related to civic body services and other public services of the municipal corporation of Ghaziabad:

1. Civil and Encroachment Department:

  • Report unauthorized hoardings and permanent/ temporary encroachment on roads, footpaths, drains, or drainage areas.
  • Request for removal of debris/ construction material, repair of drainage/ road, or new road construction.
  • Complaints related to the quality of construction work or not being done properly.

2. Castration & Cattle Catching Department:

  • Report the issues regarding the castration of destitute swans/ dogs.
  • Complaints related to capturing helpless/stray animals.

3. Health Department:

  • Report the issues related to the burning of garbage & traces in the open area, garbage pile, or garbage vehicles not arriving on time.
  • Complaints related to stinking water on the roads due to overflow of drain/ sewerage, drain cleaning, open manholes, leakage in sewerage pipelines, etc.
  • Issues about the cleaning of public toilets, garbage houses, roads & streets, or ponds.
  • Other complaints related to picking up dead animals, required fogging work, sanitization in the quarantine areas, municipal hospitals & primary health centres (PHC), etc.

4. Horticulture (Parks & Garden):

  • Report the problems related to encroachment of parks, cleaning, and maintenance in parks, or trimming/cutting tree branches.
  • Other complaints related to municipal parks and gardens in Ghaziabad city.

5. Property & Tax:

  • Issues related to encroachment of municipal land and payment/ nomination/ assessment of property tax.
  • Complaints regarding illegal dairy, tax receipts, etc.

7. Water and Sewer Department:

  • Complaints related to water supply issues like drinking water pipeline leakage, polluted/dirty water, non-availability of water (no supply), etc.
  • Report the problems regarding malfunctioning of tubewell, no water supply in public toilets, and failure of handpumps.
  • Issues related to sewers like choked/overflow of sewer pipelines, open manholes, damaged manholes/sewer lines, or other problems.
  • Complaints regarding the blockage of sewer in public toilets or improper disposal of faecal waste/silt.

8. Streetlight:

  • Report if found burning streetlights in the daytime, failure of parking lights/streetlights, or damaged poles.
  • Request for new streetlights, poles, or for the replacement of LED/halogen lights.

Frequently Asked Questions about Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad

Q. What is the citizen helpline number of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam?
A. The toll-free citizen helpline number for all residents of Ghaziabad city is 18001803012, 1533,  and 14420 (sewer). You can also e-mail to file a complaint about the civic services of the Ghaziabad municipal corporation.

Q. Where can I approach if my complaints are not resolved by the authorities of Nagar Nigam Ghaziabad?
A. In this situation, you may escalate the registered complaint to the Nodal Officer (Deputy Commissioner) of the respective department or lodge a grievance to the Public Grievance Cell of Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation. If not resolved or dissatisfied with the response then lodge an online grievance by Jansunwai UP to the State Appellate Authority of the Department of Urban Local Bodies, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Q. Where can I apply for the new water/sewerage connection?
A. You can visit the eNagarSewa portal of the Government of Uttar Pradesh to apply for a new water/ sewerage connection, birth/death certificate, or new trade license, or to pay your property tax.

Wards of Nagar Nigam

The Wards of Nagar Nigam from Citizens Can Register a Complaint to Municipal Corporation of Ghaziabad:

1. City Zone
  • Ward-11, 17, 49, and 50
  • Deendayalpuri
  • Saddiq Nagar
  • Noor Nagar
  • Sewa Nagar
  • Hindon Vihar
  • Marium Nagar
2. Kavi Nagar Zone
  • Rajapur
  • Shastri Nagar
  • Rajnagar
  • Raispur
  • Kavinagar
  • Sanjay Nagar
  • Govindpuram
  • Harsaon
  • Duhai Guldhar
  • Shahpur Bamheta
  • Mehrauli
  • Duhai Guldhar
  • Sadarpur
3. Vijay Nagar Zone
  • Ward-14, 27, and 48
  • Akbarpur
  • Behrampur
  • Biharipura
  • Sudhamapuri
  • Charan Singh Colony
  • Bago Christian Nagar
4. Vasundhara Zone
  • Ramprastha
  • Karkar Modal
  • Brij Vihar
  • Sahibabad
  • Maharajpur
  • Ahinsa Khand
  • Bhuapur
  • Makanpur
  • Abhay Khand
  • Gyan Khand ‘
  • Indirapuram
  • Kaushambi
  • Prahlad Garhi
  • Ramprastha
  • Shakti Khand
  • Shipra Suncity
  • Surynagar
  • Vaibhav Khand
  • Vaishali
  • Vasundhara
5. Mohan Nagar Zone
  • Lajpat Nagar
  • Shalimar Garden
  • Mausam Vihar
  • Pasonda
  • Kuti
  • Shaheed Nagar
  • Jawahar Park
  • Rajendra Nagar
  • Sector-5
  • Shyam Park


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Read the Terms and Conditions to use the information for any commercial or profit purpose (Don't violate the Terms of Use). All the information is provided for self-help and guidance to know the rights of the common people.


User Reviews (4)

8th Battalion NDRF campus near CBI
Feb 1, 2025

Kindly change the timing of garbage collection vehicle from 6:45am to 9:00am

It's a homble request to nagar nigam authority kindly change the timing of garbage collection vehicle in 8th Battalion NDRF campus from 6:45am in the morning to atlest 9:00am in morning. It's too early in the morning for us .we all are facing timing issue . I have complained earlier when it was comming at 6:00 am or sometime 5:30am in morning but still they didn't take it seriously. Even we ask driver to come atlest 8:00am but he is also bonded with order of his supervisor . We are paying for nagar nigam service exactly on time. The timing should be changed as soon as possible. Thank you
Aug 13, 2024

Water leakage from pipe line at main road

Water Leakage Issue in Front of My House I am writing to report a serious issue regarding a water leakage in front of my house at H.NO.583 Shakti Khand -3 Ghaziabad. I suspect that the leak is originating from the main pipeline that is underground. This problem has been ongoing for the past month, and I have noticed a significant increase in the water flow recently. The continuous leakage is causing water wastage and is beginning to impact the surrounding area. I am concerned about potential damage to my property and the inconvenience it is causing. I kindly request that you send a team to inspect and repair the leak as soon as possible.
Suman Raghav
Apr 25, 2024

शिकायत सीवर के सम्बन्ध में

शिकायत सीवर के सम्बन्ध में प्रार्थिनी थाना विजय नगर में स्टाफ आवास स.38 में परिवार के साथ रहती है प्रार्थिनी का आवास ग्राउंड फ्लोर में होने पर सभी आवासों का गन्दा पानी आने पर कई बार सीवर चोक होने से प्रार्थिनी के बाथरूम और रूम में गन्दा पानी भर जाता है | जिसके कारण काफी परेशानी होने पर शिकायत करने पर कभी सही कर दिया जाता है, और कभी नही, वर्तमान में फिर से सीवर चोक होने से प्रार्थिनी के बाथरूम और रूम में गन्दा भरा हुआ है और गंदे पानी की निकासी नही है | अतः आपसे अनुरोध है कि सीवर की सफाई कराने के साथ-साथ उक्त आवासों के गंदे पानी की निकासी का प्रवंध कराने की कृपा करे | (सुमन राघव) आवास स.38 थाना विजय नगर गाज़ियाबाद 991145XXXX
Well Wisher
Apr 16, 2024

A dog is biting everyone and owner refuse to take responsibility

Hi Team, Requesting you to please give a look in this matter, as we have complaint earlier also regarding this dog biting issue. Here are so many people and children are scared of him as he always try to bit everyone. Yesterday he also bit a girl and when his father come to talk for the same concern then the dog owner misbehaved with him and say no one have the guts to come and take him away from here. Owner of this dog always hide him whenever the Nagar Nigam Team come to catch him red handed. After some days when matter get cooler they bring him back and treat him with good food and drinks, but when it comes to responsibility, the owner says he is not our dog and if anyone say I'll do complaint regarding this issue then they hide him. Details of the dog are below:- Name - Tiger Color - White Location - H-219 M.I.G FLATS Sector - 12 near SAI MANDIR, PRATAP VIHAR GHAZIABAD 201009 I am not disclosing my identity because they start fighting with everyone again and start abusing me. Please do your best and look at this issue. I appreciate your hard work and time. Thank you Your Well Wisher


Overall (0 out of 5)


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It's a homble request to nagar nigam authority kindly change the timing of garbage collection vehicle in 8th Battalion NDRF campus from 6:45am in the morning to atlest 9:00am in morning. It's too early in the morning for us .we all are facing timing issue . I have complained earlier when it was comming at 6:00 am or sometime 5:30am in morning but still they didn't take it seriously. Even we ask driver to come atlest 8:00am but he is also bonded with order of his supervisor . We are paying for nagar nigam service exactly on time. The timing should be changed as soon as possible. Thank youWater Leakage Issue in Front of My House I am writing to report a serious issue regarding a water leakage in front of my house at H.NO.583 Shakti Khand -3 Ghaziabad. I suspect that the leak is originating from the main pipeline that is underground. This problem has been ongoing for the past month, and I have noticed a significant increase in the water flow recently. The continuous leakage is causing water wastage and is beginning to impact the surrounding area. I am concerned about potential damage to my property and the inconvenience it is causing. I kindly request that you send a team to inspect and repair the leak as soon as possible.शिकायत सीवर के सम्बन्ध में प्रार्थिनी थाना विजय नगर में स्टाफ आवास स.38 में परिवार के साथ रहती है प्रार्थिनी का आवास ग्राउंड फ्लोर में होने पर सभी आवासों का गन्दा पानी आने पर कई बार सीवर चोक होने से प्रार्थिनी के बाथरूम और रूम में गन्दा पानी भर जाता है | जिसके कारण काफी परेशानी होने पर शिकायत करने पर कभी सही कर दिया जाता है, और कभी नही, वर्तमान में फिर से सीवर चोक होने से प्रार्थिनी के बाथरूम और रूम में गन्दा भरा हुआ है और गंदे पानी की निकासी नही है | अतः आपसे अनुरोध है कि सीवर की सफाई कराने के साथ-साथ उक्त आवासों के गंदे पानी की निकासी का प्रवंध कराने की कृपा करे | (सुमन राघव) आवास स.38 थाना विजय नगर गाज़ियाबाद 991145XXXXHi Team, Requesting you to please give a look in this matter, as we have complaint earlier also regarding this dog biting issue. Here are so many people and children are scared of him as he always try to bit everyone. Yesterday he also bit a girl and when his father come to talk for the same concern then the dog owner misbehaved with him and say no one have the guts to come and take him away from here. Owner of this dog always hide him whenever the Nagar Nigam Team come to catch him red handed. After some days when matter get cooler they bring him back and treat him with good food and drinks, but when it comes to responsibility, the owner says he is not our dog and if anyone say I'll do complaint regarding this issue then they hide him. Details of the dog are below:- Name - Tiger Color - White Location - H-219 M.I.G FLATS Sector - 12 near SAI MANDIR, PRATAP VIHAR GHAZIABAD 201009 I am not disclosing my identity because they start fighting with everyone again and start abusing me. Please do your best and look at this issue. I appreciate your hard work and time. Thank you Your Well WisherNNG - How to Register a Complaint to Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam?