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UP Police: How to File e-FIR or Complaint to Uttar Pradesh Police?

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Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest single Police Force not only in India but the entire world. The Police Force comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of Uttar Pradesh. The Director General of UP Police commands the personnel force spread over 75 districts, 33 armed Battalions, and other specialized wings/ branches relating to Intelligence, Investigation, Anti-corruption, Technical, Training, Forensic Science, etc.

The Motto of the Uttar Pradesh Police is “सुरक्षा आपकी, संकल्प हमारा” (Hindi), “Your protection, our pledge”.

The police are the administrative body that keeps communal and social harmony, maintains law and order, and keeps a check on crime in Uttar Pradesh. The Police Force is divided into several units/Zones/Ranges/Districts to strengthen the efficiency in crime prevention and detection along with administration.

Organisational Setup of Uttar Pradesh Police (
Organisational Setup of Uttar Pradesh Police (

Current 7 Police Commissionerates under UP Police:

  1. Agra
  2. Gautam Buddha Nagar
  3. Ghaziabad
  4. Kanpur Nagar
  5. Lucknow
  6. Prayagraj
  7. Varanasi

Need help from UP Police? Want to report any incidents? Yes! Call the toll-free Uttar Pradesh helpline number or contact the local police station of your district or tahsil. You may also file an online complaint or e-FIR with the required details of acceptable incidents.

The Citizen Services of UP Police include:

  • Complaint Registration
  • e-FIR or View FIR
  • Character Verification
  • Tenant/PG Verification
  • Domestic Help Verification
  • Employee Verification
  • Event/Performance Request
  • Protest/Strike Request
  • Procession Request
  • Report Postmortem Request
  • Get Vehicle NOCI
  • Information for Citizen
  • Missing Persons/ Unidentified Bodies
  • Crime Against Women
  • Cyber Crime
  • Private Security Agency

Every citizen of the resident of Uttar Pradesh can access these citizen services of the police. If you have any emergency, directly dial the national helpline number 112 or the zonal police number.

Note – If you want to file a formal FIR/NCR, visit the nearest police station and report the civil or criminal incident with appropriate information and evidence (if any). If the complaint is not resolved in the first instance, you may approach the higher police or appellate officer. For more information, read the details given below.

How to File a Complaint or e-FIR to Uttar Pradesh (UP) Police?

Uttar Pradesh Police has an integrated system for the citizens where any person can register a complaint or file an e-FIR through the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), UP Police. You may report the cognizable and non-cognizable offences to respective police stations.

For any unusual incidents/crimes like non-cognizable offences or emergency incidents, direct call the local police station of your area or use the emergency helpline number. You may also use the CCTNS and online portal to seek the help of zonal police.

Many citizen services are also available that people can access from the digital platform of UP Police like a request for any certificate, viewing reports, or verification.

Before filing a complaint or e-FIR, you should know the difference between them. Note it, the e-FIR facility is available only for unknown accused or Non-SR (Non-Special Report) cases.

Difference Between Complaint and FIR:

1. Police Complaint:

  • Definition: A complaint is an allegation made orally or in writing that some person has committed an offence (Section 2(d) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973)
  • By any person both ways either orally or in writing, subject to certain exceptions.
  • No prescribed standard format of complaint is defined, but mention required information (online or offline)
  • The complaint is made to the Magistrate to take action in case of both cognizable and non-cognizable offences.
  • Based on the complaint, the Magistrate may conduct an inquiry or take cognizance at the very first stage.
  • When a complaint is filed by any person, no investigation is done by the concerned police officer until directed by the competent authority

2. FIR (First Information Report):

  • Definition: First Information Report (FIR) is information given (orally/written) to the police first at a point in time relating to cognizable offences to initiate an investigation (Section 154 of CrPC)
  • By any person such as the aggrieved party or an eye witness request to register the incident report in writing or orally to the informer (police officer)
  • A prescribed format of FIR is defined by law, and must provide the required information in the FIR (online for e-FIR)/offline).
  • FIR is always made to the Officer-In-Charge of the police station or competent police officer only in case of cognizable offences.
  • After the FIR, the Police Officer conducts the investigation and based on the police report submitted after the investigation in the FIR, the Magistrate may take cognizance of the case.
  • Note that no cognizance is taken by the Magistrate until a particular FIR is reported to him by the concerned police officer/authority.

Now, you know the basic difference between an FIR and a police complaint. As mentioned earlier, in the police complaint, you may report both cognizable and non-cognizable offences, basis of the inquiry conducted by the police officer, this complaint will be registered as FIR, NCR (non-cognizable report), or will be closed (if resolved).

Flow Chart of Police Complaint:

Police Complaint Flow chart, UP Police
Police Complaint Flow chart, UP Police (

After this, citizens may proceed to take action for further issues or incidents that want to report to the respective police station or higher nodal officers.

As per the citizen charter of the Home Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh, every person should know their rights as a citizen and protect themselves from any unusual incidents or harassment by police officers.

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Do you want to know the grievance redressal mechanism? Let us know with the administrative system for redressal and escalation of grievances to resolve any disputed cases that have yet to be addressed by the concerned officers.

Complaint Filing Fee:

Registration Fee No Charges (₹0)
Resolution Period As per the rules of the citizen charter of the Uttar Pradesh Police
FIR filing Immediately at the Police Station

Ways to File a Complaint or Report (FIR) to the Uttar Pradesh Police:

  1. Online: CCTNS, UP Police
    • 112 UP Police (Only in an emergency) – Emergency Helpline Number, WhatsApp, and Social Media
    •  Police Complaints: Contact number or e-mail of the local Police Station, District, Zonal, or Range office
    • CCTNS: Online citizen services include registration of online complaints and e-FIR (only for non-SR and unknown accused)
    • To report an online crime against women or cybercrime
    • Mobile Apps – UPCOP, UP100, Prahari, and UP Police Traffic
  2. Offline: Police Station
    • Visit the nearest police station
    • Call the regional/zonal police office or headquarters
    • A written complaint or FIR (basis of the incident or type of offence)

Tips – Whenever you file a complaint to the police officer, always ask for the acknowledgement receipt or reference number (online). Also, necessarily get a copy of the FIR or information/application filed at the police station.

These details will help you to track the status of the case and can be used to escalate the complaint to the appointed Nodal Police Officer (if not resolved within the time limit).

Note – If your cases or complaints have yet not redressed by the concerned officials or are pending more than the given time limit, approach the higher police officers and nodal officers of the respective Police departments as described.

Level 1: File a Complaint or FIR, Uttar Pradesh Police

Citizens can lodge a complaint or FIR through online and offline modes to initiate an investigation in stage 1. At this level, you can dial the 112-UP helpline number in an emergency to report an incident or seek help to protect yourself. Additionally, file an FIR to the concerned Police Station or e-FIR through CCTNS, UP Police.

1. 112-UP (Only for Emergency)

In the case of an emergency, all the people residing in Uttar Pradesh, any person located outside but wants to get help in Uttar Pradesh from UP Police, can contact the integrated helpline number 112 (UP112). Report the emergencies (24×7) related to Police, Fire, Medical, or GRP (Government Railway Police) services.

Details of UP 112:

UP112 to Lodge a Complaint Police Emergency Helpline
Toll-Free Helpline Number 112, 100, +917233000100 (SMS)
WhatsApp Number +917570000100
File an online complaint (112 UP) Register/Chat now | Know call status
Mobile App UP 112 Citizen App
Android | iOS

You may also write a complaint letter or visit the concerned district police officials (police station). If you are near 112 Headquarters, write or visit the 112 HQ at:

Address: 112 Uttar Pradesh, HQ
7/13, Shaheed Path, Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow-226027.

Note – The acknowledgement receipt or reference number of registered complaints by calling 112 will be provided immediately. If you have submitted it on social media, it will be acknowledged within 10 minutes.

Escalate: If your complaints are not resolved within the prescribed time (Complaints made against PRV should be addressed within 24 hours), escalate it to the District SSsP/SsP and Nodal Officer (Superintendent of Police, Field Services), 112 UP Police (ITECCS) at level 2.

2. Lodge a Police Complaint

As you know the difference between an informal or formal police complaint and an FIR, you should register a complaint to the concerned police station to start an investigation in any general case (civil or non-criminal).

After the digitization of citizen services, you can also file a complaint online to UP Police using the CCTNS UP platform. Additional online services of UP Police under the Janhit Guarantee Act include appeals, certifications, requests, and verifications.

Public services of UP Police to lodge a complaint
Public services of UP Police to lodge a police complaint (source –

Details required to lodge a police complaint:

  • Complainant details: Personal information, Address, and Identification
  • Accused details (if any): Name, address, and contact details
  • Incident details: Place and type of incident, timing (if known), and upload supporting documents (if any)
  • Complaint submission details: Select or mention your police station
  • Complaint details: Description of the complaint with remarks
  • Documents: Upload relevant and supporting documents (.txt format)

This complaint form can be submitted online as well as offline to the respective police station. After submission of this form, must note down the reference or acknowledgement number.

Official details to register a police complaint to UP Police:

Lodge online police complaint to UP Police File your complaint
Online citizen services (CCTNS), UP Police Register/Login
Download police complaint form Download/View

Contact details:

UP Police (Technical Service) Contact details
Phone Number +915222334340, +915222390248
Email (technical)
Address e-Police Station, Technical Services HQ,
8th floor, 4th Tower, Police Headquarters Building, Gomti Nagar Extension, Lucknow.

Note – If your submitted complaint request is not completely processed or gets no response within 7 days (after filing the application) from the concerned Police Station/ LIU/ DCRB then escalate the complaint to the District SSsP or Senior Superintendent of Police of your region.

3. Filing an e-FIR

Citizens can file an FIR (First Information Report) to UP Police using any one of the available two methods.

  • Offline: Report the incident (including civil and criminal cases) by filing a physical FIR (orally/written) to the respective Officer at the nearest Police Station
  • Online (e-FIR): File an e-FIR (available for only unknown accused and non-SR cases) to Uttar Pradesh Police through CCTNS UP.

Required information for filing an e-FIR:

  • Complainant: Personal information including Name and address (current & permanent)
  • Incident: Information and location of the incident including date (if known)
  • First Information Description: Describe the incident or case with important facts.
  • Signature: Must sign the FIR form and upload it again (mandatory)
  • Victim Information: Personal details, address, and statement of victim
  • Property issue (if any): Category of property (jewellery, electronics, documents, cyber crime, explosive, etc.)
  • Details of the dead/injured (if any): Information about the dead or injured person including video (if available)
  • Attachment: Upload supporting documents, images, videos, etc.
E-FIR registration to UP Police (screenshot)
File an E-FIR to UP Police (screenshot from

Submit this FIR form online on CCTNS UP and note down the FIR number to track the status. Also, don’t forget to download a copy of e-FIR for future reference as proof.

Tips – If you have submitted an FIR at your nearest Police Station, must take a copy of the FIR with an acknowledgement receipt.

Lodge an e-FIR to UP Police through CCTNS-UP:

Submit Online e-FIR to UP Police File an FIR
Track status of FIR/ complaint/ NCR Track now
e-Police Station Helpline Number +915222334340, +915224943707

Note If you do not get any response from UP Police after filing an FIR within the prescribed time limit, then you may escalate the complaint or FIR (including reference number) to the First Appellate Officer (DIG) and Further to the Second Appellate Officer (Zonal ADG) under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam.

Additionally, in case of ignorance by concerned Police Officers, you may escalate the grievance to DGP’s Complaint Cell, Uttar Pradesh Police.

Register a Complaint to the UP Police

Email and other contact details of concerned departments of UP Police to register a complaint about police officers, incidents, or any unusual activities including reporting of serious issues like security threats, criminal offence, etc.

Departments, UP Police Email & Phone No.
CCTNS portal/UPCOP App problems,
DGP’s Complaint Cell, UP Police
Complaint Control Room, DGP
Mahila Samman Prakoshtha (For crimes related to women)
Cybercrime complaints
Fire services and NOC complaints
Traffic Police & Challan
UP Police website feedback

Need more information? You may see the UP Police contact details to know the phone numbers & email of concerned police stations or district offices.

E-Services, CCTNS UP

Submit citizen services application online under the Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam of Govt. of Uttar Pradesh to UP Police through CCTNS-UP anytime and from anywhere. These services are tenet/pg & domestic helper verification, character certificate, request for protest/strike/ procession, e-challan, postmortem report, etc.

You may also report crimes against women and cyber crimes including financial fraud/scams.

Online e-services of UP Police Register/ Apply
Provide a Tip to the Police Submit your tip
Find a missing person (SCRB UP) Click Here
Pay your Traffic e-Challan Pay Now

Alternative ways & social channels to contact the UP Police:

Email (UPCOP issue)
Twitter @UPPolice
Facebook @uppolice
Mobile App UPCOP
Android | iOS

Note – Have your request or services not been processed? If your services under the Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam are not completed within the given period then you may lodge a complaint by appealing before the appointed Appellate Officers of UP Police.

Level 2: Appellate Officers, UP Police

According to the guidelines & rules of Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam, Govt. of UP, if your submitted complaints, requests, or citizen services to UP Police under this Act are not addressed within the stipulated time limit then you can lodge a grievance to the appointed First Appellate Officer of the concerned district or zone of UP Police.

Further, you may escalate the disputed case to the Second Appellate Officer and Review Officer respectively with reference number or acknowledgement details of previously submitted citizen service requests or complaints. You may email or contact the respective officer to raise your concerns.

Note If your complaints related to citizen services under the Janhit Act are not redressed by the UP Police officials at level 2, then you may lodge a public grievance online through Jansunwai UP to the Nodal Officer of Home Department, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.

1. Police Commissionerate, Agra

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (Agra):

Designation Commissioner of Police, Police Commissionerate Agra
Phone Number +915622227256

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (Agra):

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Agra Zone
Phone Number +919454400176 (mobile)

2. Police Commissionerate, Gautam Buddh Nagar

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (G.B. Nagar):

Designation Additional Commissioner of Police (Add. CP), L&O, Police Commissionerate G.B. Nagar
Phone Number +911202973337

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (G.B. Nagar):

Designation Commissioner of Police, Police Commissionerate G.B. Nagar
Phone Number +911202973337

3. Police Commissionerate, Ghaziabad

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (Ghaziabad):

Designation Additional Commissioner of Police (Add. CP), Police Commissionerate Ghaziabad
Phone Number +911202820758

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (Ghaziabad):

Designation Commissioner of Police, Police Commissionerate Ghaziabad
Phone Number +911202820758, +919643322900 (mobile)

4. Police Commissionerate, Kanpur

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (Kanpur):

Designation Additional Commissioner of Police (Add. CP), H/Q,  Police Commissionerate Kanpur
Phone Number +919454400384 (mobile)

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (Kanpur):

Designation Commissioner of Police, Police Commissionerate Kanpur
Phone Number +915122304407, +919454400285 (mobile)

5. Police Commissionerate Lucknow

Commissioner of Police, Lucknow:

Designation Commissioner of Police, Police Commissionerate Lucknow
Phone Number +915222625984

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (Lucknow):

Designation Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), H/Q, Police Headquarters Lucknow
Phone Number +919454400531 (mobile)

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (Lucknow):

Designation Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), H/Q, Police Headquarters Lucknow
Phone Number +915222324954, +919454400476 (mobile)

6. Police Commissionerate Prayagraj

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (Prayagraj):

Designation Additional Commissioner of Police (Add. CP), Police Commissionerate Prayagraj
Phone Number +919454402862 (mobile)

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (Prayagraj):

Designation Commissioner of Police (CP), Police Commissionerate Prayagraj
Phone Number +919454400248 (mobile)

7. Police Commissionerate Varanasi

1. First Appellate Officer, UP Police (Varanasi):

Designation Additional Commissioner of Police (Add. CP), Police Commissionerate Varanasi
Phone Number +919454400438 (mobile)

2. Second Appellate Officer, UP Police (Varanasi):

Designation Commissioner of Police (CP), Police Commissionerate Varanasi
Phone Number +919454400442 (mobile)

8. Agra Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Agra Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:


First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Agra Range:

Designation Inspector-General of Police (IG), Agra Range
Phone Number +915622463343, +919454400197 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Firzabad, Mainpuri, and Mathura

2. Aligarh Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Aligarh Range
Phone Number +915710400404, +919454400392 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Aligarh, Etah, Kasganj, and Hathras

Second Appellate Officer, Agra Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Agra Zone
Phone Number +915622265736, +919454400178 (mobile)

9. Bareilly Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Bareilly Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Moradabad Range:

Designation Additional Superintendent of Police (Addl. SP), Moradabad Range
Phone Number +915952351473, +919454401109 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Sambhal, Bijnor, Amroha, Moradabad, and Rampur

2. Bareilly Range:

Designation Inspector-General of Police (IG), Bareilly Range
Phone Number +915812511049, +919454400204 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Bareilly, Budaun, Pilibhit, and Shahjahanpur

Second Appellate Officer, Bareilly Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Bareilly Zone
Phone Number +915812511199, +919454400140 (mobile)

10. Gorakhpur Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Gorakhpur Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Devipatan Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Devipatan Range
Phone Number +915262230777, +919454402586 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Bahraich, Balrampur, Gonda, and Shravasti

2. Basti Range:

Designation Inspector General of Police (IG), Basti Range
Phone Number +915542246487, +919454400205 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Basti, Sant Kabir Nagar, and Sidharth Nagar

3. Gorakhpur Range:

Designation Inspector General of Police (IG), Gorakhpur Range
Phone Number +915512201047, +919454400209 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Deoria, Gorakhpur, Maharajganj, and Kushinagar

Second Appellate Officer, Gorakhpur Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Gorakhpur Zone
Phone Number +915512333777, +919454400141 (mobile)

11. Kanpur Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Kanpur Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Kanpur Range:

Designation Inspector General of Police (IG), Kanpur Range
Phone Number +915122530663, +919454400211 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Auraiya, Etawah, Fatehgarh, Kannauj, and Kanpur Dehat

2. Jhansi Range:

Designation Deputy  Inspector General of Police (DIG), Jhansi Range
Phone Number +915102333351, +919454400210 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Jalaun, Jhansi, and Lalitpur

Second Appellate Officer, Kanpur Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Kanpur Zone
Phone Number +915122305918, +919454400142 (mobile)

12. Lucknow Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Lucknow Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Lucknow Range:

Designation Inspector General of Police (IG), Lucknow Range
Phone Number +915222393350, +919454400212 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Hardoi, Kheri, Raebareli, Sitapur, and Unnao

2. Ayodhya Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Ayodhya Range
Phone Number +915278224247, +919454400208 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Ambedkar Nagar, Barabanki, Amethi, Ayodhya, and Sultanpur

Second Appellate Officer, Lucknow Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Lucknow Zone
Phone Number +915222235470, +919454400143 (mobile)

13. Meerut Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Meerut Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Saharanpur Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Saharanpur Range
Phone Number +911322761795, +919454400216 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Muzaffar Nagar, Shamli, and Saharanpur

2. Meerut Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Meerut Range
Phone Number +911212666866, +919454400214 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Bagpat, Bulandshahar, Hapur, and Meerut

Second Appellate Officer, Meerut Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Meerut Zone
Phone Number +911212763664, +919454400144 (mobile)

14. Prayagraj Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Prayagraj Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Prayagraj Range:

Designation Inspector General of Police (IG), Prayagraj Range
Phone Number +915322260527, +919454400195 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Fatehpur, Kaushambi, and Pratapgarh

2. Chitrakoot Dham Range:

Designation Inspector General of Police (IG), Chitrakoot Dham Range
Phone Number +915192220538, +919454400206 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Banda, Chitrakoot, Hamirpur, and Mahoba

Second Appellate Officer, Prayagraj Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Prayagraj Zone
Phone Number +915322424630, +919454400139 (mobile)

15. Varanasi Zone

Appellate/Review Officers of UP Police in Varanasi Zone under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer, UP Police

1. Azamgarh Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Azamgarh Range
Phone Number +915462260249, +919454400203 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Azamgarh, Ballia, and Mau

2. Varanasi Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Varanasi Range
Phone Number +915422509399, +919454400199 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Chandauli, Ghazipur, and Jaunpur

3. Mirzapur  Range:

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), Mirzapur Range
Phone Number +915442245366, +919454400215 (mobile)
Jurisdiction Bhadohi, Mirzapur, and Sonbhadra

Second Appellate Officer, Varanasi Zone

Designation Additional Director General of Police (ADG), Varanasi Zone
Phone Number +915422502800, +919454400145 (mobile)

DG Police Headquarters, UP Police

Appellate/Review Officers at Police Headquarters of Uttar Pradesh Police under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam:

First Appellate Officer

Designation CO Public Grievance, DGP HQ (Lucknow)
Phone Number +919454401951 (mobile)
Email N/A

Second Appellate Officer

Designation SP Public Grievance, DGP HQ (Lucknow)
Phone Number +919454400691 (mobile)
Email N/A

Reviewing Officer, UP Police

Designation DIG Public Grievance, DGP HQ (Lucknow)
Phone Number +919005959550 (mobile)

Anti Corruption Organization (AC), UP Police

Designation Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG), ACO (Lucknow)
Phone Number +915222390515 (Anti Corruption)
Control Room No. +919454402484
Address Police Anti-Corruption Organization, Police Bhawan, Signature Building 7, 8th floor, 3rd Tower, opposite Ekana (ICANA) Stadium Stadium, Gomti Nagar Vistar, Lucknow – 226002.

Cyber Crime Department, UP Police

Designation SPL. Director General of Police (DG), Cyber Crime
Phone Number +915222390538

Need more information? Know the designated officials of UP Police Units and contact the respective officers.

Citizen Rights

The rights of the citizen while filing a complaint or FIR to the police and the estimated time limit for the public services of Uttar Pradesh police are defined below. Read it carefully to know your rights as defined in the citizen charter of the Home Department, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.


Rights Related to FIR and Investigation:

  1. FIR/NCR is free with a copy of FIR and prompt action will be taken based on the information submitted at the Police Station.
  2. You can get a copy of your filed information/application from the concerned Police Station.
  3. Registration cannot be denied based on jurisdiction (other police station) or incorrect information.
  4. You must receive the outcome of the investigation free of cost.

Rights During Arrest:

  1. Police must state the reason for your arrest.
  2. You have the right to have your lawyer present during the arrest.
  3. Your relatives must be informed by the Police about your arrest.

Rights of Women:

  1. Women cannot be arrested before sunrise or after sunset, except in unavoidable circumstances and as per the law.
  2. Women and children will not be called to the police station for interrogation.

Rights Regarding Police Officers:

  1. Officers must wear proper police dress with visible nameplates.
  2. Police officers must display their individual identity cards during interrogation.

Rights of Family Members:

  1. The family of the deceased can obtain a copy of the post-mortem report from the SP’s office in the district.

Public Services

Regarding Police Verification and Summons:

  • No need to visit the police station for a passport, arm license, or character verification.
  • As per the citizen service guidelines, Traffic challan-related documents will be issued within 7 working days by the C.O/A.S.P office, and you can collect submitted documents from there without unnecessary visits to the police station.

Prescribed Time Limit

The time limit for various citizen services of Uttar Pradesh Police:

Service Category At Police Station At Other Offices
Registration of Crimes / Filing FIR At Once Not Required
Action on Complaints Received at Police Station 7 working days Not Related
Action on Complaints Received from Higher Authorities 7 working days (24 Hours in threatening situations) 2 working days to refer to the concerned Police Station (24 hrs in threatening situations), 3 working days for report examination by a Supervisory Officer
Action on Lost/Found Material At Once At Once
Action on Missing Persons Complaint/Information At Once At Once (Immediate FIR for missing minors under 18 as per Supreme Court orders)
Verification of Application for Arms Licenses 10 working days D.C.R.B – 3 working ways, C.O / Addl. S.P. – 3 working days, S.P. Total (Receiving/Sending) – 4 working days (Total 20 working days including Police Station)
Renewal of Arms Licenses One Week D.C.R.B – 4 working days, Police Office – 4 working days (Total 15 working days including Police Station)
Action on Summons Received/Order of Compliance by Court As per the Court’s time limit (05 working days in other matters) As Directed
Verification of Passport 07 working days Police Station – 10 days, Total 15 days
Character Verification (PVR, MVR, Pr.V.R. etc) 07 working days Total 15 working days
Character Verification (For Contractors) 10 working days Total 25 working days
Action on Unnatural Death/Death in Natural Disaster At Once At Once
Provide a Verified Copy of the Post-Mortem Report 03 working days Sending to Police Station – 02 working days, Action after returning from Police Station – 03 working days
Traffic Challan To send to Supervisory Authority within 24 hours To submit in Court within 03 working days
NOC by Fire Department 15 working days (Decision on Tent within 02 working days for Public Programs) C.O./Chief Fire Officer and the Office of Superintendent of Police – 05 working days (About Tent for Organizing Public Programs – within 02 working days)
Public Functions – Permission/ Recommendation 12 hours 03 working days

If your services have not been completed within the given stipulated time limit or ignored by the designated officers (including bribery issues), lodge a complaint to Uttar Pradesh Police through CCTNS-UP or email the higher appellate officers as mentioned above.


Q. What is the UP Police helpline number to seek help or register a complaint about an incident?
A. In a life threat or emergency, always dial 112 or 100 to report the incident or seek help from Uttar Pradesh Police. You may also WhatsApp +917570000100 with your location to UP Police to get instant help. If you want to report any civic or criminal incident, you may prefer to contact your nearest police station as soon as possible.

Q. Where can I escalate the complaints about Janhit services that are not redressed by the Police Officials?
A. In the first instance, you should escalate the complaints registered under Janhit Guarantee Adhiniyam to the appointed First Appellate Officer of the concerned range of Uttar Pradesh Police. Further, escalate the disputed case to the appointed Second Appellate Officer at the Zonal Level. Finally, you may lodge a complaint to the Reviewing Officer (DGP – Public Grievances) at the DPG Police Headquarters of UP Police.

Q. Where can I approach if I’m not satisfied with the final resolution of Uttar Pradesh Police?
A. Finally, you can lodge a public grievance against the final resolution of UP Police to Nodal Officer (Public Grievances) of the Home Department of Govt of Uttar Pradesh through the Jansunwai UP (Samadhan) platform.


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User Reviews (3)

Praveendra Singh Chauhan
Sep 14, 2024

Complaint Vehicle No. UP-14/FV-0839

Last night Said vehicle hitted to me at near to my residence L Block Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad, he was running speedy bike (UP14-FV-0839) without helmet & without light in night at a residential area , my left leg injured & cloth torn. Kindly book a complaint & warn him do not repeat such type speedy accident. Yesterday I do not have my mobile due to portablility done so I can call Police.
Ahmed Ghazali Jafri
Aug 13, 2024

Dhamki jaan se Marne ki

Mere Chacha aur unke du bete Atif Jafri, Fahad Jafri sath mein Milke du baar Marne ki dhamki di aur mein akela hon mere biwi aur du bache h chote un sabko khatra hai
Shahid saifi
May 4, 2024

Side effect dawai

Overall (2 out of 5)
Affordability (2 out of 5)
Sir Maine panipat haryana se dawai liya wo mujhe side effects kar gai Maine company call Kiya wo mujhe ulta sidha bole number block kar diye Horsepower Nutrition Store, MAIN G.T. Road, Samalkha, Panipat - 132101 (Near Ikbal Bullet Wala)


Overall (0.5 out of 5)
Affordability (2 out of 5)


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Last night Said vehicle hitted to me at near to my residence L Block Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad, he was running speedy bike (UP14-FV-0839) without helmet & without light in night at a residential area , my left leg injured & cloth torn. Kindly book a complaint & warn him do not repeat such type speedy accident. Yesterday I do not have my mobile due to portablility done so I can call Police.Mere Chacha aur unke du bete Atif Jafri, Fahad Jafri sath mein Milke du baar Marne ki dhamki di aur mein akela hon mere biwi aur du bache h chote un sabko khatra haiSir Maine panipat haryana se dawai liya wo mujhe side effects kar gai Maine company call Kiya wo mujhe ulta sidha bole number block kar diye Horsepower Nutrition Store, MAIN G.T. Road, Samalkha, Panipat - 132101 (Near Ikbal Bullet Wala)UP Police: How to File e-FIR or Complaint to Uttar Pradesh Police?