Water is a precious and essential resource for the human life. in Chennai, the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) is a statutory board responsible for providing drinking water supply and sewage treatment.
However, there may be times when you face issues with the water supply or sewerage system in your area. In such cases, you can register a complaint with the Chennai Metro Water Department.
The residents can face types of water issues regarding CMWSSB services are:
- Water supply: No drinking water supply, dirty or low-quality water, or partial supply for domestic, commercial, and industrial consumers through a network of pipelines, tankers, pumping stations, and reservoirs.
- Pipelines & Meters: Issues related to low pressure, flooding water, broken pipelines (leakages), higher meter readings, or unauthorized connections.
- Sewerage: Collection and treatment of the sewage generated from the city. Problems related to sewage tankers or blocked Sewerage lines.
- Rainwater harvesting: Technical guidance and financial aids for installation of rainwater harvesting structures in the buildings.
- Online services: Problems regarding water tax, bills, and charges payment, unresolved complaints, online booking of water or sewage tankers, or application for new water or sewerage connection
If you live in Chennai, you can call the toll-free helpline number of the CMWSSB Call Center, email your concerns, or register an online complaint to the Departments of the Chennai Metro Water. Further, you can escalate the grievance to CGRF Forum, CMWSSB.
At Complaint Hub, you can use the below information of the CMWSSB to register your complaint and also follow the instructions for faster resolution.
How to File a Complaint to CMWSSB?
According to the citizen charter, if you have any water or sewerage-related complaint, you can register it to the CMWSSB (Area Office / Depot Office / SAO) through the following modes:
- Customer Care Number: You can call the CMWSSB water helpline numbers and lodge your complaint with the customer care executive at the Call Center.
- Online: You can register your complaint online through the online form and mobile app. You will need to provide your consumer connection number.
- In-person: You can visit the nearest CMWSSB office, fill out a prescribed complaint form write a complaint letter, and submit it to the concerned officer.
Note: You will be given a complaint/acknowledgement number to track the status of your complaint.
Levels of Complaint Escalation:
- Level 1: Area Engineer, Divisional Office
- Level 2: Superintending Engineer, Zonal Office
- Level 3: Appeal to Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO), Head Office of CMWSSB
Please note: For the violation of consumer rights by CMWSSB, you can file a consumer complaint to the National Consumer Helpline (NCH), Department of Consumer Affairs.
CMWSSB Water Helpline Number
The CMWSSB has provided the following water helpline numbers of the Central Complaint Cell for the public:
- CMWSSB Complaint Number: +914445674567; 1916
- Email: cmwssb@tn.gov.in, regncmwssb@gmail.com
- Rain Water Harvesting Helpline Number: +914428454080
- Anti-Corruption Helpline: +914422310989, +914422321090
- Contact Local Area Officers: Click Here
You can call these numbers anytime 24×7 on all days and register your water or sewerage complaint.
Not resolved? Escalate the complaint to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the Board.
Please note: If you have complaints regarding municipal and civic services, file a complaint to the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC).
Register an Online Complaint
To register an online complaint about water supply, billings, or sewage services, the required details are:
- Complainant’s name and contact details
- Nature of complaint
- Location of the incident with Ward
- Description of the water/sewage complaint
- Supporting documents, if any
You can use the below official information to lodge your complaints online.
Complain online to CMWSSB | File a complaint |
Track complaint status | Click to track |
cmwssb@tn.gov.in | |
Online Services (New connection) | Click to Apply |
Online Water tax/bill payment | Pay now |
Register for Water tank | Click Here |
For technical issues related to online services, email IT Cell at itdeptcmw@gmail.com.
If not resolved, using the Complaint ID, escalate to the Grievance Officer at the Head Office.
Escalate to Grievance Officer of Consumer Forum, CMWSSB
You can also appeal to the Consumer Grievance Forum of the CMWSSB, which is a Grievance Redressal Cell that hears and resolves the complaints of consumers. The Forum meets once a month and hears the complaints of the consumers who are not satisfied with the response of the CMWSSB.
The procedure to file a complaint to the CGRF is as follows:
- Download: Complaint Form (Tamil)
- You can file a complaint to the CGRF within 90 days from the date of your complaint to the CMWSSB.
- Within the complaint letter, provide your name, address, consumer number, complaint/reference number, date of the complaint, details of the complaint, and the relief sought from the CGRF.
- Send or submit a written application to the Forum.
- Get an acknowledgement from the CGRF with the date and time of the hearing of your complaint.
- Appear before the CGRF on the scheduled date and time and present your case.
- The CGRF will hear your case and the response of the CMWSSB.
- If you are not satisfied with the order of the Consumer Forum, appeal to the Appellate Authority of the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board through TN CM Helpline (IIPGCMS).
Write a complaint letter to the Grievance Redressal and Facilitation Officer of the Consumer Form at:
Designation | Grievance Redressal Officer, CMWSSB |
Phone Number | +914428451300, +914428451223 |
grfo.cmwssb@tn.gov.in, cofrevenue@gmail.com | |
Email (Revenue) | cofrevenue@chennaimetrowater.com |
Address | Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO), Consumer Grievance Forum, Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board, No.1, Pumping Station Road, Chintadripet, Chennai – 600002. |
Note: Have your complaints not been resolved by CMWSSB? You can file a complaint against CMWSSB to the Appellate Officer of the Urban Development Department through the “TN CM Helpline (Integrated and Inclusive Public Grievance CM Helpline Management System (IIPGCMS))” of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
Contact Area Office
These are the official phone numbers, email, and other contact details of the Area Engineers of respective Divisional/Area Offices where you can call or visit to raise your water or sewage complaints and get faster resolution.
Area Engineer, Location | Phone Number, Email, and Contact Details |
Area-I Thiruvottiyur | Phone: +914425991908 Email: cmwssba01@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, 19, Market Lane, Kaladipet, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai – 600019 |
Area-II Manali | Phone: +914425940719 Email: cmwssbar2@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.162, Nedunchezhian Salai, Manali, Chennai-600068 |
Area-III Madhavaram | Phone: +914425530100 Email: cmwssbnewarea3@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.1, Perumal Koil Street, Madhavaram, Chennai-600060. (Behind Madhavaram Bus Depot) |
Area-IV Tondiarpet | Phone: +914425984647 Email: cmwssba4@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.10-C, Central Avenue Road, MKB Nagar, Ch-600039 |
Area-V Royapuram | Phone: +914425904310 Email: cmwssbar5@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.1, M.C.Road, Royapuram, Chennai-600021(Opp to Veera’s Textiles) |
Area-VI Thiru-Vi-Ka Nagar | Phone: +914425517457 Email: cmwssbna6@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.2, Vadivelu II Cross Street, Perambur, Chennai-600011 |
Area-VII Ambattur | Phone: +914426562457 Email: cmwssba7@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.1, T.S.Krishna Nagar, Mogappiar East, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600037 |
Area-VIII Anna Nagar | Phone: +914426212101 Email: cmwssba8@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, 227, II Avenue, Near 12th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040 |
Area-IX Teynampet | Phone: +914424996796 Email: cmwssbarea09@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.1, Dr. Ranga Road, Abiramapuram, Chennai-600018 |
Area-X Kodambakkam | Phone: +914428150059 Email: cmwssbnewa10@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.9, Muthukrishnan Street, T.Nagar, Chennai-600017 |
Area-XI Valasaravakkam | Phone: +914424867244 Email: cmwssba11@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.8A, Gangai Amman Koil Street,Alapakkam, Chennai-600116 |
Area-XII Alandur | Phone: +914422331606 Email: cmwssba12@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.1, New Street, Alandur, Chennai-600016 |
Area-XIII Adyar | Phone: +914424451121 Email: cmwssba13@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No.42, First Main Road, Chennai-600020 |
Area-XIV Perungudi | Phone: +914424545873 Email: cmwssbarea14@gmail.com Address: CMWSSB, No 1, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, OMR, Kottivakkam, Chennai – 600041 |