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Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka: File a Complaint Against Discoms in Karnataka to Electricity Ombudsman, KERC


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Karnatka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) –

The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) was established in 1999 under the Karnataka Electricity Reform Act, 1999, enacted by the Government of Karnataka. According to the Electricity Act, 2003 (under sub-section (1) of section 82), the Commission (KERC), was recognized as the State Commission.

KERC has the authority to grant licenses (for electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and trading) or exemptions based on the recommendations of the state government. The major Discoms, under the purview of the Commission, are:

If your submitted complaints to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of Discoms are not resolved within 30 days to your satisfaction, you can appeal to the Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka. The Office of Ombudsman is constituted by the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission.

Please note that You don’t need an advocate for this appeal; you can present your case personally or nominate someone.

Note: For the disputes between the licensees (companies) of generating, transmitting, or distributing power in Karnataka, file a petition by e-filing with the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC).

Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka

In Karnataka, as per the Electricity Act of 2003, an Electricity Ombudsman has been appointed by the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC).

Under KERC’s regulations for Consumer Grievance Redressal and the Ombudsman, if your complaint submitted to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) of electricity distribution companies is not resolved satisfactorily within 30 days or a specified time frame, you may take your complaint to the Electricity Ombudsman for further resolution.

KERC has established the Offices of Electricity Ombudsman in Bangalore to take cases involving electricity distribution licensees in Karnataka.

Contact details of the Electricity Ombudsman:

Designation Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka
Phone Number +918041692617
Fax 080-41692617
Address The Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission, No.16 C-1, Miller Tank Bed Area, (Behind Jain Hospital), Vasanthanagara, Bengaluru-560052.

You may appeal to the Ombudsman by submitting a representation form online (e-filing) or sending it by post.

Appeal to Ombudsman

You can either use a formal representation like an appeal letter or, if available, submit an online petition to the Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka. This appeal allows you to present your case, seeking relief or compensation for any financial losses incurred due to unsatisfactory services provided by the Electricity Board/Discom.

You can not appeal under these conditions:

  • If your case has already been solved by the Ombudsman or is in court.
  • You can’t apply if the matter is pending in any other legal process.

Petition Filing Fee & Resolution Period:

Petition Filing Fee No Fee (Nil)
Deposit of case hearing (Refundable) No Fees (May vary, Please guidelines issued by the Commission
Case Redressal Time 45 Days
Acknowledgement Receipt Within 7 Days

If you need legal advice, contact the Consumer Advocacy Cell at the Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC). They provide free legal help to people with electricity-related complaints.

Please Note: These procedures do not affect consumers’ rights under other laws, including the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. For more details, you may contact the National Consumer Helpline (NACH), Ministry of Consumer Affairs.


These are the major requirements and instructions to appeal:

1. How to Submit: Use a prescribed representation form (available for download) or just write on plain paper to complain to the Ombudsman.

2. Required Documents:

  • Statement of facts or case description
  • Copy of your submitted complaint to CGRF along with all supporting documents.
  • Copy of CGRF’s decision.

3. Case Description:

  • Explain what help you need in your complaint letter.
  • Don’t forget to provide your complete address, including PIN code, email, and phone number for proper communication.

4. Signature and Fees: The complaint must be signed by you, the person making the complaint. No extra fees or stamps are needed, as mentioned before.

5. Access to Information: You, the company involved, and authorized individuals can get copies of the Ombudsman’s decisions. There might be a small fee for others.

Note: Remember to keep copies of all the documents you attach and the forms you fill out for future reference.

Where to Submit the Appeal Form?

You can send by post or submit your representation form to the Office of Electricity Ombudsman at:

  • Address: The Electricity Ombudsman, Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission, No.16 C-1, Miller Tank Bed Area, (Behind Jain Hospital), Vasanthanagara, Bengaluru – 560052.
  • Phone No: +918041692617
  • Email:

Resolution Procedure

1. Starting Your Complaint: If your submitted complaints to the Forum (CGRF) are not resolved within 30 days, you can approach the Ombudsman.

  • For example – If you had escalated the complaint about the electricity bill to CGRF of the Discom, but it was not resolved to your satisfaction within 30 days, then appeal to the Ombudsman.

2. Ombudsman’s Role: The Ombudsman will try to help you and the power company agree on a solution. If that doesn’t work, a meeting will be scheduled.

3. Case presentation: You can present your case to the Ombudsman yourself or nominate someone for your case.  If you prefer someone else, fill out the attached nomination form and submit it with your complaint.

4. Ombudsman’s Decision:

  • The Ombudsman will carefully review your case, and explain the facts, reasoning, and any compensation or instructions.
  • In last, both you and the power company will receive a copy of this decision.

5. Final Order: If you agree with the Ombudsman’s decision, the power company has to follow it within the given time. If you disagree, you have one month to reply. If you don’t respond, the decision might not be enforced.


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