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KMC, Kanpur: How to File a Complaint to Kanpur Municipal Corporation?


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KMC Logo (Kanpur Municipal Corporation)
Kanpur Municipal Corporation (KMC), source –

Kanpur Municipal Corporation (कानपूर नगर निगम) is an urban local government body of Kanpur City, Uttar Pradesh. The municipal corporation is empowered by the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992. KMC is responsible for the civic services including public utility & infrastructure in Kanpur (urban).

Kanpur is divided into 6 zones and 110 wards consisting of:

Map of Kanpur Municipal Corporation KMC (Kanpur City)
Map of Kanpur Municipal Corporation KMC (Kanpur City), source –

Have any complaints regarding the administrative or civic services of the Kanpur Nagar Nigam? Yes! File your complaints to the respective departments through the toll-free helpline number, email, or online citizen grievance redressal platform (Kanpur Smart City).

Still not resolved? According to the citizen charter, escalate the complaint to the First Appellate Officer (Zonal/Deputy Commissioner) of the concerned department of the Municipal Corporation.

Yet dissatisfied with the resolution? You may escalate the disputed matter to the Public Grievance Cell of the Kanpur Nagar Nigam. The cell consists of an Additional/Chief Municipal Commissioner, Mayor, and officers appointed as Second Appellate Officers.

How to Register a Complaint to Kanpur Municipal Corporation?

According to the rules and guidelines of the Citizen Charter issued by the Kanpur Nagar Nigam, the grievance redressal mechanism is divided into 3 tiers. If no action has been taken or dissatisfied with tier 1 then escalate the disputed complaint to the next designated officers of the Integrated Grievance Redressal System (IGRS).

Complaint Registration Fee & Redressal Time Limit:

Registration Fee No Charges (₹0)
Resolution Period 3 to 30 days (depending on the category of the issue)
Grievance Escalation Within 30 days

Organizational Structure:

Organizational structure of Kanpur Nagar Nigam
The organizational structure of Kanpur Nagar Nigam (source –

3 levels of lodging complaints:

  • Level 1: Register a complaint to Designated Officers, KMC through:
    • Citizen helpline number
    • Online complaint registration
    • Email or physical writing (letter)
  • Level 2: Escalate to First Appellate Officer:
    • Zonal Commissioner, KMC
    • Deputy Municipal Commissioner
  • Level 3: Escalate the grievance to Public Grievance Cell, KMC
    • Additional/Chief Municipal Commissioner
    • Mayor, Kanpur Nagar Nigam

Note Still dissatisfied with the final resolution or not resolved within the given timeframe? Escalate this disputed matter to the appointed Appellate Officer by filing a complaint to the Public Grievance Cell of the Directorate of Local Bodies, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Level 1: Kanpur Municipal Corporation

First, you should submit a complaint to the designated officers of the concerned departments of the Kanpur Municipal Corporation. For this, initiate a grievance in level 1 through the available official complaint registration mechanism.

You can report your concerns by toll-free citizen helpline numbers, email, or writing a complaint letter. Additionally, file a complaint online through the grievance redressal platform as mentioned below.

KMC Citizen Helpline Number

Citizens can dial the toll-free helpline number or call the control room number to report any incident in an emergency or register a complaint about the civic body services of Kanpur Municipal Corporation. Additionally, you may email or contact the respective designated officers of the departments.


  • Name of the complainant
  • The location of the issue
  • Nature of the complaint
  • Description of the issue with facts (if any)

Must ask for the reference/ticket number as proof of submission. Also, do not share personal or financial sensitive information including OTP to any executives or officials on the call or in a written letter.

Official helpline numbers of Kanpur Nagar Nigam to file a complaint:

KMC citizen helpline number 1533, 18001805124
Kanpur Nagar Nigam complaint number +915122526004, +915122526005
Garbage complaint number 18001805159
EESL toll-free number (Streetlight) 18001803580
KMC Office Contact No. +915122541258, +915122553254

Dial the KMC control room helpline number +915122555681 to report any emergency incident in Kanpur City (available 24×7). You may also use the toll-free citizen number mentioned above.

Note – Not resolved within the given timeframe or dissatisfied with the response? You should escalate the grievance to the First Appellate Officer of the KMC.

Additionally, before approaching level 2, file a complaint online to the municipal corporation. Further, you may escalate the matter to the Second Appellate Officer, KMC.

File an Online Complaint

The transparent and easy way to raise a concern is online mode. The municipal corporation is digitalizing its civic services under the e-governance initiative. So, as a resident of Kanpur, you can file a complaint online through the grievance redressal platform. Additionally, you may also write a grievance letter to the respective department of Nagar Nigam.

Must Provide This Information:

  • Name and contact details of the complainant
  • The subject of the complaint
  • Location with Ward and Zone No.
  • Description of the issue with facts and references
  • Attach supporting documents, images, etc.

After successful registration of an online complaint, you must note down the reference/ticket number to track the status and as proof of submission. Further, use it to escalate the case (if not resolved).

Official details to register a complaint online with Kanpur Municipal Corporation:

Register an online complaint to KMC (Kanpur) File a complaint
Garbage collection online complaint Click to report
Kanpur Electricity complaint Complain to KESCO
KMC officials’ contact numbers View/Contact
Email (Kanpur Smart City)

Note – Still not resolved or dissatisfied with the resolution? Escalate the disputed grievance with reference/acknowledgment receipt to the appointed First Appellate Officer (Deputy/Joint Municipal Commissioner) of KMC.


Online civic body services of the Kanpur Nagar Nigam:

Online Services Apply/Pay
Pay water tax/bill online Pay Now
New water supply/ sewerage connection Apply Now

Need more information? You can visit the online services section of the Kanpur Smart City platform.

Level 2: First Appellate Officer, KMC

If your submitted complaint is not resolved within the given resolution time limit (as mentioned in the citizen charter, KMC) or violates the rules of the Right to Public Service Act of the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh then escalate the complaint to the appointed First Appellate Officer of the respective departments of the Kanpur Municipal Corporation in level 2.

The appellate officers are the heads of the departments who can be Zonal/Deputy/Joint Municipal Commissioner in the Nagar Nigam Kanpur. Residents can lodge a grievance through email or written grievance letters to the officers.

Lodge Your Grievance

Must mention in the grievance form :

  • Name, address, and contact details
  • The nature of the complaint
  • Ward/Zone No. of the location
  • Reference/acknowledgement receipt of the previous complaint
  • Reason for dissatisfaction (if received a response)
  • Description of the issue with expected relief from the Appellate Officers
  • Attach supporting documents, images, and links to the video (if any)

Send the complaint letter to the headquarters or zonal office of Kanpur Municipal Corporation or re-open the complaint through the Kanpur Smart City portal (mentioned above).

Official address and contact details:

Designation Zonal/Deputy Municipal Commissioner (IGRS), KMC
Phone No. +915122541258, +915122553254
Fax No. 05122531662
Address IGRS Cell, Headquarters, Kanpur Municipal Corporation, Moti Jheel, Moti Jheel Ave, Kanpur – 208002.

Don’t forget to take the acknowledgement receipt after the successful submission of your grievance form to the IGRS Cell or Appellate Officers. For the contact details of the officers, refer below.

Designated Officers, KMC

Official contact details of the designated officers of the concerned department of the Nagar Nigam Kanpur:

Designation, KMC Phone Number
Nagar Nigam Grievance Cell +915122526004
General Manager, Jalkal (Water) +915122548213
Chief Engineer, PWD +915122549806

If you want to call directly the designated officers, click “contact KMC officers” to know the email and mobile number.

Note Dissatisfied or not resolved? In this situation, escalate the disputed matter to the Public Grievance Cell (Second Appellate Officers) of the Kanpur Municipal Corporation.

Level 3: Public Grievance Cell, Kanpur Nagar Nigam

The municipal corporation has an Integrated Public Grievance Cell where residents of Kanpur can file a complaint against the final resolution or escalate the disputed matter of unresolved grievances by the designated officers in KMC.

Here, the Second Appellate Officers and Additional/Chief Municipal Commissioner, KMC are the appointed officers to whom you can submit your concerns in level 3. Before escalating the grievance, must include these details:

  • Reference/acknowledgement receipt of the previous complaint
  • Relief is expected from the Officer
  • Reason for dissatisfaction with a copy of the response (if received)
  • Attach supporting documents, a copy of the evidence, and other facts

Write a grievance letter or email the officers of the Public Grievance Cell at:

Designation Chief Municipal Commissioner, KMC
Phone No. +915122541258
Address Municipal Commissioner, Public Grievance Cell, Headquarters, Kanpur Municipal Corporation, Moti Jheel, Moti Jheel Ave, Harsh Nagar, Kanpur – 208002.

Note Still not resolved as per your satisfaction within the resolution period? You can file a complaint through E-NagarSewa UP against the Kanpur Municipal Corporation to the Directorate of Urban Local Government, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.

Directorate of Urban Local Government, Uttar Pradesh

The apex body of the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the urban local bodies is the Directorate of Urban Government, UP. If you have any complaints that are still not resolved or are dissatisfied with the final order of the Kanpur Municipal Corporation then escalate the disputed case to the Nodal Officer of the Directorate.

You can submit a complaint online through the Jansunwai UP (Samadhan) grievance registration portal. Mention the following details while lodging a grievance:

  • Acknowledgement of details of previous complaints
  • Copy of response (if any)
  • Relief expected from the Nodal Officer
  • Attach a copy of the supporting documents, evidence, images, etc.

To file a complaint online visit the link below:

Must note down the reference/grievance number after the successful registration of your complaint on the Jansunwai portal. Use it to track the status and re-open if not resolved as per your satisfaction.

Suggestion – Have any complaints related to central government offices or departments? Lodge a grievance online through the Centralized Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), Union Government.

Note – Still not satisfied with the final order of the Directorate? You should get help from the legal expert (lawyer) to take legal action against the final order. For this, you may approach the respective tribunal, statutory body, or judicial body (courts).

Resolve the civic issues

These are the issues related to civic and public utility services of the Kanpur Nagar Nigam that can be resolved by the designated officials.

1. Cleanliness, Health, and Waste Management:

  • Issues with public toilets, hospitals & clinics, and garbage collection
  • Report the public health & diseases due to wastes/garbage on the road/open place
  • Issues of Open defecation, burning of garbages in open space or non-availability of dustbin
  • Concerns related to garbage vehicles pickup timing, sweeping roads, and cleanliness of streets
  • Request if required spaying/fogging in any area
  • Other complaints related to cleanliness & wastes

2. Water, Sewerage, and Drainage:

  • Complaints related to no water supply, pipeline leakage, and polluted/ contaminated water supply in the tap
  • Matters of choked drainage/sewerage pipeline, open manholes/chamber, or required to repair the chamber
  • Other issues of water connection/supply and drainage in the Kanpur City

3. Streetlight:

  • Report the non-burning streetlight or daytime burning of light
  • Matters of hanging cables in the street or leaning on trees
  • Issues with broken switches of light and requests for new streetlights
  • Other problems with streetlight

4. Stray Animals:

  • Report stray animals (cow, dogs, bull, etc.) or request to pick up any dead animals
  • Complaints related to Rabies dogs or increased numbers of dogs

5. Encroachment:

  • Encroachment on public properties or slum area
  • Illegal hoarding, stalls on the road, or footpath/road cover
  • Other related to encroachment of public or municipal properties

6. Construction & Maintenance of Roads:

  • Request to increase the size of the road, construction of new roads, or repair public roads
  • Complaints related to potholes on roads and low-quality work
  • Other road management-related complaints

7. Garden & Parks:

  • Report illegal tree cutting, trimming of trees, and fallen trees
  • Issues related to Parks, the plantation in the garden, the footpath in the garden, or lack of availability of equipment
  • Concerns of non-availability of garden staff or misbehaviour of the municipal garden employees
  • Other issues related to the municipal garden/ park of the KMC

8. Tax Department:

  • Matters of mutation, assessment of house tax, and property/house tax payments
  • Other complaints related to bills/tax payments to Kanpur Nagar Nigam

9. Traffic:

  • Report for no zebra crossing, non-visibility of red light, broken dividers, or encroachment on the footpath
  • Complaints of potholes on roads, no Traffic Signs/reflectors on roads
  • Issues related to Water flow on roads

10. Air Pollution:

  • Garbage dumped on public land, Ganga River, and water drainage flowing in the river
  • Report the overflowing dustbin, burning of plastic, leaves, etc.
  • Concerns of Malba on dumping land, unpaved roads, road dust, or fire in the landfill site
  • Complaints related to industrial pollution (water/air) in Kanpur City or smoke emitted from industries
  • Other air pollution complaints in the municipal region


Q. What is the citizen helpline number of the Kanpur Municipal Corporation?
A. Dial the toll-free citizen helpline number 18001805124 or register a complaint by calling on +915122526004 or +915122526005 to the IGRS Cell of Kanpur Nagar Nigam.

Q. What can I do if my complaints are not resolved by designated officers of the Municipal Corporation?
A. First, you can escalate the complaint to the First Appellate Officer (Zonal/Deputy Commissioner) of the respective departments by re-opening the previously submitted complaint. Further, you may escalate the disputed matter to the Chief Municipal Commissioner or Mayor of the Kanpur Municipal Corporation.

Q. Where can I approach if my complaints are not resolved or dissatisfied with the final order of the KMC?
A. You can lodge a complaint online to the Nodal Officer of the Directorate of Urban Local Government, Uttar Pradesh through Jansunwai UP. Must include acknowledgement details and reference to previously unresolved complaints.


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User Reviews (6)

Anand Kumar Sharma
Sep 14, 2024

K.D.A. COLONY nivasi Ke Seevar Chamber Mai Society Plot Ke Seevar Chamber Ka Inlegal Jodne ke sambandh mai.

Respected Sir, Mera Naam ANAND KUMAR SHARMA S/o Sri Bal Govind Sharma . 127/450, K.D.A. Colony Arra Bingawan. mandi samiti, Naubasta, kanpur (u.p.) hai. Sir Mere Ghar Ke Saamne Ek Society Ka Inlegal Plot hai Jiske Owner Raj Kumar Pandey Aur Ved Prakash Diwedi Hai. Jisne Mere ghar par na rahne par par chori se Apne Seevar Chamber Ka Pipe Mere Seevar Chamber. mai jod diya hai jo inlegal hai. Raj kumar pandey se Shikayat karne par jaan se maarne ki Kosish Ki . Sir, meri aapse Kindly Request Hai ki aap iska sangyan le. mere dawara Nagar Nigam Ke Sri Nagar Aayuk ko prathana patra bhi diya hai lekin koi karyawahi nahi hui hai. aapki mahan daya hogi . Anand Kumar Sharma S/o Shri Bal Govind Sharma 127/450, k.d.a. colony, Arra Bingawan, Mandi Samiti, Naubasta ,Kanpur
Aug 13, 2024

No streetlights

Ward Number 62 sanigawan road pole number 844 and 845have no streetlights there are tobe darker in the night
Atique Vohra
Aug 13, 2024

Kanpur Nagar Nigam for street repairs & street lights

Entire Defence Colony Jajmau Kanpur s streets are being maintained and refurbished except half street between D 196 to D188. Street Lights are also defunct Kindly register Complaint and do the needful Vohra / Irshad Alam/ Tandon/ Misra
Suraj Singh yadav Ex Service man
Aug 8, 2024

Unauthorised Dumping yard of KABAR made Domestic area of mangla vihar 2 Tiranga Chauraha kanpur

Unauthorised Dumping yard of KABAR made in Domestic area of Tiranga Chauraha Mangla vihar 2 Kanpur. This may take any Unnatural accident. So I request to appropriate authority to take action please to avoid such accident for safety of people's of living area. 2. All turning poit of 60 fit road incroched by people and taking the rent ,where as that lands belongs to Nager Nigam zone 2 Government.So sir please take immediate action may please be taken for the safety of people's of this area .User charges may be ask such people's for the indirect support of Nager Nigam Kanpur
Piush Shukla
Apr 23, 2024

Zone -3 ,वैदेही विहार पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ न 9 (KDA पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ ) में सीवर लाइन डलवाना /कनेकà¥à¤¶à¤¨ देने के समà¥à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§ में

Overall (1 out of 5)
Customer Service (1 out of 5)
Quality of service or product (1 out of 5)
Affordability (1 out of 5)
विषय: Zone -3 ,वैदेही विहार पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ न 9 (KDA पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ ) में सीवर लाइन डलवाना /कनेकà¥à¤¶à¤¨ देने के समà¥à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§ में महोदय , पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¥à¥€ को पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ वैदेही विहार पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ न 9 , Jarauli Phase 2 Kanpur 208027 (KDA plot, near brahamkumari degree college, barra) पर निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ कारà¥à¤¯ करना है पर सीवर लाइन न होने के कारण पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¥à¤°à¥€ निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ कारà¥à¤¯ नहीं करा पा रहा है जिसके कारण पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¥à¤°à¥€ को आरà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤• नà¥à¤•à¤¸à¤¾à¤¨ के साथ साथ देरी भी हो रही है। सीवर लाइन डालने का आदेश दे जिससे की पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¥à¤°à¥€ निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ कारà¥à¤¯ शà¥à¤°à¥‚ कर सके पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¥à¥€ पियूष शà¥à¤•à¥à¤²
सà¥à¤¨à¥€à¤² कà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤° सिंह
Apr 20, 2024

दो सà¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¥€à¤Ÿ लाइट खराब हो गई है

मैडम/ महोदय, तेरह नंबर पà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤¯à¤¾, यशोदा नगर पर (मे० शिव कृपाल गà¥à¤ªà¥à¤¤à¤¾ सà¥à¤Ÿà¥€à¤² पाइप शाप कारà¥à¤¨à¤° के समीप लगे) दो सà¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¥€à¤Ÿ लाइट खराब हो गई है, जिसे कृपया ठीक कराने हेतॠकृपया आपसे निवेदन है। धनà¥à¤¯à¤µà¤¾à¤¦à¥¤ भवदीय सà¥à¤¨à¥€à¤² कà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤° सिंह, 13 नमà¥à¤¬à¤° पà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤¯à¤¾, सूरज आइसकà¥à¤°à¥€à¤® के समीप, के बà¥à¤²à¥‰à¤•, वारà¥à¤¡ नंबर 95, जोन,2, यशोदा नगर, कानपà¥à¤°à¥¤


Overall (0 out of 5)


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Respected Sir, Mera Naam ANAND KUMAR SHARMA S/o Sri Bal Govind Sharma . 127/450, K.D.A. Colony Arra Bingawan. mandi samiti, Naubasta, kanpur (u.p.) hai. Sir Mere Ghar Ke Saamne Ek Society Ka Inlegal Plot hai Jiske Owner Raj Kumar Pandey Aur Ved Prakash Diwedi Hai. Jisne Mere ghar par na rahne par par chori se Apne Seevar Chamber Ka Pipe Mere Seevar Chamber. mai jod diya hai jo inlegal hai. Raj kumar pandey se Shikayat karne par jaan se maarne ki Kosish Ki . Sir, meri aapse Kindly Request Hai ki aap iska sangyan le. mere dawara Nagar Nigam Ke Sri Nagar Aayuk ko prathana patra bhi diya hai lekin koi karyawahi nahi hui hai. aapki mahan daya hogi . Anand Kumar Sharma S/o Shri Bal Govind Sharma 127/450, k.d.a. colony, Arra Bingawan, Mandi Samiti, Naubasta ,KanpurWard Number 62 sanigawan road pole number 844 and 845have no streetlights there are tobe darker in the nightEntire Defence Colony Jajmau Kanpur s streets are being maintained and refurbished except half street between D 196 to D188. Street Lights are also defunct Kindly register Complaint and do the needful Vohra / Irshad Alam/ Tandon/ MisraUnauthorised Dumping yard of KABAR made in Domestic area of Tiranga Chauraha Mangla vihar 2 Kanpur. This may take any Unnatural accident. So I request to appropriate authority to take action please to avoid such accident for safety of people's of living area. 2. All turning poit of 60 fit road incroched by people and taking the rent ,where as that lands belongs to Nager Nigam zone 2 Government.So sir please take immediate action may please be taken for the safety of people's of this area .User charges may be ask such people's for the indirect support of Nager Nigam Kanpurविषय: Zone -3 ,वैदेही विहार पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ न 9 (KDA पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ ) में सीवर लाइन डलवाना /कनेकà¥à¤¶à¤¨ देने के समà¥à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§ में महोदय , पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¥à¥€ को पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ वैदेही विहार पà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤Ÿ न 9 , Jarauli Phase 2 Kanpur 208027 (KDA plot, near brahamkumari degree college, barra) पर निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ कारà¥à¤¯ करना है पर सीवर लाइन न होने के कारण पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¥à¤°à¥€ निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ कारà¥à¤¯ नहीं करा पा रहा है जिसके कारण पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¥à¤°à¥€ को आरà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤• नà¥à¤•à¤¸à¤¾à¤¨ के साथ साथ देरी भी हो रही है। सीवर लाइन डालने का आदेश दे जिससे की पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¥à¤°à¥€ निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ कारà¥à¤¯ शà¥à¤°à¥‚ कर सके पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¥à¥€ पियूष शà¥à¤•à¥à¤²KMC, Kanpur: How to File a Complaint to Kanpur Municipal Corporation?